U rage u lose
U rage u lose
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Fuck off you retarded Leaf, and quit bumping your /thread. KYS
>It doesn't affect you if gays get married and adopt
>and lesbos don't even spread AIDS
Faggots make me want to vomit
I choose to live in a world where the husband found this post, immediately divorced her, won bigly in the divorce court, and is now banging some 22 year old fertile aryan while she crashes on her apartment couch eating ice cream because she jumped on that work cock carousel only to find she wasn't dating material whatsoever for anyone above a solid 6.
I do this instead of rage.
I don't save pics that make me angry so have a scoopspost instead
im not going to post a sarcastic, or a rude comment back to u. I understand how Sup Forums works and ur just trying to 'win' by getting me to be angry first! Haha! Not so!
Ur dead mother rotting is funny though
she's going to get burned. how do women not get this