Well said.
Well said
Since when do the cops get to decide which laws they do and dont enforce?
This. Also, these states have saod they woll resist ICE and federal law enforcement. So this tweet is fucking retarded.
Civil war part II inbound
Nigger, that is not at all what it means.
>Democrats are importing slaves again
This really isn't that different than what caused the first civil war. Refusing to obey Federal law to keep profiting off of brown people
If they don't why facism why do they keep trying to disregard our laws?
No. That is just retarded.
Nah, it's the mayor and the city councilmen deciding that for the cops.
I loath the California government with a passion.
I will help take them down if it comes to it.
California is my home and I've watched it become Mexico in my lifetime - that's a hell of a thing to witness at only age 40.
Seeing these traitors - these white leftists - on trail would make me so happy.
Every time they watch me jaywalk in front of them and do nothing
I'm usually checking my phone when I do
Yeah getting rid of criminals is stupid. It's a lot easier to pull people over for going 5 mph over the speed limit.
The cops don't call the shots.
It's the local politicians.
Including mayors.
So what if a cop tried to arrest an illegal immigrant within that city, would the city just let the migrant go?
>they want you to think cities not obeying federal law
>what is really happening is that they are not obeying federal law but I approve
Imagine muy shawk
The blue tick is the modern day yellow badge
So he approves of the south not obeying federal law to pay (((taxation))) AKA theft?
They aren't. They're getting ordered not to by the mayor or city council.
>that's just stupid
I fucking hate these kikes so God damn much
Would be if the primary force wasn’t ICE. Also: Federal jursidiction over immigration control
Well said.
>sanctuary cities
>le gerrymandering is illegal me-me
liberals will learn at the end of a rope I hope.
I sincerely hope so, I am fully prepared to exterminate leftists. My advice to everyone is to document every leftist you know, it will make it easier to hunt them down.
>noone asks the police officers themselves if they mind
Really makes you think
i meet my local leader (ie wash st) I am citizen arresting him on the spot. if he resists im killing him.
>separate the power into executive, legislative and jurisdiction
>"lol let's ignore that though"
western politicians deserve everything that's coming for them
>its a stupid and inhumane law enforcement strategy
The weakness of libcucks is demanding they back their stance with something more substantial than emotionalism.
Everyday is a little closer to killing these faggots.
>states rights!
>enforce federal laws!
Releasing repeat offenders who are illegal aliens back into society is not a 'passive' act and will hopefully result in prosecutions.
>city police having any right to decline orders from feds
That's stupid in so many ways I don't know where to start.
Lets start with pay:
>police paid by city
>city funds from state
>state funds from federal
>city is smallest level of jurisdiction
typically you dont have this happen, but county, state, and federal can all come into a city jurisdiction and tell them to fuck right off.
that's enough of a response to the bait
but its REALLY these
Powers that be are more worried about re-election than enforcing laws, so they will go to any means, like sacking good officers for doing their sworn duty, just to garner the vote.
Every damn time.
Ayoo hol up imma conveniently reframe the facts and twist perceptions to the point of delusion.
Immigration is a federal government problem. In regards to democracy you have to have a controlled state of citizens.
Otherwise we might deform into an oligarchy. But retards like you would rather shill as a me-me on a Mongolian shit posting, stamp collecting board.
Go kill yourself.
>1 post by this ID
There is unironically nothing wrong with what they're saying
The federal government shouldn't have let them in, the state's have no obligation to do their job for them
The right should do the same thing, the federal government is an obscenity right now
>sending someone back home is inhumane
yeah enforcing your borders would be pretty racist indeed eh (((Schatz)))?
Ever, you get ignored while speeding.
Further, ice can pay for out of service issues.
>on trail
The absolute state of the "intelligence" of the right.
a) since always
b) since they don't work for the people who were the laws and since it isn't their job to enforce those laws. State/local police enforce State/local jobs. Why should they do the Feds' job for them?
They can’t obstruct the feds from doing it though.
>sanctuary cities circa 1862
When they say "southern cities" they want you to think cities not obeying federal law. What is really happening is city police departments are declining to serve as a federal slave freeing forces, because it's a stupid inhumane law enforcement strategy that violates property rights.
Both correct
All ICE has to do is get a warrant, pay people, and have them agree
Otherwise, its just like the DEA going after pot shops.
Hmmm, I wonder why they dont bitch like an sjw with a full diaper and no playdo in their safe space.
(Federal law being the emancipation proclamation)
>I caught a typo
>I win
Mexicans and other shithole brown people do NOT belong here and will be sent back
Honestly, it would be cheaper for the taxpayer if we just lined the shitskins up and killed them.
So they're disobeying federal law and not doing their jobs. If these libshits think that we're living in the Fourth Reich right now, it'll be interesting to see what happens when the white working class rises up and starts killing the illegals and executing the traitor cops for not obeying our rules and laws. Who acts as the police force when the police won't do it? I don't pay taxes to get fucked in the ass by this bullshit, and I and a lot of other people are getting close to being done with this shit. If these insane kikes and their puppets keep pushing this shit, there will come a day when they are dragged out of bed at 3AM, down the stairs, into the street, and a really pissed of white guy puts a bullet in the back of their evil little jew heads. I know I wouldn't hear any more of their insufferable screeching after that. So are they going to be reasonable, or are they going to force my hand in this? They're going to force my hand, aren't they? They're really going to force me to shoot them. I mean they aren't giving me other options here, so it's my life or theirs, right?
Jesus fucking Christ...
I guess those cities can do without all those federal dollars (taxes!) funneled to improve homeland security and enforce laws in these cities.
Obviously Brian Schatz is fine with the current level of law enforcement services in sanctuary cities and they don't need the extra cash.
Of course we know the cities will fight tooth and nail for the money and cry foul.
Perhaps the US shouldnt have taken that land in an illegal war then
For a place that doesnt want to be part
Actually, theyll just reduce the 1.40 usd they pay in fed taxes to 0.
Why give out money to a place they dont like.
No they're obeying fed law, separation of powers and state rights
Maybe we should bulk up the ATF and remove all those guns since its fed law as well
>No they're obeying fed law, separation of powers and state rights
The last time Democrats whined about states rights was the 1860's.
It didn't work out for them...
Wait...they think Cops are humane now? I thought they were murderous nazis who gun down black people for sport? Make up your damn minds.
You come in and whine about all the people already there, thats your problem.
Its worked for decades
>liberals caring about federalism
Anytime they put on the uniform.
They pick and choose who they arrest, pull over, search, shoot, etc.
Its always up to the cop to pick and choose wich laws to enforce.
Sup Forums doesnt like the feds to enforce their laws on states unless of course its THEIR guy running the feds, then its ok!
Fucking hypocrite neck beards, Im glad Im a casual now
Enforcement or termination. Illegal means that.
>conservatives encouraging federalism
Sanfran will literally release an illegal who committed crimes if they know ICE is on the way... This is actually police refusing to hold people they've already arrested so ice can pick them up.
He right, you know. Local governments should not have to pay to do the federal government's business. I propose we take the federal money that is going into these sanctuary cities in the form of welfare, education, and transportation dollars and spend that money on beefing up ICE so that that ICE can manage its own business.
It's just an anti commiefornia effort
>Enforcing the law is a stupid law enforcement strategy guys!
What a Schatz stain
>big brother is bad
>not when big brother is MY big brother
Go fuck yourself
it's a little like state marijuana laws. The local police and state troopers won't arrest for it, federal law enforcement can because it's federally illegal but they don't have the resources to do that, they have to focus on bigger fish. So in sanctuary cities they just tell the local police not to turn people over to ICE. and make ICE do their own work, so.. you see how that's working, ICE relies on local law enforcement to do their jobs for them because they lack the resources needed to do it themselves.
Dont bother.
Youll get called shareblue, or whatever the new insult.
They work for the city/state, not the federal government, it is not their jurisdiction to enforce federal laws unless the city/state tell them to.
Wew lads, major shill lie here.
Cops refusing to follow the law, no.
Stupid political leaders threatening cops who want to assist federal LEOs, YES.
>facts annoy me
Local law enforcement doesn't have the jurisdiction to enforce federal laws unless state and local laws that they have jurisdiction align with them.
It's just like with any other crime, there can be federal charges for it and local and state charges for it as well.
if there's a difference between the laws or punishments resulting.. then what you get charged for and what the penalty is will depend on which jurisdiction you're arrested under.
If your state criminalizes drug possession, but your city decriminalized it and you have a schedule I narcotic in your possession that has a mandatory minimum federal sentence. it all depends on which cop stops you and catches you.
If it's a local city cop, you get a small fine, you might not even have to go to court, because it's decriminalized. If highway patrol stops you, you're getting arrested, going to court, and the judge might decide you do community service, and have a 30 day jail sentence suspended for 6 months while you're on probation.
If Federal DEA or FBI are the ones that catch you with it. You have a mandatory 1 year federal prison sentence + up to $10,000 fine.
That's how this also works. State highway patrol .. state policy is turn over to ICE. Local cops in a sanctuary city? They've been told the "undocumented immigrants" are not violating any local laws. So.. they do not have the jurisdiction to act on the federal law.
Sometimes you need your big brother to protect you from your evil little sister?
Now that said... if local police bust you and write you a ticket but a US Attorney learns of it and has a hardon for you, they can also get you and press federal charges on you. Dylan Roof got charged with both state crimes (the actual murders) and federal crimes.(33 charges of felony hate crimes). The state gave him life in prison, the federal court gave him a death sentence.
So it really boils down to, who catches you, and which prosecutors are charging you (state or federal)
This American subculture of welcoming criminals into your society still baffles me.
illegal==breaking the law
breaking the law==criminal
If you are so certain this law is "unjust", then get it fucking fixed and quit whining about it.
If you can't get that done in a democracy, accept you are in the minority and your opinion is wrong in the eyes of the majority and STFU.
To the rest of you rational Americans who don't like criminals giving you the middle finger, can't you get these fuckers arrested for aiding and abetting?
To all those "dreamers" who are criminals, go dream where you belong, maybe you'll pull your country out of "shithole" status and wont want to leave any more, along with those who aren't willing to be criminals and just want to work for the betterment of their own people, you selfish cunt.
"The family is Jewish."
Well, that pretty much lets ICE know where they need to go, doesn't it?
All of the above - native Brits
>Libs idealizing socialism and communism
>Setting up society to collapse
50,000,000 dead coming right up.
Dreamers are legal, they have visa
They're undocumented, because
Courts cost coin, constantly
What, are you going to tell the judges and all they arent paid?
What will you do when prosecution fails to overcome doubt?
We dont make it illegal because its more effort for a worse result.
Papers please works quite well.
No one has pressured city enforcement agencies to enforce federal laws.
There's been no call for these cities to do immigration checks.
Nigga if you arrest someone for other crimes and then figure out he's an illegal immigrant, just hold him for 12 hours until ICE picks em up.
The issue is these cities will rush to cut the people loose before ICE arrives, sometimes circumventing harsh criminal punishment since these guys have been arrested for something.
Literally just stop obstruction of federal laws.
I do believe le county sheriff has some special fuck off powers who can tell the feds to fuck off. Something about old laws and being elected.
>brian shat
All of Mexico would have been annexed if it wasn't filled with mongrels. Literally what our government said at the time, they considered mestizos below Cherokee not fit for higher civilization. Also kys
>t. Juan
If they had visas, they wouldn't need DACA.
You have to go back.
Do these sanctuary cities still get the federal funding exchanged for enforcing these federal laws that they are clearly not enforcing?
Daca is their visa though.
Like do you even read the actual docs or just follow msm fake news clickbait on kikebook?
Nope, they didnt get it when they did either, hence the no care.
So basically the situation they just told the feds that they didn't want the money, so they don't enforce the fed regs? Fair enough, but can't Trump just send a bunch of ICE agents in there and clean house?
Wait are there actually people here dumb enough to think city police have to enforce federal law? Like I knew Sup Forums was full of idiots but damn you people are fucking stupid.
City police have NEVER had any obligation to enforce any federal law. Feds can enforce those laws and the city cops can't interfere, that's it. The Feds don't have the authority to order local police to enforce fed laws.