Palestinian state

Should we give the Palestinians a state? Do they even deserve it?
They have killed lots of isrseli civilians (non war related) and are a threat to the country. Even so, we still give them resources to live a minimal life. What will happen if they will be individual? How long will they last? Will there be peace?

Palestinians have a state, it's called Israel. They have lived there for thousands of years. Israelis are European immigrants of Khazar descent with no relation to ancient Hebrews.

Fuck you

They deserve it much more than your filthy thief jew. You are the scourge of this planet.

Fuck you! Looking down upon Muslim arabs from Palestine. Fuck you!

No. No. No.
Kill the dirty bastards.

They should have a state to finish you off you scums.

Should we gas the jews?
They have manipulated the minds of thousands of european people and made them believe all kinds of bullshit and falsehoods.
People, who have done no wrong at all. People, who are are adamant about not wanting hatred towards the jews. These people, these goodhearted fools, they have pilfered, plucked and cooked like a fucking chicken.
They are a threat to european peoples, advocating for regugees and all kinds of inane retarded shit. They control too many media outlets and form the minds of unsuspecting innocent people.
Should they keep any power? What would happen if they would be individuals and not a group? How long would they last? Would the manufacture of manipulation, disinformation, lies and obscenity go away?


Why winning a war (((they started))) isn't a good reason for a legal Israeli state?