yes lelelelel
Is a country defined by race?
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The absolute fucking state of France. Please wake up and fix your shit, Fransu-sama
Coming from a shithole and a fuckin' leaf!
Pairs doesn't represent all of France daddyo
must be embarrassing, eh rowbear?
Don't be delusional karim
Doesn't change the fact that we're in deep shit and that we should do something about it ourselves.
>Is a country defined by race?
France would be fine if the Muslims weren't there. I'm not even saying deport all non-white Frenchmen, just deport the Muslims and France would be a normal country.
The non-Muslim blacks from countries that aren't Islamic like central/sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean islands, ect really aren't that bad. It's the Muslims who do shit like in these pictures and they're also violent as fuck and have absolutely no respect for the "pays kuffar" in which they live. Fuck them.
t. I'm French, left when I was young, but visit every 8 or 9 months
La república corruptida...
Why would anyone want this for their country? Obviously if you were to ever get in train like this you would immediately be targeted and the several criminals on the train would assume you have money on you.
The French politicians who allowed this to happen should take a ride in one of these trains. I can guarantee that they would be robbed every single time.
Marianne is so hnnggg
>t. never saw niggers in person
depends on the country but a rule of thumb is that if you were a new world colony or a colonising nation, it seems not
le libertè+egalitè+fraternitè face
dude civic nationalism lmao
lol fucking saved
I live in a suburb of Paris and I take these nigger trains every day.
Not so long ago i lived in moldova, and shit could get crazy as fuck in the street or public place. You could literally start a fight because one fucker didn't like the way you look, (ex: clothes or having long hair, looking "gayish") or he thought you were bad watching him or some none sense africa-tier shit.
One thing that distinguish us from them animals. I believe we slavs actually have some sort of "combat rules" that we all respect.
Let me explain myself:
If you start shit with somebody from a group of niggers, they will all jump on you like animals. Slavs actually respect that shit, and even if you start shit with somebody in a group of 6 people, they will actually let you settle your score between you 2. Of course i'm not saying we are all saints but that shit is much more rare than with niggers.
Even when 2 groups escalate to fight, we will use fists and nothing more, we avoid jumping on someone when we are more than 2 on 1 because deep inside we all know that that is not fair.
Not like niggers who literally use every thing you would find (chairs, metal bars, knives, ecc) that would give you an unfair advantage.
I talk from experience, i have witnessed and participated in numerous cases of this shit.
Not gonna say i'm proud of me, but that made me the person I am today. And I don't regret it for shit.
These animals here in Paris. They're all a bunch of pussies. They literally won't do shit if they aren't at least 4 to 1. I wouldn't count how many times i've stood up with their attempts to intimidate me with their "straight looks" or small talks. When you look them in the eyes they automatically understand that you're not afraid for shit and start behaving
Anyone who isn't a pussy and is living in a western nigger hole can confirm this