> Be Peterson
> take stand against post Modern Marxist
> Also constantly lecture about how bad hitler was (he was never a Nazi like you fucks seem to think)
> starts gaining popularity, primarily from the right because of his stances on SJWS
> does a couple of interviews about his experience with the SJWS
> rights a couple books
> does a couple interviews
> now millions of people know about him, preaching anti-left doctrine
> still to this day defends far right young men (most of us)
This dude has huge potential, we basically bred this dude too. And now that we have someone on the world stage you’re just going to turn your back on him? You’re not gonna get an adolf hitler (also, newflash, hitler fucking lost). Seeing how you faggots have turned on this dude has made me not give a shit about you, or whatever fractured cause we were fighting for. We can’t win if can’t even see that WE ARE WINNING.
Prime minister of Canada - Jordan Peterson.
That’s all I’m gonna say
I find myself coming here less and less often because of how you’ve betrayed Peterson
Also in B4
>Peterson’s a joo
You all know Peterson isn’t a sell out. And if you think he is, than you haven’t actually watched his videos. He strictly a man of passion, and extremely intelligent. He does need Jews
Doesn’t* fuck
>Be Peterson
>take anti depressants
>frequently cry on camera
>display bouts of mental instability
>weak physical structure
>give people advice on how to live their lives
Watcha gonna do when the kekbois come for you
He actually takes anti depressants? What a pussy, his job is interpreting emotions and he can't even handle his own. Fuck him
He is more of a (((redddit))) meme. Actually he is a traitor, somebody who tries to deradicalize the white males so the yid can enslave them more easily. JP will be hung on the DoR
Multiple antidepressants.
This is a cult of personality. Those never end well.
I've been into people like him for a while, only just started getting into his stuff. Incredibly astute, well read, smart guy. He gets passionate because he cares.
If you think hes a moron, watch some of his in depth lectures.
Considering Trudeau was a drama teacher, Peterson is literally more qualified.
He literally gets on TV before millions of people and brags about steering people away from white identitarianism. He is anti-white. And what's worse, he's proud of being anti-white.
calm your tits
we still like Peterson
>being this new
You can’t name one right-wing persona that doesn’t have hate threads spammed on occasion
Don’t fall for kike memes
He’s anti ideology, buster.
I’ve been here for years faggot
You mean anti reality on a cocktail of anti depresssnt drugs.
Whatever. He's anti-white. You can dress it up all you want to, and you can tell me stories about how he 'secretly' believes x, y, and z, but because he's so clever he has to hide it, but at the end of the day, this guy traipses around the world telling people, flat out, that white identity is bullshit and he pulls out all of the stops to drive people away from it. That. Is. Anti. White.
>I find myself coming here less and less often because of how you’ve betrayed Peterson
cool. fuck you and fuck this e-celeb
i find myself coming here less often because of the influx of reddit magapedes that flooded this board during the elections
And he’s been getting a shitload lately. You can probably see two or three anti Peterson threads up right now. It’s like this board has had a vendetta against Peterson ever since he started gaining traction
If you expect to get a white supmacist on the national stage be prepared to be disappointed for the rest of your life
>Buy my 2000$ rug.
here, let me explain why they don't like Peterson: he's successful and making a lot of money, while they're stuck doing 9/5 or even NEET.
>be prepared to be dissspointed goyim
Then git gud already you idiotic mongrel. I just came last summer and even I understand this.
They don’t know why they don’t like him. They don’t like anything
It has nothing to do with what I expect. It has everything to do with what is, and Peterson IS anti-white.
stop hating the Jews, bucko
having a nice community is collectivism
Not saying I wouldn’t be happy if one did. I’m just being realistic.
We should take what we can get
His daughter had a serious medical issue when growing up. Seems like that destroyed him.
>I find myself coming here less and less often
He counter signals ethnonationalism, making him an enemy of the 14 words. He is an ally of convenience at best, and definitely not /our guy/.
The survival of our peoples is non negotiable.
>physically weak
>on multiple anti depressants
>emotionally unstable
>best advice is to clean your room
You have to be braindead to listen to this retsrd.
How is drama not a qualification for politics? Our god-emperor was a reality TV star.
>you’ve betrayed Peterson
That would be leftypol trying to fuck the world up as usual
You’re confusing anti-white with not giving a shit about race
literally cultists
durr but u anti-semite durrr
Le Buckaroo Buddies
>Be Peterson
>Tell trannies they are mentally ill and to fuck off with their pronoun bullshit
>make $20k a month on Patreon
>Convince young Whites that seeing yourself as part of a greater ethnic or racial group is immoral and "literally communism"
>Make $60k a month on Patreon
>Give speeches about Israel at Zionist conventions with Ezra Levant
>Make $80k a month on Patreon
>"disinvite" Faith Goldy from your "Free Speech" (tm) event because she's become "too hot a property" and ignore all criticism and blowback for doing so
>make $95k shekels a month on Patreon
>Take pot shots at Kevin MacDonald while shaming Whites who are just trying to prevent the brutal genocide of their entire race
>make $101k shekels a month on Patreon
>hide Patreon donation amount on Patreon page
>go on Fox news wearing a sweater and whine a bit about how leftist are the worst
>realize your fan base is full blown pickle-rick and don't even actually think for themselves and just emotionally defend unquestioningly no matter what you say or do
>begin selling ugly carpets for $2k a pop
You are here.
>Yarden Peterstein
>the peacemaker™
Yeah, he gets the oven too
I dislike him because he is actively attacking our attempts at preserving the existence of our peoples. By our peoples I mean all people of european descent.
>not giving a shit about race
Bye retard
You won't be missed
White nationalists and this board were around well before this guy ever became a thing
All I’m saying is for Canada this dude is as far right as your gonna get. I just hope her gets into politics
No. I'm not. You're confusing reality with the cult you've been indoctrinated into. He doesn't just 'not give a shit about race' (a dumb, indefensible position in and of itself) he actively and routinely signals against white identity. He does give a shit about it, enough to constantly signal against whites in the middle of a genocide.
How dare you talk shit about Jordan "Sandman" Peterson. You are probably a anti-semite too.
Jordan, the thing is, you have to put your money where your mouth is.
We're here for you as long as you remain honest like you said you would and we should.
How can we support a man who doesn't even take himself seriously?
Name the jew or fuck you.
>I'm not new I'm just retarded.
This guy is such a moron.
E-celeb fans are the worst.
>make money on Patreon
neet jelly
Stop following e-celebs & you'll be better for it
I was in the same boat, skeptical. Listen to this one. youtube.com
You have enough conviction to post ITT about him. Watch this one. You are never going to agree with someone 100% on everything. For all you 1488 types, hear what he has to say about communism. At least have enough of an open mind to give one of his more in-depth lectures a listen. Come back and tell me you disagree with what he says.
>being an e-merchant selling personality tests and carpets is key to saving civilization
>what have you done goy?
>constantly lecture about how bad hitler was (he was never a Nazi like you fucks seem to think)
>how you’ve betrayed Peterson
You cant betray whom you already despise for being a kike bitch peddling half-truths to gullible. If anything, it is our duty to make these half-truths whole for anyone who have been seeing him too much.
>how dare you talk shit about the door-mat merchant. If you don't like merchants, you are an anti-semite.
Yeah, fuck the carpet-merchant
Sup Forums ressents Peterson because he is successful, Sup Forums is filled with losers that instincitily hate anyone powerful.
Peterson teaches that if you are a loser you should try to improve yourself rather than blaming other people or feeling sorry for yourself. But that's hard and blaming the Jews for all your problems is way easier. It's also pretty easy to just wish that a magic neo-Hitler will appear and just fix everything for you.
I don’t agree with Peterson’s positions on race, but I think I understand where he’s coming from. Your mentality is with or against us. You need to realize it’s not that black and white.
Plus the “white genocide” is largely our fault for being pussies who can’t breed
>Scandinavia complaining about anti-depressants
If the actual second coming of Jesus was on this planet people on Sup Forums would find a way to betray him. Sup Forums is the new. No one on here or their opinions is worth anything. Just enjoy the ride.
No one cares that a man is successful. We care that he’s scamming kids with 2,000$ rugs and 100$ monthly Patreon subscriptions.
>neet jelly
The point is that with that kind of "fuck you money" there is no excuse for Peterson to not be telling the straight truth about everything, not to mention backing down when the University threatens to fire him for releasing his "anti-Marxist AI website".
He cancelled the project when the teacher's union "held a meeting".
OP is going to bed.
I think Peterson’s existence is beneficial. I’m sure of it.
Kek. The guy is more jewish than actual jews. Money is his fucking god, that's why he tries to monetize even his farts, that's why he doesn't attack the kikes
Wrong. White genocide is the handiwork of Jews and, let's face it, zionist Christians who are consciously and systematically replacing white populations with non-white ones. And I never said there isn't a gray area between with or against. The thing is though, he isn't in that gray area. He is openly and vociferously AGAINST white identity. He rejects it outright and often, and he does it loudly.
kek, this.
From my experience, every psychologist i've ever known has some sort of mental illness themselves.
Proof the cult of peterson thinks of him as a revealer of truth instead of a jewish puppet meant to put everyone back to sleep.
>but I think I understand where he’s coming from.
My friend decided that it was okay to marry an Asian woman because of Peterson's videos about White people caring about their race being "resentful losers who haven't contributed anything to society".
After all, his happa childen "will just be individuals".
Hyper individualism is a cancer.
fucking idiot
all these anti-peterson threads are a mass shilling attempt by 8pol
[cipplechan]Sup Forumsres/11179678.html
hehe sure trolled those liberals EPICWIN keeeeeek XD:D
I have listened to his work, including tgat video. I can listen to the work of people whom with I disagree on some points. No amount pf Peterson's stale individualism will dissuade me from my ethnonationalistic views. Also, Peterson's views on nazis and Hitler are more based on allied propaganda than truth.
Barely. And only because there is always Sup Forums to clean out pathological individualism and kike love from the heads of his sect members (absolutely for free!) - else there would have been more harm from him than use.
haha did you see how he called out those SJWs? BASED!
Why the fuck would you cry about individualism? It's such an unbelievably vacuous, boomer artificial concept.
My main problem with Peterson is that he doesn't say as much as he knows is necessary for things to change (specially wrt women), despite proclaiming the importance of honesty, and the weakness of his stance on religion, from the (exclusively) analytical mindset he applies to biblical narratives, which breeds skepticism, to his replies about his own religious beliefs (Christ's resurrection) and practices (church).
Yea. Lefty/pol/ shills against peterson here so much that it's made me stop coming. Lefty/pol/ psyops are so effective that i am now questioning whether I should even care about the white race.
I'm now thinking that we should instead focus on defeating the 1% and capitalism.
Marx is actually a pretty smart guy if you actually read the Manifesto.
thanks lefty/pol/.
It used to go Peterson/Alex Jones/Libertarians > Molymeme/Lauren Southern/Based black guys > Ironic Nazi/Jared Taylor/Race Realism/Spencer types > 1488/unironic Nazi/traditionalists >Vargpill
We’ve essentially drawn the line at Jared Taylor.
>to his replies about his own religious beliefs
He fails to mention that the body of Christ is the church, which is a collective that protects the sanctity of the individual.
Doesn’t name the Jew. Greatful for what he does, but everyone has a limit to how truthful they are. Also individualism is a meme, particularly when other peoples don’t work that way, enter your society and start collectively oppressing you.
You don't even know how to spell the name of the board, you fucking redditor.
Guys, please listen! Stop bashing Peterson! We'll never get Hitler. What if this is the best we can do?
Is that like some catholic shit or something?
>lets shill against peterstein
>where will we shill?
>on Sup Forums of course, where people already dislike him for being very moderate and politically correct
>that'll alienate his core audience for sure!
Yes, his individualism is absolutely wrong as well. It leads to the kind of narcissism that he claims to despise. For instance, the idea that you can define yourself any way you want, with no respect for society or even biological reality. It also leads to alienation, hedonism, materialism and so on.
What can you do about women?
They are the whale in pinochio.
Freedom and Individualism are just Hedonism and Egotism in the current year.
>>lets shill against peterstein
>>he says as he shills against peterson on Sup Forums
What can you do about men?
Most of his practical advice is for men, which is why he shouldn't be puzzled that this is the majority of his audience. He should do the same for women.
Yup. When you have nothing greater than yourself to regulate your behavior, that's how you eventually end up. Extreme individualism and extreme collectivism can't survive. You have to find an intersection between your interests and society's needs, and live in it as much as you can.
nice try redddit
Listen, I was really upset when I heard Peterson was anti-White too, but he's very logical and he can argue better than feminists. I... just... can't bear to watch the right tearing itself apart.
Alt right was set up as a means of dragging down anyone who decided to do anything with our current situation, like a clockwork. Remember Identity Europa? the altright cocksuckers have viciously attacked them the second Identity decided to do something IRL.
No wonder since it is led almost exclusively by jews, faggots, racemixers or socialist, or somethimes all of them rolled into one person.
You can be sure that the second someone starts talking policies, in comes flying some stormie manlet dipshit, screeching about muh jews, muh jeans, muh R1 Select buttons, muh mongoloid Hitler dinduffin, regardless of the topic of discussion.
Do you not see the fucking irony in your post? Are you that blind to how fucking bitter you are?
A scam is when something is presented falsily. He isn't saying his rug is anything but a rug or lying about what his patreon subscription gets you.
You and everyone else that complains about this are bitter, resentful losers. Totally beyond any help and deserving of all their misery.
>Is that like some catholic shit or something?
No, it's just basic New Testament theology.
1 Corinthians 12:27
"Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it."
It should alarm you all that lefty-pol is now shilling in favor of Peterstein.
He's the Dr. Phil of lolbertarianism. Also, you're not going anywhere. You're here forever.