Polish Newsweek: Viktor Orban building "Miniature Russia" in Hungary
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newsweek more like newspeak
more like Jewspeak, amirite faggots?
Look at their smiles, Orban knows he's gonna get fucked
Why does Poland care if Hungary want better realations with Russia?
I think that all Europe is tired of warmongering Poland.
bend over, your tiger too
Here you go pal :)
What does that funny triangular symbol with something like an eye inside and the lettering IHS underneath it mean?
that funny thing is what defended europe from caliphatization for the last 1000years
It's short for Jesus in greek
They parrot everything USA tells them to.
Thanks. Didn't know that, am reading about it now.
It means you'll be our 51st state.
poland: pro american civic nationalist
hungary: pro russian white nationalist
"based poland" is a meme
You aren't even from USA.
compared to united kangdom almost everything is based
Dude, nobody cares about Russia.
Orban is clever politician. Russia is in isolation. He'll pretend to be Putin's buddy, Hungary will get shitload of Russian credits. Will never pay back. Profit.
Only China is real alternative to the US. You're pretty much irrelevant with your obsolete economy. You cannot manufacture jack shit. All military tech you've got is a leftover of Soviet research.
this kek
imagine having a muslim capital
Ekhm ... I heard some stories about Oslo. Some say it looks like Baghdad.
It's better to us if you will think like that.
Does this mean that alcohol and tobacco will finally become cheaper?
True hurts.
Typical hungover after losing the empire.
priorities set right
No, people with mentality "I'm a fucking idiot and don't know shit" is better for us to deal with.
Hehe ... Hungarians based as usual!
Your capital is 55% Muslim.
Your country is nothing but big petrol/gas station.
You import EVERYTHING.
You have African level HIV epidemy.
Your population declines.
You're getting replaced, excatly like Europeans, by Uzbeks, Turkmens etc.
You're fucking dirt poor.
Hungary doesn't have oil or gas. Has higher GDP than Russia.
End of story. Orban will grab your money, pimp the fence on the border and tell you to fuck off.
And don't get me wrong. I'd like to see strong Russia as it used to be before 1917 when Russian Empire was 4th world's economy. Strong Russia would be great to pressure Chinese. But in your current state? Bullying retarded Ukrainians is everything what you can do.
>Polish Newsweek
Yeah nah, it belongs to Germans.
>2 Slav countries coalaborating
wew they're so evil for not being an american colony like pooland
>mfw China just passed Russia in GDP per capita
Europeans will share a border with China in your lifetime. How does this make you all feel?
China and Russia could form a Eurasian federation (led by chongs of course).
why do you think of yourselves so poorly?
Spicy bant, m80.
>Being so white that your ass is lighter than light itself while fucking Stalin
poland kun is jealous
Russia deserves to be the natural leader of Europe
I'd really like to live in a world where Euros are bitching about somebody else other than America for a change
lmaoing @the mutt complex, no one cares about you one bit
Don't worry EU bitching enough about Russia. Imagine the butthurt when we didn't buy nuclear power plant from the west but from Russia.
>inb4 (((hungarian))) hackers
oh my sides cant take it
newsweek is an arm of neo-liberal americanism.
>AKA Clinton
>AKA [insert any neo-con/neo-liberal]
A ruski should know better about political subversion.
They say it like it's a bad thing
Soros/Deep State founded "Polish" newspaper try to divide white erhnostates...
>Jews sow discord between poles and hungarians
Wow, who could see this coming?
>implying hungary could possibly be fucked anymore after the last 100 years
Don’t ever let these fags into Visegrad, bro.
V4 4d chess is worth appreciation. When Germany have some issues with one of our countries we send Czechs, when Russians have some issues we send Hungarians, when burgers want something we send Poles. Now we just have to mate Slovaks with China and we are superpower by 2030
>not a way to combat climate change
I don't understand how can EU be this stupid. Like it's better to burn coal and destroy villages and churches to get more coal like in Germany
Don't worry we are covering China too.
>Polish Newsweek
Why are Polish people so pro EU? Do they need a larger dictatoric regine ruling over them because they aren't able to rule themselves?