Come home white man

Come home white man

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1965 NASA BUSTED - Stop Motion Animation Revealed

How are these astronots still ALIVE??? Didn't they die in the 86' challenger explosion? They never were ON-BOARD! Don't believe me? Heres proof.

Same facial features, same names.

Nasa and EESA make BILLIONS every year, yet theres no real pictures of earth. Beyond cgi/fisheye lens, which futher casts doubt.

Why not just take raw footage of the earth NATURALLY??? We cant take pictures of other planets, right???

Why fake this AT ALL????

EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10

>Inb4 dead pixels, reflections, dust particles, ad hominem, psyop derail

lmao here come the shills right on time hahaha

"It is photoshopped because its its its... it has to be"



The big question is obviously... WHY?? Why does it HAVE to be shopped? We take pictures of saturns rings, but not of our OWN EARTH???

Can you BELIEVE we are going to Mars as early as 8 years from TODAY ???

Its going to be amazing. I hope we build statues of Elon one day, he truly is a great man.

Who else is looking forward to moving to Mars?

If space is real, why are they faking it?

The great war of Venus and Mars never forget.

Nobody is going to mars

>White people leave earth, colonise Mars, with no inhabitants, completely free of any guilt
>It is now the year 2100, and the negro's that were imported in 2080 are now fucking it all up, White Guilt sets in as people believe Mars colony was founded with White Patriarchal Funds and Technology

There's no escape unless we wipe them out. You literally must exterminate them or this won't end.


Thats how dumb you guys sound, space is a fucking myth

literally no idea what you're talking about m8. take your medicine.

Same facial features, same names.

Here's the solution: export the extra niggers to mars and we’ll just have Earth to ourselves

Oy gevalt! The moon, Mars and all other rocky "planets" have craters in them but earth doesn't! That doesn't mean anything goy, science can explain that!


>UN memeflag
lmao check
>crapply low quality pictures about MUH FLAT EARTH
>pointing out how fucking retarded NASA is
lmao check
so predictable EVERY.TIME lmfao

Your wasting your time shillbro, this is a fucking meme thread and no ones listening to tour shit

Another /x schizo thread on pol... Saged

>earth doesn’t have craters

Are you fucking retarded?

so theyre the good guys?

Webcam footage, sun distance seen 4:15

Pay attention to the lack of curvature shown had extreme height, also see the small and local hotspot below the sun.

IF the sun is 93million miles away and GIGANTIC, why is this hotspot so SMALL???

They pay give you paychecks, so maybe for you

>i know if i post words in CAPSS !! maybe it will make what im saying sound LESS retarded

lmaooo just stop man

Rocket hitting firmament?

I always liked the Mars trilogy, especially the idea of a space elevator being this powerful economic engine, like the Panama canal

Outer space is a lie

Turns head and says "okay i'm out". Shit that moment looked fake imho.

how are aliens real if outer space isn't real

what am i looking at here? They fucked up their lightning layering during live feed or something?

wish we could man but we're too busy giving gibs to niggers and excusing shitskins to conquer the stars

It's negros home, though.


he catches his pocket by the pinky.
Come on, they even slow it down and zoom it.

Are you?
There are about 30 craters on earth, I can count hundreds of them on this side of mars alone, which may I remind you is supposedly smaller than earth. Try explaining that.

>ywn frolick in the coed communal showers as part of your elite upbringing in the Martian technocrat caste

>Implying China won't get to Mars first
Literally fuck off, cumskins

Mars belongs to AFRICANS.


>Earth has weather
>Earth has erosion
>the moon has no atmosphere

Asteroids have to be pretty big if they want to make it through the ozone layer, friction will usually get them but as you can see some asteroids have slipped passed.

The moon has no atmosphere and therefore any asteroid can strike its surface

>what is an atmosphere

Atmosphere makes a difference? Friction burning up and making otherwise largish meteorites that would leave craters small enough to either not make any significant impact or simply turn to dust in the atmosphere? The earth is also around 70% water. I would think that a good percentage of would be crater creating objects simply hit the oceans and just make a splash. Mars has no surface liquid water to absorb impacts, so you see everything. Just a counter point.

No opening that can of worms thank you.


MARS rover is bullshit

>muh atmosphere
So how come earth does have an atmosphere while other planets do not? How come the earth is perfectly adapted for life while other planets are just moving around in the heavens?
Even an atheist has to admit that earth is perfect for life, exactly as God intended. Wouldn't suprise me one bit if it was flat.

>be whites
>be living on venus
>be nuke venus
>be use space ships to move to Mars
>be live on Mars for a while
>be nuke Mars
>Golly JEE.jpg
>be using space ships to move to Earth
It's a cycle of racial entropy.

NASA says it is

That's some Aeon Flux tier stuff right there.

How is the midnight sun possible? How would the southern hemisphere have any light?

Because of the tilt right?
How is the equator the hottest spot if theres a tilt?

Only gets worse from there, basically amerimutts going cosmic.

How does this make any sense?

>M-muh sidereal days

>Only gets worse from there, basically amerimutts going cosmic.
Ironically that's what Aeon Flux is.

By nuke you mean niggers ?

>So how come earth does have an atmosphere while other planets do not?
Only Mercure doesn't have an atmosphere. On Mars for example the atmosphere is less dense than on Earth, thus less protective.

Not really. Along the way whites did pretty decadent stuff such as fuck lower semi-sentient species and procreate with them.

Abbos are the real humans of Earth and all the other races be they nigger, yellow, brown or so forth are a result of a white martians(who probably mixed with savage martians if there were any).

In fact whites may not have even come from the solar system, they just microbial jump or physically go to other planets that can sustain them until decadence befalls their brittle nature.

Whites of today are animals compared to the Martian whites and martian whites should be as animal compared to the Venus whites, if there was someone before them you get the idea.

Kek, think you're on the wrong board

based UN bro is back
Gravity is a lie
the UN doesnt allow citizens to go to the antartic

Nuking the planet is the final part of the "human race"'s triumph in knowledge,wisdom and power which gets eroded by decadence, sloth and so forth.
It's a boiling point, a balloon that pops and everything gets reset. New planet, new chance to brake the seemingly endless cycle of the original specie's fall from grace.

also the evultion theory is a lie
it's a theory after all
there are so many missing links which indicate that we came from apes

>Who else is looking forward to moving to Mars
A sla- uh I ment miner's life for me!

>there are so many missing links which indicate that we came from apes
The only reason we are ape like is because we all, whites or not mixed with the closest sentient species on this planet who happen to be ape like.

Evolution is real but it's not like how imagine it. There's a lot of holes that we may or may not fill depending if there's some artifacts left on Mars.

It rotates a full rotation every 24 hours relative to sun orientation, not relative to arbitrary static space, idiot.

Look up the difference between Atomic Time and Universal time and you will find the answer.

Earth has water on it, and oxygen emitting plant life/microbes (OZONE LAYER)

>implying the sun is stationary and that the orbit of the earth is a perfect circle


Is Mars /ourland/?