Have you all seen this? Even the normies on Facebook are talking about how horrible Cathy Newman was and how Peterson exposed the regressive left.
Jordan Peterson debate on Channel 4
give me the run down!
Anyone who has seen an interview with Cathy Newman knows that she's a retard. The difference is that she usually on debates other faggots like Milo.
It's not even meant to be a fucking debate, she's supposedly an interviewer.
Her co-interviewer on that show is that Indian guy who made Tarantino, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jnr. rage quit interviews, and he also tried to troll the black dude from the IT Crowd in to talking about how they need more blacks on TV, except he said something like "background", and the guy is half Norwegian, so he just kept saying that yes, they need more Norwegians on TV, and that Norwegians were clogging up the inner cities.
I don't understand how everyone in the C4 newsroom is on board with the current trannietrain
She keeps trying to set him up or put words into his mouth on issues and debate points. He pretty consistently avoids her baits and offers a direct, rational, and effective argument, but more than anything else does it with a cool and calm attitude and the patience of a rock.
Pretty professional and impressive, really, because the woman is insufferable.
>Why does your right to free speech trump a tans person's right not to be offended?
It's legitimately terrifying that a question that stupid could escape the lips of a television host for a major news network, and her not be immediately fired.
So you're saying you won't watch the debate yourself because the host is female?
i don't watch interviews because i'm petrified of conflict!
So you're saying that women should just keep quiet and let men do whatever they want?
So you're saying that females shouldn't be interviewing men?
They sterilized their brains with SSRIs a decade ago. An oxytocin rewiring to be more accepting of hostile insurgent migrants
At least she realized how stupid it was when he repeated it back to her.
So you're saying women should stop being confrontational and just roll over and take the abuse?
only when it comes to my sexual needs
It's amazing that he's making over $60,000 on his patreon per month by telling manchildren to read high school literature, watch disney movies and clean their rooms.
i bet your room isn't clean
I don't donate to his Patreon, but I don't begrudge the man his success. I'll probably buy his new book soon.
I liked Newman's reasoning that women will give up seeking high positions if they have to get there by hard work.
She probably sucked a whole lot of dick to get that TV job.
Not that user but I still live at home (27 yo) and my mom keeps nagging me to at least make my bed. I ask myself, why make a bed if no one is going to go into my room anyway and it's just going to get fucked up again in 12 hours? Am I right or am I right
It was quite frustrating watching her constantly try and put words into his mouth and trap him and how absolutely shameless she was about doing so. He handled it almost perfectly.
It's really hilarious how he has gotten Sup Forumsreddit suck him off so much. You gotta respect him for that. Straight up hustlin'.
Why does that upset you? I mean Kermit's despicable for desperately trying into philosophy and making a fool of himself while nurturing a horde of high-school drop-outs "debating postmodernism" online, but I don't see why one would despise him for producing effective self-help.
Is this a youtube channel for aliens trying to learn human behaviour?
Not that user but Peterson's self-help isn't really groundbreaking is it? If it helps just one user out of depression, sure that's good though. But unfortunately through his self-help you'll probably end up with more, as you said, "high-school drop-outs 'debating postmodernism' online" (with a fundamentally brainlet understanding of postmodernism such as Peterson).
why is he wrong about postmodernism?
After seeing debates like this, I can honestly see why the left is so desperate to stop opposing views from being heard. All it takes is for someone with an ounce of public speaking ability to point out that they're retarded and even the normies start coming around.
They can't debate, so their best option is to shut it down.
Because he's a white male and trump voting nazis support him.
He seems to think it's one monolith of philosophical thought and that it's 'everything is relative - truthts are structured by oppressive powers through discoure'.
>Kermit's despicable for desperately trying into philosophy and making a fool of himself
How contrarian of you
Isn't that core to a lot of post-modernism?
Stop blindly repeating words you don't understand.
So you're saying he exposed his bigotry and hatred for women and trans folk?
This hack is going down when our sexual accusations start popping up :)
Fucking this. People are not saying it enough and Peterson's response was too polite to highlight it properly.
Peterson didn't "expose" anything, it was two idiots arguing. Anyone with a brain can debunk Peterson by virtue of the fact he's arguing against a strawman.
Tell me, why are people (like you) so salty about Peterson?
Looks like Jordan needs some Magnet treatment.
t. lefty/pol/ soyboy
You're right, but remember she's a woman and she will never ever stop telling you. So my advice, for you own sanity, is to at least neaten it up enough for her not to notice. Be careful though, because once you sort that out, she'll find something else. Good luck.
>you need to fuck up your brain to make you an immigrant adoring atheist
sounds about right
could disabling my brain make me enjoy starwars?
>by shutting down the threat processing centre of the brain
>we found out that people can't process threat
Finally, a cure for Trump supporters. When can we get started?
If we could somehow get this to happen on a large scale... we could actually end bigotry forever. That's pretty insane to think about.
The entire right wing would just disappear instantly.
Since when did peterson think post-modernism isn't retarded?
So would the human race.
Nazis aren't human. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
A few years ago I'd have agreed with you. A few years ago I'd have been disgusted by the idea of magnet therapy to change the way people think.
But desperate times require desperate measures. If this "magnet therapy" is what is required to make sure we don't get another Trump... so be it.
I don't know what's bait and what's real anymore.
People are willing to give up free speech in favor of non-offense because they are counting on demographics increasingly favoring/liking it.
If you associate free speech with Nazism enough it'll eventually become a reality where it's 'uncool' and hateful to want to say what you are thinking or talk about uncomfortable things.
I thought the same thing when seeing so many people say they supported Trump. I thought that surely America wasn't stupid and/or bigoted enough to actually elect him, SURELY we've moved past this bullshit by now?
I was wrong. Very wrong.
Shows you what a trainwreck modern western society is when the very fundamentals of basic child rearing have been forgotten by roasties.
>if you give the entire species brain damage
>we win
Are you Canadian?
I'll give you a hint: This time of night is pure shitposting, and if it seems like obvious false flagging it probably is
There's a big different between brain alteration and brain damage. There is nothing to suggest that the magnet treatment would lower their intelligence, it just changes their opinions.
You're right. The justification given by the military is that if you make your bed when you wake, you will have at least accomplished one task that day, and you'll have a made bed to return to.
Except I find unmade beds more comfortable and completing a worthless task just takes away from completing actual tasks.
He's being paid to do things just like the Cathy Newman video.
There aren't enough pundits/speakers who can weave through fallacies and aggressive strawmanning.
I'm sure most people would have tripped up during the Newman interview.
after you kill yourself faggot
Put it in all headphones but don't announce it. Headphones are literally on people's head(duh) and thus would be a perfect way to implement it, plus they wouldn't be aware of the magnets and therefore couldn't reject it.
By the time they found out it existed, it would have already done it's job.
It's intetesting because Peterson is obviously more intelligent, accomplished and educated than you, but you regard him as a brainlet.
Dunning Kruger in full effect?
no, but its temporally making your brain act like it was damaged by shutting of core process's you mong
>discover the phrase ad hominem
>discover the existence of post modernism
>critique postmodernism, using a postmodern framework yourself
>discover a random piece of trivia about a lobster
>tell teenagers and fail sons they'll be happier if they make their beds
>they lap it up due to absent father figures
Truly, a genius of our times
Peterson is a fucking post modernist
Can someone explain to me his epistemology?
>Have you all seen this?
Yes, everyday. For over a week now.
>Even the normies on Facebook are talking
No they're not. Nobody watches Channel 4 News.
Why do you have to exaggerate and lie about things?
Dude has a PhD and had permanant tenure in a university and lecured abroad with his recognized expertise. He was accomplished and set in life before he became a meme so kindly neck yourself
I don't know whether people are being serious on here but Reddit supports the idea, claiming it's a "fix" for Trump supporters.
Nevermind the fact that you only associate racism with right wingers, it's laughable that you think changing people's opinions so that they essentially become more morally relativistic is an absolute good or isn't rife with pitfalls.
Being wary of cultural clash and ability to integrate is essential to having a functioning society, and given how naive liberal leaders are with regard to it, I wouldn't trust them to implement any kind of brain manipulating program.
With all that in mind, yes, letting people utilize magnets to bypass debate and implement an ideology on others is akin to harming society and the individuals within it.
I must admit thats some masterclass bait
>reddit spacing with an overdramatic statement
I applaud you mate
I want to see the third round.
Lmao wtf. Get the fuck out leaf
I actually have a PhD in postmodernism (tuition all paid for by based Soros).
reeeee don't insult daddy!
what kind of magnets exactly? i need to send my kids to private school
what a world we have to look forward to
i wonder if i can dodge the brain rewirings long enough to still be effective in the apocalypse
>academia is pointless careerist circlejerk that indoctrinates rather than educates, dumb lefties
>dr. kermit b. peterson is a very respectable tenured university professor, filthy scum
Jordan just saw that by being the only alt-right figurehead that isn’t a dullard or a charlatan he can get on TV more and do bigger speaking tours
The fact that you think equality would cause "the apocalypse" is exactly why people want to use magnets to change people like you.
You are nothing but a hurdle in the way of progress.
>Why does your right to free speech trump a trans person's right not to be offended?
jesus christ how can someone verbalise this. scary times my friends
It is another handsome motherfucker tells you that you can do better, you need just do it...
Don't pull the Nazi card dude. He's pretty centrist and even his most controversial statements aren't actually all that controversial when you look into them("He said you shouldn't use the pronouns that trans people identify as!" is actually that he doesn't want it to be legally enforced, for example)
How dare you think like this, you alt-right brainwashed cultist.
trans people belong in mental institutions
You should kill yourself for being this dumb.
They are non stop shilling, by pointing out his income, ad-hominem against his fans or himself etc.
Doesn't that sound pretty familiar :) ?
I knew it would become handy one day
It's all shitposting, my amphibian matey.
You want a better piece of advice than you'll ever get from that false prophet and that whore of babylon up in the op? Get out. And never come back.
He's distinctly not Alt-Right.
This is why everyone laughs at leftists. Their hysterical hyperbole has surpassed Infowars tier tnow.
You're getting it in June. Harris is going to have a liveshow with Peterson
Equality cannot exist because it is not part of the structure of reality, therefore to achieve equality the world would have to be destroyed, but since humans can't destroy the fabric of reality they would end up just destroying themselves. So yeah, that user's instincts and thoughts are perfectly rational.
Don't be a bigot and just go along with it to be tolerant :)
It's better to have actual fascists come in and offer up factoids that were kept hidden previously and lead people to cynical conclusions/solutions.
Let it happen you monster.
How? Because they're liberals or leftists. They don't believe in free speech, especially because free discussion of ideas demonstrates the flimsy and intellectually weak nature of their ideologies.
It was just entertainment. The woman only played a role.
Not him but you don't think that there's a reason why he's constantly posted and talking about on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.? Just look at the comments on Peterson related Youtube videos and you'll see that his appeal is exactly with nerds.
I like most of what Peterson says, it helped me out a lot and his daughter's stuff
That said, lets be honest, his popularity amongst the same crowd who like Milo and Gavin is only because he criticises feminism and the left.
Equality is not the same as equity.
What do you think "alt-right" means?
The alt right fucking despises him because he advocates judging people because of the content of their character, not their skin color.
The reason this is considered bad by the left is because he also applies it to white people and says they shouldn't be targetted and made to feel guilty for things they didn't do.
alt-right means whatever anyone who wants to lump groups of people into a category wants it to mean desu