What you think her pussy looks and smells like?
What if she is a trap?
She may be considered a mutt, imo she's hot af and low key redpilling normies
our octoroon
like a moon pie
fucking so hot god damn my bruddas where can i find girls like this
The only problem I have with venti are her tits.
They’re huge but you damn well know she has pancake sized nipples that are not perky at all
I'd cum inside her without a second thought, le 56% man be damned.
Shes fucking nasty looking i dont know how you guys like her
She has a roastie and it smells like moldy bologna.
This chick is so gross and annoying. I don't know why she has a whole Sup Forumsar system orbiting her. I would fuck her and jizz on her fat tits but smack the shit out of her if she tried to talk or anything after.
Because pol is comprised 100% of betas
>I don't know why she has a whole Sup Forumsar system orbiting her
Because she's entertaining, easy as that.
>thread complaining about Le 56% girl
>It's all 56% Land flags
Stick a beard on her and she will look like Sargon of butthurt
shes feminine and curvy with epic tits mate, and shes got a brain and shares similar views as a lot of us.
10/10 wouldnt ghost after blowing my load on those sweeat beats
Definitely a paper bag job for sure, but I'd still fuck.
>*burps in murican"
Look at those thicc quads...she’d give you strong athletic sons with those nigga genes.
>also she is a mutt
would you allow your golden retriver to mix with a wild wolf, and let the offspring around your children?
lets find out what happens when you have mutts in your house hold
also stream it
That's a good grill.
>he didn’t get the HWNDU inside two scoops
post your latest conquest then fucktard
Aaaayyyy lmaaaoooo
Bump with booty.
I'd eat her ass
fuck yeah i'd want a golden wolftriver who the fuck wouldnt mate
That, my burger loving friend, is probably the least edible and at the same time somehow the safest portion of this moveable feat of eceleb cancer smorgasbord to devour. Just remember to poast the video.
she looks interesting, like the ayylmao girl
some people like non regular looking girls.
Didn't she post tits on here
I know someone has the picture
Absolutely fucking disgusting
Also, for all you soyboy faggots reading this, and I know there's a lot of you in this thread: if you consume political content, in any form, from a woman, you should kill yourself as soon as you possibly can.
Thank you
>she looks interesting, like the ayylmao girl
She is the "ayylmao girl," though. I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Stop pushing this fat piece of crap.
>and liberals wonder why it wasn’t her turn
haha epic
>like we care what she says, but she has tits
who's the retard now? You sound like a kissless virgin
I know who this bitch looks like now.
The resemblance is fucking uncanny
Ok barneyfag, post a pony that’s sexier than venti. Actually don’t bother. You could post a hoof in a a paper bag and achieve the same thing. So post a hoof in a paper bag.
If youre white then your kids will be like 90% white
>Wizard detected
Would impregnate the hammer head sloth in a heartbeat.
straya, that was a bad shitpost, check your shoes for spiders
I’m not going outside. That’s where the spiders are.
Same tit size and all
you're just figuring this out now?
Brittany is THICCer
whts the name of the porn sta so I can jack to her sister
I tried reverse google image search and this came up
britany spears look alike doing porn breast enlargments interracial jew asian restaurant r
Buy a golden, mix it with a wild wolf
Then grow the babies in your home, and keep your children with the mutts, stream it for us !
There are two things that can happen, either your children gets mawed when the wolf instics kicks in for fun and kills your children (BECAUSE WOLFS ARE NOT DOGS)
Or you have awesome golden-wolf mixes that are the best dogs around.
Take the risk, do it, stream it for the world
i ate an apple
how does transyvania have fucking internet?
cassidy banks you degenerate
fuck, how many babies of yours did dingoes eat cobba
Cassidy Banks
>yfw roma has better intrawebs then murica, even Bernie was jelly
u jelly bro?
u jell?
you seem jelly
>she's hot af
My grandparents had wild wolf at the countryside, it was found in the woods when it was just a pup. It never was tammed, it would only listen to gradma, grandpa would had to be alpha as fuck to make the wolf listen, and would go crazy barking like a mofo non-stop.
Oh yeah it also nearly ripped by near off, as it bascily jumped towards my neck when i was a child.
Wolfs are no joke, i'm just saying. Try it see what happens prove me wrong.
I seriously doubt some gypsies have better internet than america, also we are 500% more land mass than you, and without us, you would just be talking to mohammad mohammads
>This is considered attractive in Murica
Thank you for reminding me why I should stay in my white county.
also, believing a jew, bernie sanders, he's going to die cause he's so old and I'll laugh
What did Twitch mean by "Stereotypes of Haitians and Africans being poor"???
Why do liberals lie and try to change the facts?
I use to be proud of my german heritage, not anymore, you are like england you are getting mudslimed
mate who do ya think ya talkin to some eurofag? im bloody girt by sea, if you lived here you'd have a lot more than your ear ripped off mate because its like a fucking nat geo docco out here, get a grip bloke
This is the Twitch video where she eats the cookies
who is this beautiful banshee?
Hey man I know you guys are new to the ebin melting pot meme but trust me this is not something you want to do
I'm sure she tastes lots of diversity.
She looks like a degenerate.
lol Romania has the fastest internet in Europe, I don't why given that it's not as advanced an economy as Germany or Britain or Norway, must be some weird government investment program
>my white county.
Wide-set eyes are classic model looks. I don't get it why my negroes are mocking her for them.
Look, Chang, we know you've got to put up with snakes and spiders in your new island home, but that's nothing compared to growing up near a forest in Romania. Kids still get killed by wolves and bears. And there's no fucking antivenom for a wolf attack.
just go to the first aid trainer ffs
we have her tits. she posted them to Sup Forums years ago. also, youre wrong.
That Jewess? Garbage Skip. Her poon tastes lile garbage.
Whereas Brits cunny probably tastes like the best puss youve ever had.
you blokes have more blackies in ya countries than mine ever will mate, no changs in darwin champ
Women burping is pretty fucking hot to be quite honest
You have never lived with a nasty bitch have you?
>my white country
Fuck off you crypto-kebab, the gig is up.