Is Republicans aren't racist, but Democrats are the REAL racists, why do Republicans want to protect relics of the racist democrats? It's almost as if the parties' political alignments have swapped.
Is Republicans aren't racist, but Democrats are the REAL racists...
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>Republicans are one person
Why do democrats think iconoclasm is a proper attitude to history?
We just don’t want the democRATS erasing THEIR history. If they do they’ll just repeat the past.
"Our" heritage meaning American heritage.
The left can't meme.
No one believes that removing statues erases history. We still have books and the internet.
Go die in some third world shithole country where that kind of attitude is acceptable. Americans do not tear down their statutes.
Tear down all Vietnam Memorials too. We all agree it was an unjust war.
So Republicans can keep smearing the nose of ignorant Democrats in the fact that it was the Democrats that were pro-slavery, pro-JIm Crow, pro-racists, and pro-sexists.
Democrats want to erase this.
I live in Alabama. I have literally had to prove to over 100 niggers that it was Democrats that were all pro-slavery and Republicans that were pro-freeing the slaves. That Democrats have stood in the way of every advancement of treating blacks as equals, and are constantly trying to make people think it was the Republicans, not the Democrats, who did that.
No they haven't swapped at all, democrats are still the same rats who need slaves (immigrants now) to do the shit jobs and get votes.
A statue lasts centuries, a book lasts a semester
I just want to know why more people don't want the pyramids torn down...
That memorial doesn't celebrate war or it's cause.
we saw what happened to marriage
>s-sliperry slope is a mith!
Came by to say this
We have ourselves some truth here user
This is bait. Those aren't clansmen, they're priests.
Jesus fucking Christ, OP put no effort into his post.
Its an older shill sir, but it checks out
Thanks for the nostalgia
It is the democrats trying to erase their racist history, while the republicans want it left alone so people can be educated in knowing the republican party was formed to abolish slavery.
>lets just tear down the pyramids, they're old anyway.
Neck yourself.
Then why do Republicans love waving the Confederate flag? Shouldn't they have pride in the US flag?
>that ornate cross
that ain't tha klan
>People want to tear down Confederate statues because they're old
Are you even trying?
>(((We still have books)))
There where and are American flags at any rally. Now to address your pic. Let's compare arrest records ;-)
The left loves to shut down anything visible from an era they didn't control.
They are doing that right now here in Spain thanks to Zapatero and his stupid history law, fucking hijo de puta.
Remember when Trump said ilegals mexicans caused a lot of crime but he assumed most were good people?
Why dont you have a little image macro of Trump referring to the cartels as "good people"? Isnt that in line with your logic?
Because Democrats behave like hysterical ISIS savages and are disgusting
How does supporting the racist relics of the Democrat party make you a good person?
Prove they're racist, faggot.
Learn the difference between facts and your worthless opinions.
hotdamn pajeet is on a roll today.
because alot of people died for this and amnesty was given to the leaders of the succession so respect is owed to their leaders
more like
>Democrats: "We're destroying evidence."
>Republicans: "No."
>People want to tear down statues because they're monuments of slavery
>People want to tear down the pyramids because they're monuments of slavery
Lets do it.
Democrats are racist. They're supporting the Democrats racist statues. Therefore, the supporters are racist and Democrats symathizers.
But the pyramids are actually impressive. If the Egyptian decide to tear down the pyramids, i don't see an issue with this.
Democrats are the reason America is so fucked up. They are literally a cancer on your nation.
Boomers like you are worse than any leftist
So? They lost. Which is why they'll live on history books. They don't need statues.
>daughters of the confederacy
If that's the case, why are Conservatives shilling the "OUR GLORIOUS HERITAGE" narrative? They don't see this "evidence" as something evil.
That argument isn’t very valid, it’s just an inductive argument supposed to support your conclusion. And it’s a rather weak one at that
Statues are concrete proof that a figurehead existed. Photos and books can be subverted and changed over time.
Statues aren't racist bafoon, what they rapresent MAY be (which in this case it wasn't since Lee was an abolitionist and freed the only slave he inherited) and even if it was, your attitude to it is important.
ISIS destroys ancient assyrian monuments because they don't align with islam, do we aught to have the niggerish behavior?
Do we aught to tear down modern holocaust monuments too?
Do we aught to destroy books?
watch this.
Maybe white people want to see it?
>"We oppressed black people!"
>"Aahhhhhh, I feel so energized!"
It is heritage, it's not evil, and it's not evidence.
Are you trying to come across like a vapid cunt? You're doing a good job.
Do you possess the skill to craft the statues you want to remove?
>Democrats are the REAL racists
Only cuckservatives say this
>proceeds to use primitive race as biological weapon against countrymen
And pol is dead
Slavery isn't their heritage, but fighting in the civil war is.
Your problem is that you think confederacy = slavery
>tear the pyramids down
Good point
>Preserving Slavery and the Democratic party's legacy isn't evil
Ummm... I think you might be retarded user.
>preserving slavery
This is what the mentally deficient actually believe.
Any your problem is that you think you can somehow divorce the confederacy from slavery. You can't talk about one with any credibility without talking about the other.
Trump's 2020 reelection campaign thanks you for making their job easier.
Slaves didn't build the pyramids.
go back to fucking reddit...oh, wait, they told you to fuck off too. sad isn't it? that look when your besty tells you to fuck off...poor little shareblue faggot.
oh look, a fool
The south literally had the option to have slavery protected IN THE CONSTITUTION but declined it. Lincoln himself supported this measure, as did the previous administration. How could the south be fighting for slavery if the north wasnt fighting against it?
The more you know about the war, the less slavery has anything to do with it overall.
Nevermind (((who))) owns the publishers, goyim.
Nearly every structure in the world would need to be torn down because of a reigning power having waged a terrible war, committed genocide, or had slavery.
Time to knock down every british, spanish, portuguese statue during the time period of trans atlantic slave trade. Every commie statue in Russia. Jew shit when moses and co. slayed all those tribes back when. egpyt slaves, Mongolia should be glassed by this logic. arab/ottoman slave trade. Meso america slavery and ritual sacrifice.
All presidents up till the end of ww2 openly spoke of the inferiority of blacks, delete them too.
Nice user, never heard of that before. In your opinion, what were the major causes of the war?
Don't worry goy we will preserve it as it was I promise
So those liars can't say day dindu nuffin.
>left can't meme
Fuck off shill
The same self-determination vs consolidation of power conflict that's played out 10000x in history.
>democrats erasing evidence of their hypocrisy
>blame same hypocrisy on republicans
Really gets the almonds activated
Do you think maybe the South didn't give a shit because they were pretty much gonna secede at that point?
Do you think maybe the North was for it because 'keep the nation together' was sorta the ideal right then?
Its kinda like how they didn't discuss the idea of slavery in 1776 because they had bigger fish to fry just then
Also given thats an amendment thats literally 'states have rights over the federal government' then denying it means that the South didn't give a shit abouts states rights
>Do you think maybe the South didn't give a shit because they were pretty much gonna secede at that point?
It wasnt the first or last attempt at appeasement that would have established slavery as a protected institution. My point was that they werent seceding just to have slaves and the north wasnt fighting to end slavery.
>Also given thats an amendment thats literally 'states have rights over the federal government' then denying it means that the South didn't give a shit abouts states rights
Or maybe they saw the writing on the wall that said that it doesnt stop there and never would.
Heritage is history and you cannot erase all the bits of history you don't agree with. Leave 3 the statues alone so we can learn from their past.
>Democrats trying to hide their shameful past.
It wasn't 'JUST' to have slaves
but that was one of the sticking points
Many of those monuments were from the Civil War era, so if you're going 2 talk about that time, then U need 2 include a (((group))) that has managed to stir up a bunch of shit while distracting who was really behind slavery.
It was a point of contention, yes, but that doesnt mean they would have had them even as long as accepting the corwin amendment would have kept them around, which could be the present day even.
>Learning history from statues
Are you retarded? Nothing is being erased. Those statues didn't go up until the 1950-1960s.
>why do Republicans want to protect relics of the racist democrats
Because forgetting a war happened is a good way to have another one happen.
I think a better question is why do Democrats and liberals want these statues gone so badly? If all of these statues are evil republicans that owned slaves, shouldn't you want them to stay so you can point at them to make the other party look bad?
>not learning history from statues
They're reminders, like how you need to be reminded to think before you post.
>Those statues didn't go up until the 1950-1960s.
Most are donated by the Daughters of the Confederacy as tributes to the fighting spirit of their forefathers and their uniquely american ideals of self-governance, as well as basic memorials to those who died so we can appreciate what we have and where we are. Many are civil-rights era because the blood that greased those wild times was taken for granted.
Because republicans are morons who don't want to embrace the actual past.
Because if we can't have statues of slave owners, how can we live by a constitution that was written by slave owners.
This guy gets it.
>"The Civil War was about slavery"
>Still falling for old Yankee memes
>tfw support the deconderazation of the south
I do so not from a meme anti racist point of view, but from an American Nationalist view. This is just sectionalism that needlessly divides america
Op is a kike
the republicans are racist and this is why we like them
It's part of who we are. The Confederates are Americans, even more so than the 3rd worlders you likely think will make excellent citizens.
>The Confederates are Americans
they literally fought to not be americans, and over a morally wrong thing like slavery to. you are holding onto this shit for no real reason which divides you from your nothern, midwestern, and western countrymen
Holy shit.. Sup Forums really has turned to reddit
The Jews have won.
Why get rid of a red pill for your team
Wingfag threads are cute
When (((communists))) take over a country, they first remove all the monuments of that country's heroes. Then the (((communists))) replace those monuments with the (((communist's))) chosen heroes.
In this country we used to have holidays for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Now both of those days are gone and we only have a holiday for martin luther king of degenerate communists. Now they are trying to take Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with Harriet Tubman. (((They))) are trying to tear down any statues to white men and replace them with whatever faggot communist the communist kikes can dream up.
Faggot OP's premise is a false premise. The movement to keep the statues is not ''pro slavery", it is pro-historic/cultural preservation.