PLease please please can a Swede tell men WHENTHEFUCK did they go from Ultra bloodthirsty bloodfeuding/raiding and proud viking berserkers to modern day gaycucks?
I looked at your history and I dont find when it fucked up. GIVE ME THE REDPILL
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After ww2. It was the jews.
Because people killed the wrong enemy.
Instead of Jews, the (((Allies))) killed the Germans, Italians and Japanese instead.
The world would have been a better place under Axis rule.
around 1960 like the rest of europe
All that testosterone got taken by Varg and there's nothing left for anyone else in the Nordics.
Daaaaaaaamn those motherfucking kikes succeeded in stamping out the viking spirit just after WW2? Scary
You sure it aint older?
something along the lines of getting bored of war after 1000 years
Pretty much. They grew too comfortable. And then from somewhere in the 80's schools started really teaching kids to be guilty for being so comfortable.
Much earlier. The introduction of Christianity was the death knell. They kept preserving some of their traditions and culture in spite of it (such as during the Christianization of Iceland), but their identity and spirit was fundamentally broken and lost.
Vikings raided innocent villagers and sold white women to Muslims, they were cowards and cucks to begin with
They sold OTHER women not their women. Therefore they aint cucks in my book. They pretty much fucked everyone
And they made kingdoms in England France
Wasnt Sweden still fucking people up up to the 16th century like Poland, Russia ect? Did they lose their balls in 1960 after thousdand of years of kicking ass
Swedes were never noteworthy Vikings.
They were terrorised by Wends/Slavs and Balts, with Osselians burning down Stockholm in 13th century.
Vikings were not proficient warriors or a significant civilisation, they readily fled their pathetic cold shithole and assimilated into Latin culture that the Normans of Normandy, England and Two Sicilies were.
Around the time of Black Death I'd wager a guess. Celtic Christanity wasn't that bad, in Norway atleast. Only when people and priests started dying en masse when trying to heal the plague were the Danish priests introduced to Norway and spread Catholicism.
Being a raiding nigger ain’t something to be proud of. Northern European became something to talk about after their gibmedat gods got replaced.
Yeah, they still had some outstanding leaders from time to time.
To talk about in what sense?
I just dont understand how you can go from vikings to modern day swedes in such a short time
Cold war. When everyone realised that russia or america could ruin the world at the push of a button, scandinavia had a serious case of shrinkage. north korea had a serious case of 'stay out of my room' and castro just said 'fuck you'
Vikings are not very important part in history of sweden. You should instead ask, why did the sweden turn from one of the most powerful post-medieval empires into an altruistic, but still wealthy country.
>bloodthirsty bloodfeuding/raiding
This is actually false. Vikings were peaceful traders and explorers, but since they refused to convert to Christianity, the Carolingian empire refused to trade with them and attacked them. This is why only Christian sources claim that the Vikings were bad and why the Varangians were instantly considered brave, honorable people after they converted to Christianity.
Still better than being a half nigger half jew 300 year old degenerate bastardized race. Get lost motherfucking americunt
Because they were decisively beaten by the rising power that Germanised/Westernized Muscovy-turned-Russian Empire was?
Judean Bankers' subversion and psyop. You should instead ask, what allowed it to happen in the first place.
Dont worry mate, im not one of those modern day fags. Bloodfeuding and raiding are ok , nothing to be ashamed of
The Pagan world started really fighting against the Christians once they destroyed Irminsul, isn't it right? It was a defensive war.
Both of those questions miss the point though. Poltava wasn't what made modern Sweden. Sweden may have been at peace for 200 years, but Norway would have been too, if it weren't for WW2.
Modern Sweden was made in the post-WW2 era. That's what sets Sweden apart from our Scandinavian neighbors sociopolitically.
If you believe everyone went from viking berserkers to gays and cucks you're a dickhead, we didn't just gather the entire population of Sweden and had a meeting voting on how we're gonna be next. A lot of Swedes still adhere to a more masculine caste. And please, do not believe everything on the internet, you can't just swallow every meme and piece of fake news as FACT and then think just because the jew media told you so it HAS TO BE TRUE.
Didn't only sell WHYTE WAHMEN TO MUSLIEMS we raided the muslims aswell and we sold them aswell. Did indeed raid villages and your ancestors probably failed to stop that.
Educate yourself and stop hiding behind that meme flag.
Yes, we were. To some degree but we weren't saints by no means, there is a reason we raided Christians, Muslims and least known the balts.