Little Witch Academia

Muh Dick

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first for facebook memes

I want to punch her.

Why is this acceptable in generals?

Previously on Little Witch Academia

You can't leave Croix alone for just one second
>eats instant ramen all day
>wears fucking sweater and sweatpants to everything
>shut-in NEET
>probably hates everyone

cuz generals


Now I understad why did they made a new flag for faggotry content.

Honestly, she looks like Bedman from guilty gear.

What would the best final scene of LWA be? I'd say something along the lines of
>Ursula, in high spirits, preparing herself to receive students at the start of a new school year and as she's looking at them arrive she spots Akko, who is now in her 2nd year, flying towards the school on her broom and she waves at her.

>Masturbates to Chariot lewds

>next episode, starring Andrew

Her Dick

>giving her most valued possession to Akko
Basically asking for marriage at this point.

Where are the subs?


>Croix will never look at you like this
Why even live

I'm a bit sad for how they have reduced my favorite character.

I just wanted cute witch adventures that explored a greater world of magic as Akko came to believe in herself and experience new and wonderful things.

Chariotte could have just been the stage name of a washed up celebratiy looking to just start over and ends up bonding with her student. Remember all those cute ED cards of her taking them on road trips or putting a blanket over Akko.

Why couldn't we get that.


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Oh shit, no Opening in episode 23 ??

On a scale of 0 to -10, how much do they make up for neglecting other characters?

At this point they should just skip the opening for more content

There is.

and ending

Stop not wanting Trigger to go bankrupt.

Because Yoshinari wants darker LWA, this is why LWA gets edgy starting from episode 15, 21 & onwards.


>Croix tells Chariot that her believing heart is magic
What went wrong.
How did such a promising young girl become such a bitter NEET?

UrsulaxAkko is dead, she has officially left her in Diana's hands. Ursula will ditch Akko at the end of the show and run away because she's a coward.

>"What? You gonna kiss me or something?"

Well I don't like it so fuck that guy


Chariot decided to whore herself out on stage rather than trying to find the last word

What would kissing Croix be like?

That's a pretty hot outfit for shiny

Barbara is for plump rumps, Hannah is for nice feet!


Would taste like salt and MSG

So this episode is more talk & less action like Episode 19 ??

Did Diana restore Akko's yay ?

Did Sucy & Lotte still relevant ?

Did this episode ends with cliffhanger ? explain it.

Chariot looks like someone in her early 20s

Croix has done literally NOTHING wrong.


A-user this is a blue board

Beat the dykes and rape them till they're straight.
Shut up German midget.

It would taste like the broth of the noodles she ate an hour ago, salty because she didn't wipe her mouth, but her skin would smell nice because she's been using Chariot's facial wash.

>bothering with washing her face when she can't even be bothered to put on a bra when going outside.


She taught Akko to believe in her who believes in Akko


Yes, Croix and Ursula about to fight

I really loved that opening Chariot music

soundtrack when

>thought Ursula will have a heroic reason for fucking up the moon
>she just went full EGAO mode since the crowd was bored
>doesn't even have the guts to find Akko
Jesus christ.

She didnt move in with me.

So we know Barbara is a dork in her spare time, reading and stuff. What do you think Hannah does?

Does have panties though? What kind

This it's not dark. It's a Latin American Melodrama. Dark means more serious things.

If I had meet highschooler Croix, I would have fucked the lesbian out of her and nothing would have gone wrong

You thought Akko or Diana were yayless? Ursula got by on 10% for a decade, then gained 5% when she got to help Akko. Now she's completely drained and unlike Akko or Diana she has no one to try and restore it.

This episode confirmed that Ursula just has zero self esteem, even back when she was shiny Chariot.
Like they said, Akko's imagination of her idols will crumble before her.

Is Akko in this episode at all?

see Chariot will run away before Akko even gets the chance to confront her, she is a worthless idol and an even worse teacher.


So you just fuck her while shes thinking about Chariot. Nice plan user


Is there any link for the Raw version?

>there are only two (2) LWA doujins

Ah no, it's okay. Everyone can have some problems during their first time. What matters is you tired!

Because Croix didn't really mean it when she said it. She didn't believe in Chariot and didn't really care about the Seven Words.

>implying user could compete with the chariot bodygame

shes not gonna ever think about Chariot again after I make her ahegao all night

Of course.

Wow, they really rushed through the friendship moments and all that was left was antagonism



And here I thought the adult witch teachers were incompetent. Croix and Ursula managed to fuck up harder than I thought possible.

>We truly are the Little Witch Academia


>thought Ursula will have a heroic reason for fucking up the moon

Before the spoilers, I was convinced that there was something on the Moon, and to hit that, Chariot had to steal the energy from his audience because she did not have enough power. Finding that it was all about frustration is ... unexpected.

But that was way before they got the rod.
Croix would have no reason to tutor Chariot and motivate her if she didn't genuinely consider her a friend.
It only started to break down once Chariot got the rod and fucked around with shows instead of seriously trying to revive magic.

Netflix hadn't let him to made it a new berserk. They ordered a kid show, so that's what they hed to deliver.

Little witches suffer from an IQ drop as they become big witches.

Will we get to see firemode auh-shu-lah sensei?

Will we get to see her fire crotch?

pls Trigger I need it

>Akko will burn her entire Chariot fan collection

Because that's all both Chariot and Ursula remembers now. Whatever good feelings they had left for each other was gone after last episode's reveal by Croix.

it looks like she's having some vietnam flashbacks

Its not her first time being bad in bed

Who do the best subs for LWA? I've only seen episodes 1 and 2, and have used Deadfish, but they've stopped uploading since Nyaa went down the other months (now Nyaa's back they don't seem to have returned).

I can't watch on Netflix because I'm in the UK

Croix just cant compete with all those men Chariot fucks on a daily basis

And how exactly are they suppose to revive magic? It's not like any of them had any idea on how to unlock the seventh word. For all we know, magic tricks could have been the step Chariot needed to unlock it.

If that were the case, "what she did to the moon" as Croix ominously puts, would have been nothing to be ashamed of.
I thought it was obvious that it was caused by some miscalculation or something in someway going awry.

I just didn't think it would be something as mundane as what we got.

Deadfish aren't subbers user.
They just reencode the files for toasters.

where you been mate?


Can I get some happy Akko pics, please?

For all the grievence I have with the anime, I do appreciate that they made a flawed individual feel flawed. It's not what I expected, but I can seriously understand how both Ursula and Croix end up the way they are now.

She likes to play pretend, it's why she's so good at kissing practice

>Ursula just has zero self esteem
Akko isn't really that different, deep down.


I really, REALLY have a strong urge to kick her to the ground

People still watch this?