Kemono friends


Other urls found in this thread:オリジナルドラマ「じゃぱりまんがり」(監督・脚本:たつき).ass



The /u/ general keeps track of everything. You can check there.


What the fuck happened to her nose?


Why is there a /u/ general when the main character is a boy?

Just went and found the drama translation, didn't know there was one. Thanks /u/.


She was the victim of a rogue neo-cubist.

>tfw when only just realized that Jaguar is Yui

I like how Aurochs' tie looks like a big tongue.

What tipped you off?


She's also Miho, which then I realized Jaguar is closer to her actual voice

Hm, a theme.


zona is cute!

Ironically, her wakaran, which definitely is more Yui sounding than the rest of her performance in KF. I had episode 2 running as background noise while I did other stuff, heard the wakaran, and for a split second thought I had someone opened up Yuyushiki.

Yeah, there's a Yuyushiki drama CD where you can hear her just talking normally, and her voice is much deeper than I first expected.

>Arai and Fennec save PPP from an army of Boss with the pedal cart

But I don't understand as to where do Japari Buns come from

Are you sure?

You know, I know I at least kind of laughed at how simple some of Kaban's solutions were, but if Serval couldn't even figure out you could lift a transparent flap and pull out a map, they must have seemed like arcane wizardry to her.

Why dos /u/ even care about that stuff? I thought it was just a porn dump board.



Serval is just a peasant cat living in savannah backwater. Closer to shore, Hakase and Friends set up stage for idolshit, foxes and capy manage onsen, all campo hotel residents has careers.

Someone should make a video and time it with some fanart as a background then upload it somewhere.

Seeing how horribly in disrepair some of the park equipment is, but all Lucky Beasts are fine, I think these guys care for thesmleves.
Albeit it's hard to imagine that given just how every issue on the path was met with Lucky-kun simply locking up.

The Park Central friends were spawning as doctors, chemists, and engineers beyond even the Owls level.

Same thoughts, timing is a huge pain in the ass. So a gracious friend would have to donate his time to the effort.

Doggy style

>Alien Covenant

The dialogue is already timed.オリジナルドラマ「じゃぱりまんがり」(監督・脚本:たつき).ass


>tfw Missionary to Japari Park


>Huge fan of Tomboys
>reject long haired girls by default because boring
>absolutely love her design
I'm so confused as to what I like

Why is Kaban so smug?

Grey Wolf so cute. I need more of her.

I wish they'd kept Roadrunner's original art.

The most powerful friend.

I think Jaguar might be your girl.


Get in

Which friend would be best at basketball?

I like her gloves.

Hito power


That's not smug, it's a smile of genuine happiness.

I think you know.

You're a foolish neophyte if you think long hair and tomboys are mutually exclusive.



After all these months I'm still not too sure why the elevens think the police assault theme from payday sounds like the cerulean theme.

Giraffe has the height but not the hustle. Her layup is all she's good for.



It sounds kinda similar to me.

Which friend would chuck threes?

I played the Cerulean theme while playing PAYDAY 2 once, it surprisingly fit quite well.


I should get an American flag belt buckle.

Kaban or Otter has the hand-eye coordination.



I would like to see how a newborn Friend gets integrated into society.

For extra feels make it about Aardwolf.



>Both foxes sleeping
Too cute


Oh no.

>Arai-san can into space noda!

Steam organ version of Star Trek theme plays

Why IS Arai the one used to mascot a space ship ride?

I just don't know. You have to be Stallman to not find this horrifying.

Did the guidebook article on Friend generations confirm the manga came before the game in the timeline? Because I feel like it would make more sense if it happened after you win in the game...

This is what happens when you don't install them properly.

>Battle of the Beasts
This has got to be the anime OST of the decade

Are there even scans for Volume 3?

I even call the entire episode the Shogun 2 episode.
It just fits so damn great.

That war flute is an OP instrument, I tell you.

Only a couple photos going around.

non-moon filename and track info version when
it's not even that I can't read them, my mp3 player shits itself trying to process runes

I don't understand why they named the tracks けもの達のX instead of something like フレンズのX
You're welcome.




Then use a good player like VLC.


I mean the kind you carry in your pocket.


>bandages on his fin

What did he mean by this?

Also, is that Margay fangasming in the bottom right?

He cut himself while cooking for the owls.
And almost definitely.

You can carry your phone in your pocket.

Can't you just edit the MP3 versions using a computer? What player are you using that can't handle moonrunes or flac anyway?


You can just convert them to mp3 if flac doesn't work for ya.
