If so, share your story, say how long you lurked and why you're not red pilled yet
Do leftist really post here, other than in slide threads?
Yes, however they mostly raid and haven't lurked enough
I'm a moderate leftist that's been on Sup Forums since 2007. It wasn't "always liberal" like a lot of the shills claim, but it was generally acknowledged that /new/ was one of a multi-part series of cancerous impulses that I hate, and that I hate basically any site dedicated to raiding.
I post around here because if I put a communist flag, occasionally mention flaws with traditional economic models, and express anything bad about Trump, on I get a lot of (You)s and it's discouraging to lots of swarmfront morons for low effort. Sometimes I post lots of optical illusions in threads I really don't like and watch how Sup Forums can't tell black from white in any context, not just skin color.
I've been in and out for almost 11 years and I'm still not "redpilled", mostly because I sorta-panic and reconfigure my worldview when I gain new insight so I've learned to check sources a lot, and when you actually check the sources on a lot of "redpill" meme images, they're actually either fake or really blatantly insubstantial.
Real red pill: Hitlers definition of socialism is way different than Marxists and that's why his socialism is the only form of socialism that ever worked. Check his definition if socialism out
The sources are never fake btw, so explain how they're “insubstantial“?
*than Karl Marxs definition of socialism
>The sources are never fake when they don't challenge my worldview
I don't even care that much about communism, I just put on the flag because it makes r/t_d really REALLY angry.
I'm depending on entirely new modes of thinking emerging from developments in interpersonal neurological communication to obviate most government and economic models in favor of completely weird new ones, and just settling for what we've got right now.
You know that one "redpill" everyone likes spreading around? The one where all the pictures of every executive in a bunch of media sites is listed as Jewish, and it sounds kind of terrifying?
I was kind of terrified, so I actually looked at the sources. It was godawful. One of the sources literally tried to claim the exec was Jewish because his daughter had gone to a summer camp with someone who was Jewish. That was seriously the evidence.
Give examples
Did here.
Here is a classic example of fake source on a redpill image macro.
Note how the page number isn't given, and whats more, the books mentioned are from a mainstream author who is not known for ever having said anything about kikes. The real source is "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" by the Nation of Islam.
There is a lot of info about USSR which claims how Russians were purged in gulags by jews, killing 20-120 mil (the numbers vary from source to source) in the process.
Obviously it has nothing to do with reality just like with Hitler gassing 6 mil innocent jews.
Look at what the other user said and try to get your friends to like national socialism. Just explain them thecdefinition, without saying that Hitler said it and don't say National socialism directly. Call it maybe community socialism
To your other point: I didn't check out if every person claimed to be jewish there is actually jewish, however it is mostly correct. Jews are way overreoresented in high positions, media and in the leading push for socialism and communism. Fun Fact: Did you know that the person who made that image was a former leftie himself?
What do you think about the Neoreaction line of red pills?
>dumb cunt
>slowly redpilled
>research red pills
>most red pills are fucking retarded or shallow level pills
>tfw dumb fucks here take infographs and poorly researched """facts""" as gospel
redpills are for easily impressionable newfaggots
The "Hitler ate sugar" thing is something I'm aware of. I like the concepts of communism enough to troll with the flag but I'm more invested in the way improved human communication will allow people to improve the constructs of government at the foundation.
Also, that's not the only faulty example, there were enough spoiled sources that I just fundamentally couldn't believe what was on there.
Anything from facebook is inherently kind of insubstantial trash.
blackpills are truly superior
example: The era of the White Race is over and there's very little we can do about it.
That's because you misunderstood the meanings of those infographs. They show how the thought leaders and high position officials often were jewish. The fact jewish people are often mentioned, is to show that the Tora made them literally parasites again and again through history, since they leech of the so called goyim, don't do pjysical work and have positions in power that influece ordinary peoples lives and that those positions were always and still are harmful to normal people
Not that the jews directly killed these people, but that they were indirectly responsible for it
being red pilled is synonymous with releaseing control of your reason to a bunch of jpegs made by people who want to blame everyone else for their personal failure
t.shareblue cuck
Should I give you Hitlers definition of Socialism or do you know it? If so, post his definition of socialism
Not seen this bait in a while. How you doing?
You can always tell a true far left poster by their typing structure. Trolls type like men and far lefties type like women.
>and when you actually check the sources on a lot of "redpill" meme images
Post all infographs you think are wrong:
> worked
> relied on financing from stolen war bounty
> was never put to test because Germany was nothing but rubble after 15 years
Here is how it works
>Jews did have influence during creation of USSR - yes
> There was a political straggle in early USSR era - yes
> Millions of Russians were killed in gulags by jews when another half was guarding them- false (population grew significantly and quality of life increased greatly)
> Jewish influence was greatly reduced later, even though we did our part in creation of Israel - yes
> USSR was an absolute hellhole and poor people are being opressed and genocided by holodomors - stale propaganda
You mix facts with crazy made up stories, link some Solzhenitsyn fantasy works and here you go.
How's life in that third reich treating you?
so fucking stupid
Only for short periods of time...
Then they become one of us.
>since it was /new/
>implying 'red pilled' means 'agrees with me on everything'
We're not a monolith. Not all of us are Tumblr SJWs, any more than I think all of you are religious fundies. And the people you call 'the Jews' are the people we call 'the 1%.' Left wing populists and right wing populists overlap more than you think.
woah prophetic dude blew my mind d33p shit.
Sorry. The Third Reich isn't coming back. Nothing but gay faggots in Germany nowadays.
Well they don't directly make up the highest crime numbers, however they do if you take into account how many blavks, mexicans and whites live in America
He reviewed the economy, made it the strongest it's ever been, kicked out (((globalists))) and (((bankers))) and made Germany into the strongest military nation. Germany got backstabbed by Poland, Italy and America and after 1945 everything in Germany changed and National socialism was no longer used.
Other than the mocking labels, those look fairly accurate to what they are supposed to represent.
> the three largest empires in the world all were duped into ganging up on germany and that is why Germany's economic model doesn't work, ignore all stats on GDP or public welfare, goy
You know, this is the kinda shit that demasks your worldview as bogus.Those kinds of long-winded mental gymnastics.
Other moderate leftist here. I just have this bad habit of wanting to mock people and crush their delusions, it's way funnier to do it with people that actually believe the shit they talk, leftists forums are too full of skepticism and fact cheking to piss off people efectively while here I just need to point evident logic flaws and people lose their shit.
I've been here only a pair of months (I think) and frankly I'm not impressed with your "red pills", I think people that want to believe everything is the fault of the jews are just afraid of accepting that no one steers the wheel of the world, we are all adrift. Also caring about race is something that you use to cover for your lack of personal achievements.
I'm not a "good" person but I'm too self aware to engage in the mass delusion of this board.
Shit, I'll probably be holding my dick with one hand and posting with the other when the day finally comes that most of you take the "black pill".
>Germany got backstabbed by Poland
can't take u seriously m8
Newfag doesn't know that the mods they put in charge of Sup Forums are always leftists
It's funny how many of them actually do report posts that disagree with them while screeching about being 'raided,' and not realize how much they sound like triggered SJWs whose safe space has been violated.
You mix up those things not me. I doubt that any informed Sup Forumsack made those claims, or that you understood them wrong. Mostly jewish people controlled the thougjt police, or officers which got commands they had to follow. Foot Soldiers were often NOT jewish, but they got indoctrinated by (((them)))
Okay Poland was used as a pawn in order to declare war on Germany. Better?
Did lurking change any views you had. If so, which? If not, why not?
I don't save them.
This isn't even a redpill, it's not even saying anything.
hello r/t_d
I've seen the social equality one, yeah.
Seen this quote posted here a lot and people reply with how based Putin is, despite it never being substantiated.
Russia made it a crime to deny the holocaust.
It was hilarious watching Sup Forums go into full cognitive dissonance mode.
How about that one in which all the newscasters are literally in bed with members of DNC? That the MSM is Pravda is impossible to deny.
> germany did everything right! that's why they lost the war!
Post it and I'll look at the sources.
You seem to be fixated on jews too much.
What if i told you that USSR was buying technology from the west for weat (basically food, because England refused to accept any other kind of payments, one of the reasons for femines), while allowing Germany to rebuild it's army for countering USSR, when they were not allowed to do so after ww1 and even nominating Hitler as a Nobel peace prize and holding the Olympics in Germany prior to ww2. You can make many correlations with todays world. USSR and Germany were forced to fight each other for Anglo geopolitical struggle for power and you sit here and blame the jew. England/USA today have the same overlords as before.
Post the definition. Please. (The one where he explicitly states why his socialism is not Marxist socialism)
And the post the user posted is a red pill in the sense, that the EU has gone to shit, once people lost their common sense and/ or push for leftist positions (open borders, birrth control, so called equality, single mothers and self hatred (e.g. Fuck white people, I hate being white)
Yep, it's kinda ironic but I think I dislike american leftists more now mainly because their incompetence gave you a space. They value too much emotion, every thread about death is "Oh I can't believe something would do something that awful", "oh this breaks my heart". FUCK OFF! american leftists are sheltered pussies in the best case or in the worse case they are just virtue signaling. It pisses me off and I'm going to make every effort possible so the leftists in my country don't engage in the same weak losing tactics.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I appreciate the people here. While leftists can be annoying, you are my enemy and I enjoy too much seeing you lose hope every week because I know you are not virtue signaling, when you say you want to die I know you are saying the truth and that brings me joy.
In the phone right now, but here is the Snopes article confirming the list as true.
What positions of the right do you hate / isagree with and what type of leftist would you call yourself?
So you're saying Germany's economic model couldn't create an empire...
Yeah the same JEWISH overlords. I stated why it is important to call them by their name, but sure we csn call them globalists or the elite too. However I agree with you that it is difficult to gain public support for your positions if you say (((who))) the globalists are
I used to consider myself a leftist, which was primarily because I was opposed to the Iraq War under Bush.
Hell, I even voted for Obama over it.
But we have since moved on from that, and the Left has gone insane. They lost me because they went crazy, and they clearly don't actually care about American warmongering as long as its done by their side (See: Everything Obama did).
Germany had pretty much the strongest military in the world, was wealthy and had great infrastructure. The only reason we lost, is because we lacked allies.
There are not only jews, user. And even jewish groups have different interests.
Western "liberal" jews, Israeli jews, globalists, social engeneers, eugenics and others are completely different entities. Their interests sometimes may allign with eachother and sometimes they fight among each other.
Obama wasn't a leftist.
His policies were interchangeable with Nixon's.
Which positions of the right did you adopt over time, orvare you only disagreeing with the so called “far left“?
>Okay Poland was used as a pawn in order to declare war on Germany. Better?
Ah, yes, just like Czechoslovakia. Oh, wait, Czechoslovakia never existed in the mind of nazi apologists.
>>when Hitler literally states the Sudetenlands are his last territorial demand in Europe only to walk into Prague 6 months later anyway before demanding more territory from Lithuania and then Poland to top it off.
Never happened apparently.
“Nazi apologist“. How about you explicitly say which public positions Hitler had were wrong? And did National socialism work in your mind or not?
Because even if Sup Forums is redpilled on something, they rage on other side of the coin because (((mccarthysm))) is alive in the minds. And what you have as "leftists" are (((trotzkikes))) and true redpill lies in Strasserism/Stalinism/Maoism, adjusted to a given country's needs. Like you need some form of nationalism to unite and motivate people, but race is only relevant in USA. In Germany there's no white/nonwhite, there is germans and non-germans.
Lol. How about backing that claim up?
I changed my stance on gun control. Used to be all about it, now I realize it really doesn't help prevent crime.
I consider myself fairly libertarian in terms of government and taxes. I used to be all about socialism and such but that's long since faded after I got a real job.
Although I still think there is a way to provide a legitimate healthcare system to all American citizens. The insurance system we have right now is insane.
How about you chrck out how Hitler defined Socialism? I'm 99% sure you'd like that over Stalin or Mao.
I directly quoted you. How deluded do you have to be to believe Poland was "bait" after the western allies ceded to practically every fucking demand he made and literally handed over the Sudetenlands to Germany.
It was called the Munich agreement and Germany broke it half a year later when they walked into Prague and proclaimed the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (which had a German population of 5%) making them de-facto a part of the German Reich.
Then Germany starts demanding parts of Poland and you have the audacity to claim that Poland was bait. Why? Because the Western allies refused to lay down?
Go and check how many times Czechoslovakia is mentioned in your "Greatest story never told". You dumb faggot.
I don't hate the right, I hate this fucking board, their nazi fetish, their melanin phobia, their cult of personality and their incel rage. They are poison, the world would be better if 90% of this board decided to apply their "day of the rope" to themselves.
With the right in my country I can at least talk, we just disagree in priorities. I prefer a bigger tax burden for the 1% (my country has one of the biggest inequality indexes in the world and most money is just inheritance so is bs) to support better education and healthcare, the right just want to reduce services to reduce taxes for the rich (they'll deny it but we all know they want that) like it's the solution to everything. I also want less religion because they are a fucking parasite and I don't mind fags (inb4 "muh degenracy").
Ok, I'll leave it here, I need to go to the bank now so they take one of my balls- I mean, pay for my mortgage.
That's one thing, this board loves tax cuts for the rich but hates jews... how many rich jews do you think take advantage of that? Trump, the idol of this board literally has a daughter that sucks jew cock. How can you see all the cognitive disonance here and think, wow these people truly can see the world clearly. Fucks can't even get their lives in order.
Haha you sound more like Trump than you'd like to admit. Seriously.
How are you not seeing that the economic model of Germany made it nearly impossible to form alliances?
"Oh hey, this nation that's rebuilt their economy and propping up a war machine sure is a great ally to have. No way they're going to pull us into a pointless war..."
>moderate leftist
>picks hammer & sickle flag
fuck off state fetishist, goddamn i hate orthodox marxists
Wait dude you say all of that and don't even give us a chance to respond?
>The only reason we lost, is because we lacked allies.
You mean "powerful" allies. If even one of the larger empires had joined the Axis, or even just not blatantly helped the Allies, even before the war (like my fellow Amerigoblins), the Allies would have been toast. Not to mention the differences in landmass between the two factions.
See? I put the communist flag on and they get mad.
Haven't left yet. Write your response and I'll see it when I come back.
You have to hate American political ideologies, they all end up in a degenerated state, mixing dozens of different positions into mutt.
Just look at antifa demonstrations in the states, anarchists flags together with their biggest enemies, orthodox marxists.
The alt right is the same mutt...
Why would a strong country, which now is economically well of, start a war? Makes no sense
And you basically admitted that Germany was, financially and military well of
>How are you not seeing that the economic model of Germany made it nearly impossible to form alliances?
Are you retarded? They formed all the alliances they could, it's just that Capitalist and Communist cocksuckers actively tried to hamstring Germany.
The economic model was fine, it's just Jewish Capitalists actively would not trade with them. That was literally the only reason why Germany had economic problems, and the problems still were nothing compared to the depression caused by Capitalism and the mass starvation of Communism.
So you are larping? great.
orthodox communists are as terrible as fascists
Yet they started the war. How odd isn't it?
Now, will you ever bother looking at the German government budget? Turns out spending all your money on re-armament wasn't the greatest idea if you don't plan on fighting a war.
Can you post that pic where Hitler defined National socialism? Lost that pic. Thx.
What do you mean by leftists? Im sure around half of the users here would describe themselves as some sort of liberals, does that mean leftist to you? Im sure most conservatives here wouldnt really call themselves republican if thats what you were going for.
But yea i think political views are a bit more complex than left or right.
This one and I might have another
It was necessary. Peace through strength. The german people were largely financially well of, however there were timed when they steuggled. This user explained it well:
I think that's all I got for those. I'm going to bed, user. Keep destroying these niggers.
Ty. The one from 1938, where he says that he is not an atheist. However the content is largely the same. Ty.
"The sudetenlands are my last territorial demand I shall make of Europe".
Hitler, 1938.
Ah, it was "necessary", whatever that means. That user explains jack shit you dumb mongoloid.
>Between 1933 and 1939 the total revenue amounted to 62 billion marks, whereas expenditure (at times comprising up to 60% rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus causing a huge deficit and national debt (reaching 38 billion marks in 1939)
This is a strong economy according to you. Let's not even mention the trade deficit that Germany had.
Shill spotted.
Even if you eat all the dirt the schoolyard bullies tell you to they're still going to beat your ass afterwards.
Germany's industrial capacity went down in relation to the world with the introduction of Nazi policies.
So you're saying capitalism is better at forming strong alliances that can overpower other models?
Checked. But i don't look at words, i look at inner structure of the system. Hitler should have listened to Strasser, Goebbels and Haushoffer. Hitlerism system hasn't eliminated main flaw of any capitalistic system - impossibility of autarky.
Have you tried the lobsterpill?
I quit daily Sup Forums browsing a few years ago because I realized how toxic the insular community was, and it was wasting my time.
I come on Sup Forums occasionally when Trump does something retarded, so I can laugh at the bootlickers who shift their beliefs every week to try and jump through hoops for Trump's inconsistent leadership
I'm not redpilled because I've travelled to 40+ countries in my life and have interacted with various ethnic groups and populations, and recognize that creating categories like "whites = good" "Muslims = bad" is flawed reasoning from people who have no culture, and only consume partisan outrage media
I wouldnt consider myself a leftist, but I dont hold contempt for any race. Race realism is a thing sure, but the vitriolic racism is baseless and holds us back, no one asked to be born.