Here's a neat little site I stumbled upon which counts down the deaths of the Boomers.
This is so satisfying to watch tick down. Can't wait until we hit zero :^)
Here's a neat little site I stumbled upon which counts down the deaths of the Boomers.
This is so satisfying to watch tick down. Can't wait until we hit zero :^)
kys divide & conquor shill
q-user is real and hannity is better than tucker
You sadistic fuck. The Boomers are the greatest generation of Americans.
Nobody thinks Hannity is better than Tucker, calm down.
Boomers are actually out working and holding up the foundations of society so can sit comfortably in your nice bed and shitpost on Sup Forums. I hope you enjoy that clock, because life will be a living hell soon.
No they aren't they just sit on resources and call us lazy
>muh societal foundations
>The literal hippies who sold out the country in the 60s and 70s
>blaming everyone but yourself for the fuck-up generation that is millenials
Kind of expected more out of a Kiwi. Sup Forums never fails to demonstrate how stupidity reaches all corners of the planet.
>he constructs the most boomer larp post he can possibly imagine and waits for the (you)s
Maybe it's because alot of todays young are fucking lazy.
The people I know and have grown up with including myself have been very lazy.
And "boomers" (or anyone who values work) are going to call you out for that.
The people who get jobs at 12-14 and work weekends instead of playing video games on their arses will get praise and respect from boomers.
but it's their kids, and their kids kids.
was the generation before boomers lazy? what about the generation before that?
all boomers ever did was luck out with high paying low skill employment.
it's been all downhill ever since.
Even I watch Tucker from the outback and abos everywhere in Australia you dumb cunt.
Hannity is a faggot.
Believe it or not, most millenials would happily work doing almost anything if they could find a job as EASY as boomers found theirs.
If you go to fast food, its filled up by illegal Mexicans and there are few jobs. If you go to retail its filled up by a shit ton of housewives and boomers.
Millenials have to basically start working at an office job to have a decent chance at getting hired. This is not a simple task.
I have talked to countless boomers over the years. They DO NOT understand the job market nor American culture/society as it exists today. Millenials are told to work for jobs theyll never get at wages that are lower in real dollar amounts than any boomer has ever accepted in their lives.
What fucking more do you want?
I’ll continue a post to explain why boomers are bad at business.
This is like watching Windows 10 boot up after an update
Boomers are absolutely terrible at handling business dealings. The best of them have worked their way into high corporate positions and do the lowest amount of work possible because they feel like theyve earned it for taking the shit they took in the 70s and 80s.
When it comes to running small businesses, boomers are unable to value things that help the business. They have a preconceived notion that if the business is failing its because employees are not working hard enough.
The ultimate boomer mind fuck is arriving early to work. They are obsessed with coming in to work early and being rewarded the opportunity to leave work early. This is regardless of ANY productivity gains aquired. If an employee comes in early and LOOKS busy, thats a good employee. They are unable to do basic analysis with the help of computing in order to realize effective business decisions.
Boomers that do well owning a small business most often havent grown their income substantially in years. Their rough employee treatment and massive egos keep them from making larger dollar amounts and passing on their wealth to their employees.
Obviously there are good boomers, but I’ve met few. Tell me I’m fucking wrong about any of this as a general rule.
It ain't millenials who are the loudest pro-refugee fucks here. It's boomers who are obsessed with helping them
Boomers are the most retarded generation, they basically got everything handed to them thanks to a good economic situation and instead ensuring progress they managed to fuck up the economy completely.
I wonder what it's going be like when all or 95+% of boomers are dead and your parents (basically the last hard working generation it seems) are old are retiring or dead as well? will society fall apart because of spoiled retarded millennials and gen x/y/z that have no life skills beyond burger flipping or grocery store bag boying?
Can you really blame boomers, (((their plan))) of giving boomers enough that they wont speak out in fear of losing it has worked, they don't speak out.
The buying power of the average working Joe has been eroded since the late 60's, to the point the majority of gen x could only afford their own home if they coupled up and both earned.
As someone who has worked before it was even legal for me to do so, there is a certain amount of laziness out there IMO, but also what is the fucking point, Stacy pumps out two kids to different fathers and gets the same take home $'s in gibs as Steve who has worked his ass off since he was allowed too.
The only advantage is we will be able to outvote them soon, but millennial disfranchisement will fuck us in the ass as hard as the boomer did.
you'll be dead. it's not for you to know.
I watched a couple of videos of this fucker when i played BDO myself. why the hell is this on his website?
yeah, the fucking '68ers
considering im 26 I doubt that
Oh (you)
Aww this thread made you upset. Why?
Gee, I too wonder, what will happen when the generation that's sitting on the largest amount of wealth dies.
Kek yeah :D