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Darwinism in action.
If you tell kids not to then they'll do it twice as hard.
The only way to stop them is by having adults do it to. ;)
I think if they want the kids to stop they should ridicule them
Being laughed at and called a retarded faggot by adults really puts things into perspective
Is this real? or is this like those articles that came out when I was in college that talked about how buttchugging was widespread at universities when it was really only like 3 pledges getting hazed
This, 100%
So stupid teens don't make kids, I think that's a win
Because it gets them attention.
>he doesn't buttchug jenkem
the buttchugging epidemic was real, just grossly under reported in the reports you read because universities try to cover their ass.
do these things really kill you? i kinda wanna try them.
They're actually pretty delicious to chew on while you're just sitting around tbqh
By the way, your Iphone is microwave proof.
It's mostly niggers and spics trying to make fahnny vines.
You should absolutely do it leaf
Natural selection
Season your delicious Tide Pod TM with tasty Silica for an optimal guilt-free afternoon treat
Now I understand why they said in every commercial that the pods should be keep away from children.
Vine isn't even a thing any more retard
am i the only who has been enlightened by this problem? i realize now that the reason i need to actually argue with and explain to these people tht there are only two genders is because they're genuinely this stupid. if they're stupid enough to eat tide pods, even after being told they're poisonous, then obviously they're gonna be stupid enough to think "theres 50 different genders and anyone who says differently is a bigot who must be put down".
are tide pods killing SJWs?
are tide pods /ourpods/?
I never came across it once. But maybe i just didn't hang out with degenerates enough
It's Meet the Mets, not Eat the Mets!
P&G is a SJW company. Some anons campaigned to fuck with them.
Some of the proof
They also produced a anticop video few months ago. Not to sell a product, just to SJW it up.
is for wash
>not a nigger or spic
How about you shut the fuck up and let them go viral.
it wasn't degenerates that do it, it was the non-degenerates. hazing and stuff like that is normally done by the people who have their shit together. they use it as a punishment and a test of loyalty to the pledge, not as a lifestyle or something they enjoy like actual degenerates.
like it's degenerate if you're supposed to ENJOY the butt chugging, not if the buttchugging is set up as something unpleasant that you're supposed to suffer through to prove your loyalty.
This is all propaganda to make Americans look stupid.
no, it's a global problem.
Thats why i said it was only the pledges i heard about it happening to. We didnt do it to ours and I never saw regular people doing it so I always figured the articles were overblown.
It was a very well executed campaign by some anons
Just big soap hitting the competition.
Are those at least bio?
best post in thread and no one else gave ((you))s, sad.
I see it as more of an existential crisis for them.
>Be kid with SJW parents.
>"Son, or daughter (whichever you feel like today, no judgement) your moms and I have decided to talk to you today about being aware of your privilege and ..."
>19 more hours of cutural marxism before you're allowed to go play with the neighbor's kids pre-selected as the darkest and poorest in their two gay dad's basement safe space.
>Tide pod starts looking like a magical whirlpool to dive into and be whisked to a land of adventure.
Stupid AW kids do stupid things, you can't stop them.
The worst we had here was a fade of choking game in middle school for a few years.
>humiliating yourself to prove your loyalty to some dumb student association no well adjusted person would care about
oh yeah, no, i mean it was a hazing thing. the buttchugging was a hazing thing, not recreational. back when the buttchugging epidemic happened, our society had not turned full degenerate yet, the way it has now.
in the context of 2018, if you heard a problem like that you would naturally assume it's homos on college campuses doing it for fun, but back then it was naturally assumed it was only hazing pledges, cuz people thought no normal person would do that.
scary cuz it wasn't that long ago, that's how fast our society has changed.
fuck if thats my life I would snort Drano
They stopped production of the tide pods.
All they achieved was to make them more valuable and sought-after.
Now people rush to eBay to buy them, so they can guilty chew on this piece of forbidden fruit.
yeah maybe they're just so detached from personal accountability and consequences for their actions, they're just so INSULATED that they aren't mentally capable of connecting the idea of consequences to actions.
It hasn't stopped your shitposting, has it you retarded faggot?
uhhhh no, hazing is potentially even more of a problem in europe.
Man that was so much worse in my mind than when I googled it, Jeez.
Fake news, they are their best sellers, and they have not stopped production
I blame the rise of social media. I got out right before it really took off. I wouldnt want to step foot at a college campus these days for anything other than a tailgate.
The fuck are tide pods?
Gen Z will save the world, guys.
Or kids have always done retarded shit and telling them not to only invokes the "fuck you mum and dad" response.
They'll grow up and cringe at how much of a retarded faggot they were back then, or they'll poison themselves and die. Either way works.
Don't ask, eat, you have been challenged!
Darwanism in action. Also sage.
It gets you high, but it's better if you snort it. My local store is sold out of Tide Pods but I can still buy online.
i think social media has a lot to do with it, for sure, but as another user pointed out, people growing up today are very insulated from the idea that their own actions come with consequences, and i think that's why things like buttchugging and eating tidepods can become popular. and yeah, i would never send my only children to college at this point.
new drug in the US
The new jenkem.
Does Europe even have your dumb Delta Kappa Nigga fraternity/sorority nonsense in any real sense? I haven't seen it in Australia
It always finds a way, doesn't it? Today is a good day to be alive. I think I'll go make myself a nice cup of herbal tea and pass on the dish soap packets.
no dude, the idea that things are culturally the same now as they always were is just provably bunk in every way. we do live in unprecedented times, and you need to accept that and all of the uncertainty that comes with that. and unprecedented times lead to unprecedented behavior. that's what you're seeing. there's never been anything in the past like a "tide pod eating epidemic". there were stupid things for certain, but never anything THIS fucking stupid. this is a new recipient for the all-time Darwin awards.
They look like candy
who cares what a couple niglets, this is sensationalist bullshit, stop making fucking threads on it
It will be a good thing if all of them that do it die. Same for retards that mutilate their ears with nigger hoop earrings, if only they'd all get an infection with a super bug because of it.
true. I hope we sort our shit out but Im not holding my breath
At least jenkem is bio.
this is a really stupid issue to try to turn into a nationalistic thing. this sort of thing happens across all cultures and goes back to some of the primal switches for group belonging that exist in the human brain. and yes, it even happens in australia, despite your dumb claims that it doesn't.
Yeah, it's called traumatic bonding. Stockholm Syndrome is one example. The military also does this shit to you. It's how some abusive relationships go on forever.
they're little plastic capsules of laundry detergent so that you can just grab one and throw it in with your laundry with no effort.
it's the Russians again
I'm not turning it into a "nationalistic" issue, it's just that I haven't seen it during my time at uni and the only place I know of it being a real thing from is American college comedy from the 90's. Guess my uni is just an exception.
That's just the internet making acess to and disemmination of information easier. The shit they actually get up to is no more or less retarded - you just actually hear about it and that leads to wider adoption of the trend.
For example, back in my day there was a game the kids had of hyperventilating on purpose as fast as you can and running around untill you literally pass out. The longer for the better. Probably gave a few brain damage.
Just had to solve about 20 captchas in a row to post this. WTF google...
>trying explaining things to an australian
pic related (you)
Putin developed new drug to addict American youth to Kremlin for some reason.
>hyperventilating on purpose as fast as you can and running around untill you literally pass out. The longer for the better. Probably gave a few brain damage.
That used to happen in my school as well. Until one student passed out for too long.
These kids get to vote in the next presidential election.
I remember that.
Having someone press on your chest helped. Also helped me grab tit, which is basically what it was all about.
seriously without even having been there i can almost promise you that your college isn't an exception, it only happens to you though if you go to join some kind of group, like a fraternity. beyond that they try to keep it on the DL and the universities, who are always so quick to jump on their moral pulpit and lecture us all, usually are complicit in covering injuries, crimes and even deaths up, to avoid embarrassment.
it's my limited understanding that you guys don't really have "fraternities" per say, but i'm sure you still have social groups that naturally form among people, and so this stuff happens.
Twitter bots, killer squids, and now tide pods. putins treachery knows no bounds.
All leaf should do it
>he hasn’t taken the tide pod pill
>americans aren't dumb
>this is all russian propaganda
Fucking butt chugging. Holy shit I'm dead.
That's natural enough. If whimps let themselves quote "be destroyed" by a hazing where people in a dining hall shout at you then that person can go fuck themselves for all I care.
that's definitely stupid and i've never denied that kids weren't always stupid but i'd say two things 1) the internet makes access to the warnings and dangers more available, which makes it even worse when they do things like this anyway and 2) that game, which i've heard of before, isn't nearly as stupid as eating fucking dish detergent, sorry. lol. as another poster kind of pointed out, kids stopped playing that game once they found out how dangerous it could be.
by contrast, eating the tidepods is something that all of these kids DO consciousnessly know can be deadly.
you really are wrong dude. our society has changed so much. it's a mistake for you to just stick your head in the sand and say "everything is the same as it always was". i wish that were true, but humanity's place in the world has just changed so drastically over the last few decades, and our culture / breeding practices / parenting practices along with it. nothing is the same as it was before, IMO.
>these news
you know, it was boggling my mind what humanity would do with these new kinds of degeneracies...
but just like my gut told me for a long time (listen to you gut, kiddos) those people will just kill themselves and un-breed themselves out of existence
fair enough lol. maybe picture related is me.
carrying a burning mattress up a hill? come on man. you're cherrypicking information in that article and you know it. maybe picture related is you too.
Can we get all liberals to do the tide pod challenge. Make it the compulsory way to prove your liberalism..?
if you market it as "white privilege detergent" and say that it will erase white privilege from your body and turn you into a black woman, then maybe.
t. Degenerate trying to rationalize his degeneracy
>you're not supposed to like taking dicks up your asshole, if you don't enjoy it, it isn't gay!!
Faggy little snowflake.
no, not my degeneracy, i never joined a frat. i'm just pointing out the difference between the two groups of people. i'm sorry you are too small minded to understand differences between different things.
t. guy who prob never even leaves his basement.
Tell your mummy, precious.
I snack oh these when doing laundry, no idea what the big deal is desu, they taste good and you feel a little sick and sometimes you throw up but then it passes. No worse than 50% of supermarket food
Butt chugging huh
Because it's cool to do, like playing hitler while your grand(grand)father died fighting him.
american supremacy
>tfw this and other shit (including covert sterilization & feminization programs) will help the low IQ and non-whites to cull themselves
Praise KEK
what did they mean by this
Fake news?