Hillary, Snoop Dogg, Cher, Cardi B, and the legendary DJ Khaled just destroyed Donald Trump
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Why is she still free?
Yeah man, screw our duly elected president! Such a facist, amirite guys?
Too many people go down.
She would have had a heart attack by now if she wasn't half senile.
Still a sore loser I see.
Why doesn't she realise the more she bangs on about Trump, the more she's looking like a loser.
That was cringy as fuck
How will Gloomfpt ever recover??
how many years has HuffPost been losing money?
Didn't she have an election budget in tune of 1,2 billion? When Donny only spent 500 mil.
does this make Clinton the POTUS? i guess not. she can read a book during the grammys, while Trump reads the SOTU
I keep thinking the Dems/Hillary/Hollywood etc cannot double down any more on their failing narratives and angle of attack. They keep proving me wrong. Do they know they are doomed, and are just riding the coat-tails of imminent failure for one last round of money and ratings before it all fails? Is this their method of redeveloping the democratic platform, burn their old system to hell deliberately and rebuild from scratch? I am finding it hard to believe a team of hundreds of college educated, career driven leftists are collectively this dumb.
What am I missing here?
Literally nobody watched that shit.
Didn't Trump want to lock her up? Whatever happened to that and all of his other promises like building that wall?
is this piece of shit planning on running again? why is she in the media even? didn't she just sheltered another american pervert from her campaign? are her supporters really that stupid?
>Anything about Destroying The Donald
>From Huffington Post
Yeah naw, senpai
>"Person" has destroyed Donald Trump.
Since 2015, there have been 12,493 Articles with this title.
Keep it up. The vast majority of people who listen to celebrities don't bother to vote and it's off-putting to those who actually vote.
Good god id love the sauce on that
They might think they are making fun of Trump, but all they are doing is mocking the U.S and 40+ Americans that voted for Trump
I'm sure the Russians,Chinese, and North Koreans are having a good laugh of this circus show.
She has done nothing illegal.
all pedophiles
The dude who wrote the book says at the beginning that most of it is probably false and the timeline doesn’t add up, yet they still read it.
I seriously cant take this shit anymore
Trump basically pitied her so he didn't go through with the special court, and who wouldn't when you beat someone with the support of the entirety of the US Elite and establishment?
They just keep digging their own graves, incredible.
That was epic! I'm off the Trump train. Hilldawg 2020 ya'll!!!
Dems have no one else to run. Oprah is their wild card.
Personally I don't care. I voted for Trump as a 'fuck you' to the Government. I didn't care if he wins or loses, as I expected he's doing average.
No he doesn't, trumptards simply can't read properly.
Dj nonkhaled btfo
Jesus these people are mentally ill...
its was disgusting. cringy is a millenial term for something evident they were not allowed to say by the teachers, parents and priests(new priests abviously).
LEFTISTS- OMG STOP TALKING ABOUT Hillary, she's gone now.
ALSO LEFTISTS- I'm so glad Hillary showed up to the Grammys!
surprised dj khaled can read actually
why is american politics so fucking shit? Not even right wing.
ITT: Triggered Drumpfkins
BASED bump
with digits too
he was "just kidding"
This woman's not bitter no no no!
now she shills for fire and fury ...
the next election will probably see that same fury heaped on lieing dems ...
>reading from a book which the author admitted most of it isn't confirmed information
she definitely gonna feel the fire and fury ... 12 jurors are gonna have a field day !!!
if i were you, i'd have at least learned how to read. bongs don't have too much agency so i'd try to cram in some reading comprehension lessons in between Jamal fucking my gf and one of the 5 prayer times required by diversity law.
She can't help it. Just like every stupid cunt in an argument, when she loses on merit she thinks she'll win by getting in the last word.
Even left leaning outlets were widely reporting that the book was mostly bullshit.
The smell of desperation...
Man, this is a sickening display of propaganda.
I'm going to enjoy the next 7 years
Based Leaf
I can just see them rubbing their hands together and muttering something in hebrew when these cunts write these articles.
Because this is hardcore extreme propaganda on a level Goebbels couldn’t have even imagined. They are recruiting the normies to take their side when they launch their violent operations this spring and summer. War and blood loom on the horizon, this is the final recruitment phase for the left before the launch their revolution.
DAAAAAAAAAAAMN..... Man, they sure destroyed him! I dont know how he will recover in the rest of this term or the next...
What are you missing? See
bringing a gun to a knife fight
lmaoing @ you
Checks and balances and the American government happened. Do you think getting elected president with easily the most resistance in history just means you have ultimate say and no roadblocks?
Do you think the blacks know how many of their family members Hillary and her husband sent to jail on drug charges?
Their revolution wont last very long, seeing as the stupid fucks are anti-gun and repeatedly call for gun control, the only ones that have them on the left are shithead gang members. Conservatives have the weapons and ammo to wrap that shit up in a week. Let them start shit, I beg them to. But in reality it wont be an actual revolution, itll be gay ass little protest in poor neighborhoods and theyll destroy their own shit, then police will pop off tear gas and it will end
Since the beginning day
>direct linking to fucking huffingtonpost
take your ass back to r/t_d and don't forget to neck yourself.
yes, and she thought that money would beat him. there were states she just wouldn't visit during the campaign, and that is what sunk her. that and meme magic.
Is her body shrinking or is her head growing?
She called them "super predators" in a televised speech and a dozen times i n interviews. It seems memory spans a few rungs down the evolutionary latter are much much shorter.
Boy she really had the dignity and grace to be President right, guys?
How a person handles failure is a much greater teller of a person's soul. Trump has had major set backs still pushed hard to get back on top. This bitch however. Whoowee. What a cunt. She would been Merkel on steroids.
>Book is proven to be full of lies
>Pretend its real because it says bad things about Trump
the absolute state of the left
I didn't know she could read.
People still watch the AutoTune Awards?
>muh englebert bumperdink
Shut up gramps
>W-list celebrity: "drumpf is a poopyface"
Boy, I am sure tired of these reruns.
>liking nigger autotune awards shows
Shut up, Tyrone
wow I really didn't want to see that dead niggers arse user, thanks I guess.
>reading a blatant rumor bag because they want desperately to be true
If fire and fury is true that means all of these people lost to a complete idiot fuck up.
It doesn’t make hem look good
>Nazi Glumpkins wanted a gorilla channel!!!!!!!!
Because you elected a man that cannot follow through with his campaign promises
You’re wrong. The will bring in foreign troops and UN peacekeepers to fight us
Working for a political party is the definition of Selling Out
left cant meme, only imitate
Hillary - possibly the most corrupt politicial figure in history, which is a remarkable achievement if you think about it
Snoop Dogg - a black American hero that made his fortune by glorifying drug use, murder, and treating women poorly
Cher - a sentient amalgam of plastic surgery renowned for lame songs over 3 decades ago and has never come off as sane
Cardi B - never even heard of him/her; literally who?
DJ Khaled - the talentless fat guy that everyone jokingly likes for being a ridiculous walking meme?
So far all I’ve read is that a pile of society’s most useless shit-biscuits spent some time on the television crying about Trump using a debunked source of material.
To be honest those faggots with the pizza are all liberals and the swastika was shopped so that's on you for using retard pics.
>says that saving America is not going to be easy, we're in this for the long haul
>just a few months later says shit to an author that will obviously get him fired once Trump reads it
>trump fires him anyways
>"The trump presidency we fought for is over"
>proceeds to lose the alabama election
>never denies the statements made in this book, giving it 100% credibility in the mind of leftists
>completely missing the point
Well there's a switch-hitter.
>actually believing the Hilldawg memes were from the Left
Nigger, the Left is so shit at memeing, our fake Hilldawg memes are mint satire they couldn't comprehend.
>Trump reads the State of the Union as President in our nations capital
>Clinton reads a book as an unemployed guest at an awards show
wow drumpf btfo
she drags trump
she slams trump
she brings the heat
>DJ Khaled
drumpf is finished dj Khaled Is simply too powerful
Funny, why didn't she read something from her own book?