Why is American cuisine beloved all over the world, while nobody likes euro cuisine?
Why is American cuisine beloved all over the world, while nobody likes euro cuisine?
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Google "Hamburger Rundstück" you fucking mutt.
Is there something that actually translates into "american cuisine"?
I only hear about junk food, pies and some thanksgiving stuff. Please enlighten me on traditional US food.
these brainlet threads should be deleted
fuck off to /bant/ retards
We basically perfected food, because we are unpretentious about what we like.
This is the proper response to this thread
Get the fuck back to your class, underage faggot
You see French/Italian/Greek restaurants all over the planet. I can't think of any other European cuisine that's popular worldwide. Don't get me wrong, you'll find every type of European restaurant all over the world, but they're typically located in places that have a large diaspora of said Europeans living there (for example, you'll find Russian restaurants where a lot of Russians live, you won't find them in the city itself)
Junk food is American cuisine?
Anyways there's no "euro cuisine" because there was never "Europe" as a thing to begin with
But tell me you never heard of French cuisine, Italian cuisine, Spanish cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine, Greek cuisine...
Factually wrong.
You fucking monkey.
Insults aside: traditional American food would be a T-bone steak with corn on the cob and green beans on the side. Or, pork chops with mashed potatos and corn. But due to the diversity of the US these days it could be argued that a Sushi Burrito with a side of water melon and borsche is traditional.
Ironically enough American BBQ is probably the best thing we have to offer and it rarely goes overseas
You forget that most Americans believe they invented pizza.
>Everybody in the world has eaten or has heard about French fries, pizza, lasangna, pasta, croissants, paella, crepes, salami and more
>somehow amerimutt thinks euro cuisine is unknown
and tapas (aka party platter)
>There was never "Europe" as a thing to begin with
What exactly do you mean by this? Even the ancient Romans and Greeks had a clear definition of what Europe was
You can't call us burgers and then pretend it isn't our national cuisine. You can't have it both ways euro.
Loved is the wrong word. Marketed and cheap are the reasons it's spread. I'm such a huge faggot that I actually want to taste all the different fast food items from around the globe. I really want to try thailands and indias KFC and mcanus menus.
It's not his fault. Blame the education system. It's one of those things where you're so submerged in it you don't notice it. Like stink in India.
I'm still waiting for a goods Africans fast food joint wheres i cans gets a good plate o stuffed rhino scrotum's and monkey brains.
Or black owned businesses to hire any other race than black.
Herro. I am Mike-u Nagasaki-u.
I enrjoy the big McMac with the cheese.
I love sucking on straw with potent coke, black liquid. So sweet. So right. It makes me eat my french fries more manlier. All that AmeriCAN salt. Makes me thirsty for more coke. You proounce coke as cock BTW. I have estrogen ridden feminine lips from so much fish in my diet-u. Mmm, I love sushi.
Should we offer sushi in Japornese Macdonoold's?
Because euro cuisine doesn’t exist?
We did. Go to Italy and try to find anything resembling this beauty. There might be some tourists traps for idiots who think pizza came from Italy, but Italian Americans invented pizza as we know it in America.
We're merely calling you out for being a culinary thief. All of "your" food is le 56% food or as you like to call it: "fusion" food.
The sad fact is that all food is fusion food. But you're muttification is simply more recent.
Mafia pasta pizza mandolino Berlusconi.
Sadly, BBQ, is our rarest export. It's our best local style, and the regional varieties give it more depth than most other "ehtnic" foods. Another style that doesn't get exported enough is the Chinese-American take out. Orange Chicken is the shit.
Because American (((cuisine))) is scientifically designed to cheap, long lasting and to make people over consume .
European cuisine is meant to be home cooked. You can't export that.
Not all bud, Texan-Mexican food is ours, BBQ is ours. And then pretty much everything mass produced and disgusting is ours.
Even what people consider European cuisine is American.
Could you imagine European cuisine without American foods like tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, or potatoes?
Sorry but the Hamburg steak is not a hamburger. More like a Salsbury steak.
The hamburger is American 100%.
I would eat that.
>cooking meat on a grill
>revolutionary overlooked export
american cuisine is fastfood fitting into an accelerated lifestyle.
National cuisine stay national mostly because of the accesability of ingrediants etc.
poland can not into cuisine
You're just pissed because your food looks like pic related, and you think you're sophisticated pretending to like it. Afterwards you run to your closest McDonalds for real food.
People eat pizzas as much as they do burgers
its probably less 'beloved' and more just engineered so your brain has no choice but to shovel it down your face, its a bad deal man, just avoid it at all costs, you'll feel better mentally and physically, just have a salad, seriously its not worth it.
>Americans have no cultu-
This is what 200 years of dominance get you. We are fat because we eat like kings of the world. Greatest empire of all time next to Rome and maybe the British.
well yeah it looks like it was made with care and OCD love by a jap.
unlike this nigger tier shit i still eat on occasion for whatever reason
Mmm, I love peanuts.
We make everything that is great and the best.
are you fucking stupid? have you ever met a person that doesn't like spaghetti?
Cool story, but the thing in your pic isn't even a pizza
It's a fastfood/junk pizza
Sigh stop posting this shit, it's sad. What americans did to pizza was save it.
Our food is absolutely shit too, that's why we can call you out on your muttfood.
Also. We invited the doughnut. You ruined it by putting sprinkles on it.
>have you ever met a person that doesn't like spaghetti?
Yeah, that's sort of the point. Certain types of European food are loved the world like French/Italian/Greek, but that's about it. It is true that MOST European cuisine isn't popular all over the world.
No one in Japan is ever wondering why there are no Danish restaurants around.
this is actually kind of true. I have lived in the rural Midwest for more than a year, and none of the food that I was served there was "original". If it wasn't an exact ripoff of European cuisine, it was just added a few ingredients. example: apple pie with cinnamon and ice cream
Thats probably a dog
>Pizza: Italian dish created by the Chinese
apple pie is pretty american breh.
>posts a picture of all german food
USA customer service is stellar, even fast food.
EURO service is shit, especially eastern euro.
what are you talking about pizza was invented by black slaves. it was only later italian americans stole the idea and then Italian's tried to say it was their idea
>Polak saying they invented doughnuts
>Origins of Donut trace back to DUTCH heritage
Wow first you say you're Russian, then you say you're german and now you're Dutch? Make up your mind Kurwa!
Because jews knows how to promote their garbage, whilst europeans are weak and submissive.
Quiet Nigga! Back to the fields with ya!
You'd bomb us again if we dont eat your shit
you would be surprised, buddy. i worked at a hotel, and we got so many southeast asian customers that the place was fucking flooded. Smorrebrod is becoming popular in New York as well.
there is no such this as American cuisine, it is all ripped off somewhere else. American cuisine is a bastardisation of other cultures to contain more calories (especially sugar and fat)
That Texas BBQ faggot. You must be a west coast fag
Hungarian cuisine is the best in the world
From being healthy and tasting good?
Not even saying you can't add your junky toppings if you can't stand unfucked food
But why making a fine restaurant meal into literal kid-oriented greasy fast food junk
sorry massa I swab da poop deck
Danish are like Jews. Your beer your Danish... I can't stop eating Danish stuff bro
>Real food
This is what mutts actually believe.
well, you guys didn't invent that shit is what I am trying to say. all you did was take it and call it yours
Europeans take the best ingredients and turn them into inedible garbage. Americans take inedible ingredients and turn them into the best food on the planet.
Basically, Europoors ruin shit while Amerimutts improve shit.
People eat that shit because it's inexpensive, fast and jewish corporates export that admixture of fat, sugar and salt.
Calling McShart food is an insult to actual cuisine.
This guy's got it. It made me recall this video of these sexy Korean cum dumpsters going crazy over the Murican bbq dishes.
American cuisine is just modified European cousin
everything in these two fucking continents(or one) and Australia is modified European cuisine.
End of the day
if you consider 33% of the morbidly obese population a success. i agree that American food tastes good, but the shit is so unhealthy and not fit for ANY healthy diet.
Funny thing you despise mexican and spics but probably most famous american food is mexican food
Can you name a country in the entire fucking western hemisphere that has a cuisine that is unique to them?
This is the New World, the land of immigration, everything everyone eats in this part of the world came from somewhere else. Yeah, certain countries here claim to have unique cuisines, but really, they only have one or two dishes that are unique to them, the rest came from someplace else at some point in time.
Canadians have poutine and what else? Brazilians have feijoada and what else? Jamaicans have jerk chicken and what else? Puerto Rico has aspao and what else?
Hell, even THOSE dishes aren't even that unique, poutine is just french fries with cheese curds and gravy, feijoada is just stewed beans, jerk chicken is just seasoned chicken, asopao is just a seafood stew, here in America, we have dishes similar to every single one of those.
So to sum everything up
1. American cuisine is a blending of foods from around the world like every country in this hemisphere
2. People all around the world love European cuisine, but only about three or four types of it. If it's not Mediterranean/French/Italian, they don't care. No one in Singapore is wishing someone would open a Finnish restaurant in their country.
Well yeah. We have European roots so our food stems from there.
italian and dalmatian food is best. But dalmatian food is basicly italian with little bit of balkan mixed into it
i just see german food
USA is capitalism central they export shit and degeneracy everywhere
This is real food to bongs. After you choke down that shit you secretly go to McDonalds for a quarter pounder with cheese.
Only foreigners go to Mcdonalds in Japan though. A few years ago they had tainted meat, and ever since their sales with actual japanese people have been in the dumps. KFC is strong in Japan though, even with natives.
>there is no such this as American cuisine
There's no such thing as Canadian/Caribbean/American/Guatemalan/Mexican/Honduran/Ecuadorean/Colombian/Venezuelan/Brazilian/Argentinian/Chilean cuisine, either.
Every country in this entire hemisphere is a land of immigrants and thus the cuisine is a fusion of foods from all over the planet.
Each country has one or two things that you can only find in that country, the rest comes from somewhere else. You can get mate in Argentina and only Argentina, but everything else you eat in that country came from someplace else.
Cuba did nothing wrong.
>Only foreigners go to Mcdonalds in Japan though.
Then why is there a mcdonalds in every anime
yes you make food so good that you are the country with biggest morbid obesity in the world
Keep the good jjob my niggas
Come on, Gustav, all you'd need to do is factor out blacks and Mexicans, and the obesity rates between Murica and Europe would be a wash. I've been to Britain. The average British white is just as fat as we are.
Never ate monkey. Brazilian eating habits very tremendously outside and within regions. Bonus side to being actual mutts.
I've eaten armadillo, paca (a capibara relative iirc), alligator. And some other endogenous wild species that taste like chicken.
Interesting. We eat a lot of meat and barbecue here, from North to South, in very different ways, so I never heard of american barbecue as a 'sui generis' thing.
How is it made?
McDonald and Burger King just doesn't tastes good, it tastes like a bitter cardboard thing with not very good cheese.
Thing other than McDonald that are more expensive taste kinda better.
Are you sure it qualifies as "real food"?
And you make food so bad that your daughters sell their pussies to GIs for half a bag of rice.
French food is too labor intensive, Spanish has teeny portions, and Italian is just noodles.
Hey i love vieynamese food
Oh wait youre korean, nevermind
Fucking koreans
El Ogro ...
If it wasn't for the niggers and beaners you would be as thin as zoomalis.
I don't understand why some people go here at McDonalds, meat is horrible, bread tastes like sponge and I don't even want to call that orange thing cheese. We have alot better burger like things here and cheaper. Only retarded children and tourists go at McDonalds
Pizza and pasta
Italian and French are quite appreciated, The reason for the popularity of your kitchen is aggressive marketing in the form of promoting the American way of life and the fact that it is a fast food
Thank's for that vid, user. I needed a laugh.
Nothing tops american cuisine, our food is too good, which is why we have so many fat people.
>not tasted spanish bellota ham