WTF I hate laughing muslims now!!!

Dude locked himself out naked when taking trash outside. The wind blow shut the door and he almost stopped it throwing his underwear he was holding in his hands.
So he called security guards for help but they laugted at him instead. He couldn't turn off the video intercom and had to cover his bad looking body. Poor guy

full video here:

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he was taking the trash out naked and the security guards caught him.

If these guys were white, you wouldn't give a fuck. Shit bait.

>Poor guy

I for once agree with this ugly inbred laughing muslims. Such idiots of society should be laughed at

Well because it wouldn't be so humiliating if it was white guys xd in this case muslims are the tops and he's the bottom

ok then

>taking out trash naked, throwing his underwear about
Based Muslim security guards desu, this guy deserved everything he got

they could have called the police. only a criminal deviant would go outside naked to take the trash out or ant other reason.

Also he demanded that they've opened the door for him even tho he couldn't prove he lived there. So they did right with not helping but not with laughing

Good, it teaches that white degenerate fuck to put some clothes on. In fact, I would call up the biggest nigger I know to go "help" him out if you know what I mean.

It would looked funny with that tiny ass of his