Found me a conservative girlfriend with a strong family, non drinking, non smoking, and non cursing

Found me a conservative girlfriend with a strong family, non drinking, non smoking, and non cursing.

How do I tell her about the jews?

a fukken leaf

let her find out for herself
be subtle

Is she a virgin? If the answer is no she's not a conservative and you should try again.

Fuck of, CUC11uyS


Thats a very sly way of camoflaging youself, Ahmed.


Good just making sure. Just start slow, start with redpilling her about marxism and how that has destroyed society. Then after you redpill her on marxism show her who was behind marxism and such.

The Jewish connection is absolutely undeniable. After that showing her the truth about Jews and Freemasons and whatever else will be easy.

When it comes to stuff people consider conspiracies always start with something small.

Don't be autistic like me and make her watch "the greatest story never told" with you the second time you hangout

She's still interested in me but i was fucking pushing it

No fucking way there is a virgin female in Canada.
Were I'm from they get a blow bang by twelve.

Take that as a warning

Holy fuck you absolute madman. I've redpilled people on some shit people consider massively crazy but just fucking straight up showing someone a documentary like that, that soon.

You must live in a nice not so brainwashed area or are a semi chad if she didn't get freaked out and lost interest.

Don't call (((them))) jews, call them (((rich fucks))), (((manipulatory media))), (((bankers))) and whatever.

After she realises these groups are actually connected and not having the interests of others at heart, reveal how they all have in common to be jewish, because that's quaking crazy, jimbo.

The south as a whole is vastly conservative and already redpilled on race realism. It's actually common to hear someone say nigger in public

Not common but to the point where you're not surprised when you hear the word

This, but go even more subtle. Bring up the connections to the ((globalists)) but make her figure out the answers herself. She needs to be able to make the connections . I would say don't even bring up the jews until she is very, very aware.

The hardest part is the holocaust

I'm envious my dude. I live in California, finding a girl here is impossible. I've met plenty of nice girls in Middle America but I can't afford to move. Knowing there's a promised land out there with white women who aren't shallow and with good conservative values is what keeps me going.

I'll get there someday...hopefully.

very reasonably when the moment feels natural and don't seem overly intense or crazy.

Don't man, I know we've been desensitized on Sup Forums but if you bring that shit up you will probably lose her. I wouldn't even bother with alt-lite either. You have to take baby steps with this, maybe Dawkins videos on immigration/Islam first. Dawkins is really baby-tier but it suffices enough to show some problems with religions... even if all they do is say LE MAGICAL SKY JEW.

>non drinking

No real conservative is against drinking, or smoking for that matter

She's a slut in hiding.

Maybe if you're trying to conserve is a shorter lifespan.

maybe not but how many "real conservatives" are flawed humans? a good christian would be against drinking and smoking, and they would be all the better and more pure for it.

Imo it's one of the best places to live.
>Its not ridiculously expensive
>Super cheap (in the more rural areas especially)
>depending education/trade/etc, you could easily make 70k-100k a year
>People are vastly conservative (literally see trump stickers/signs/ flags everywhere it feels like)
>southern hospitality
>Bible belt so literally everyone is a Christian

>conservative girlfriend with a strong family, non drinking, non smoking, and non cursing
oh lord

What's the best state to live in in the south?

I've never met a hardworking person who doesn't enjoy a drink from time to time. And although I'm against tobacco I don't see why I should be bother about if an adult does it.

Evangelicalism with their whole "no drinking, smoking or dancing too close together" attitude just leads to degeneracy sooner or later