Which is better? Haruhi order or Kyon order?
Which order?
Yuki order.
Endless eight, 1900 times in a row.
The proper broadcast order, i.e. season 1 in broadcast order, then both seasons chronologically.
You watch season one twice to make up for the fact that season three is not coming ever.
The best order.
Skip both seasons and go straight to the movie
>skip straight to Disappearance of Nagato Yuki
Haruhi order with an immediate rewatch of haruhi order so you can better understand somethings.
haruhisky order
crunchyroll order
Novels are the original material, they are in chronological order, hence chronological is the proper order.
The Rampage of H.S. which contains Endless Eight and the Day of Sagittarius is the fifth book, while Disappearance is the fourth, so no, the novels are all over the place too except in a different way.
Chronological is better.
The novels are not in chronological order, that's why KyoAni did all this shit with the anime.
Watch it in broadcast order, it's way more interesting.
S2 order.
disappearance, s2, nyoron, then s1
Each story arc in LNs is told in a linear order so each mystery is introduced and wrapped up in a single book (obviously excluding the most recent ones). Broadcast order "forced" confusion by splitting all the arcs apart which resulted in hard to follow plot and character development (latter being one of the reasons the casual fans thinks Haruhi is a huge bitch despite her personality clearly changing over the series).
If the story is originally written in that way like Baccano and Durarara then there's nothing woring with it, but with Haruhi it adds absolutely nothing. Anyone is free to watch the thing in broadcast order, but you can not ignore the fact that it's from 2006, lacking a whole cour's worth of episodes and an excellent movie.
both shit
00 then chronological order.
The order where you don't watch haruhi and watch something good instead.
Both are good but not perfect unlike Disappearance
KyoAni did it that way because Melancholy was the only arc that had a satisfying ending but there was not enough content to extend it to 14 episodes by itself. They did not want Some Day in the Rain to be the last episode.
Someday in the Rain wouldn't have been the last if they followed chronological order too bad because it's a goat finale
Came here to post this.
Kyon order, it partially obscures the mediocricity of the show for first-time viewers
>(latter being one of the reasons the casual fans thinks Haruhi is a huge bitch despite her personality clearly changing over the series).
Except that haruhi is a huge bitch during 90% of Melancholy, while she isn't in the rest of S1 material.
If you do chronological order you have 5 and a half episodes of cunt haruhi in a row, with broadcast its only 3
Back when only S1 existed kyon order was objectively way better because it worked better as an overall dramatic structure, and does a really good job of subtly building characters because characters vaugely reference things that "already happened" and you have to draw conclusions on it (instead of haruhi order where you just get infodumped in the first 6 episodes and then its just random stuff)
with S2 and the movie haruhi order works a lot better
Any order where the first episode isn't adventures of mikuru asahina is wrong. That's objectively one of the best first episodes ever
I watched the first season and the re-broadcast. I could swear that the Library scene with Kyon and Nagato was longer in the original broadcast. Am I insane or did they change things in the re-broadcast?
BRs changed a couple of scenes iirc.