How do we fix Asia and get them to follow our superior western ways, Sup Forums?

How do we fix Asia and get them to follow our superior western ways, Sup Forums?

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make their women grow female penises

Easy, first we solve our problems, and then they will wan't to replicate western culture

Let Asia fix Asia.

visit and swing our dicks


Its really strange that Chinese bang like rabbits, but the Japanese are basically forced to make babbies at this point.

japan's culture is fucked

>Its really strange that Chinese bang like rabbits
And they're savage subhumans... well a majority of them are.
>but the Japanese are basically forced to make babbies at this point.
Note how backward they are compared to the Chinese yet more sophisticated.

Enforcing control on sexuality = evolution but lesser numbers
Allowing sexuality to flow = insectoid tier stupidity and inbreeding but more numbers

They should really learn from one another and find a middle ground. Nobody can compete with Asia ever again if they manage to pull it off.

Asia is a big place user. It's not without problems..

I spend a considerable amount of time fucking south east asian prostitutes and can confirm all is well there.

The chinks.. maybe something should be done.

yellow fever posters should be banned

Chinese = Don't think
Japanese = Think

It's that simple, the nip will not stop contemplating before he actually does shit.

That image is inappropriate for this thread burger nigger. Asians are the most racist people in the world.

>The chinks.. maybe something should be done.
I think the best way is to actually make them merge with Japan in a federation of sorts because they don't have much racial difference between them. They don't have to mix their cultures or anything just align them to evolve perpetually.

But good luck doing that given their mutual history.

>Chinese = Don't think
Maybe it was communism's fault?

Why are there so many pictures of Asians with unrealistically awesome tits? Most of them have nothing close to that and I don't want a reason to like them.

It'd be easier just to gas them all. Unfortunately the only place in the world that could produce the necessary materials for an acceptable price is China and they might catch on to what's happening.

It's all a bit fucked really.

JAV models get fat injection in their breasts which makes them naturally look bigger but is temporary and expensive, they rarely get fake breast implants.

Oh it literally dissolves away? kek

you dont because the west isnt superior. your standardized test scores arent better and thats under international review on a special 1 time test administered under supervision

the west is ruining itself and europe wont even be white in 30 tears. who would want to be the west right now? not talking 40 years ago i mean today? india? yea the guys who made their own land toxic and polluted a allegedly holy river the ones who simply dont want to live in toxic waste any more

Idk about nips and their injections and shit but a lot of Vietnamese and Cambodian whores have big tits. And they're cheap too.

Nah man.
You don't become commie in the first place by thinking.
Those fucks are retarded and always have been.
Their "3000 year culture" is made up bullshit, they've had many collapses and change ups.

why do we give a fuck what asia does when our own house needs cleaning

I don't care about price, I'm not fucking some gook. I just wanted to know why there's so many pictures of asians with godlike tits when most are flat as a board.

Gooks are from korea you fucking abo.

I'm as much a bigot as anyone. At least use the right pejorative terms. You're the type of faggot that gives racism a bad name.

hmm does this mean Japan's innovative spirit + Chinese production = Domination of Earth?

I still can't believe these two nations can't set aside their history and comprise/cooperate more. The world is at their reach yet they'd bicker between themselves who should or how to climb on one another to reach the cookie the jar.

>You don't become commie in the first place by thinking.
I think it had more to do with how they keep getting assraped by the Japs. Communism was new, so what was there to lose? At least that's how I imagine it
>Those fucks are retarded and always have been.
Meh, idk honestly.
>Their "3000 year culture" is made up bullshit, they've had many collapses and change ups.
Actually, modern China is to old China what modern Greece is to Ancient Greece. They unironically have the most experience out of everyone there.

Don't get me wrong I'm no chinkaboo or weaboo

I prefer the Confucian culture of the Chinese. An authoritarian and collective state that shills harder than jews on fillial piety. Asian culture is where meritocracy shines because theyve been practicing it for 2000 years and, for most of world history, had the fairest social mobility structure in the world (until black plague hit europa.)

Hard work and brutal truth is rewarded. People, despite being hardcore communists, are still spritutal and (((moral))) before communism hit. Where logic trumps emotion.
You can see, no matter how hard jews shill the multicultural meme, no Asian nation accepts large numbers of immigrants. Even the American puppet states of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan do not. The extra 5IQ goes a long way.

I want to fug those tiddies

>cookie the jar
fug my mind ain't working today

Loving every laugh about the "learn Japanese or you won't get girls thing"

>durr 10/10's fail without Japanese I s-swear guys.

Honestly this is probably written by some pathetic milquetoast weeb N1 sama who thought this his jozu Nihongo would make him Japan god only to get assblasted at the site of some Australian Chad in a singlet on holiday leading some girl to the dance floor.

Chad doesn't need Japanese, Chad always wins.

My Japanese is decent but I almost never use it when I interact with girls. Only to tease the girl about how much her English sucks. It's soooo not necessary if you're decent looking and confident lmao.

Look at this way, if you're a foreigner and you're not speaking English, you're throwing away your best "exotic" magic trick.

If the girl is interested in foreigners at all she's not going to give a shit about your Nihongo and maybe wouldn't even want to you to speak it.

Tattoos are absolutely degenerate and so are piercings.

What if I start quoting Hitler?
Will that work too?

I can take care of her. You guys go ahead of me. I'll catch up

Moar pls

Yeah but I just generally refer to asians as gooks just because. Sometimes nips for J*aps.

No, Hitler was a rambling verbose autist.

Just say as little as fucking possible. Nothing cringe-ier than some dude talking talking talking. Especially western dude in Japanese, puke.

So what you're saying is that I should work at those cafes where more western with white guys as servant, right?

*that are more western

You sound like a complete faggot.

Wat. Try again m8.


It says specifically that Chad can get chicks. Just international marriages don't work and girls cheat.

How much of a loser do you have to be to think otherwise? What a faggot.

Also I almost guaranteed got more pussy than you did when I was in Japan.

>leading by example
you fucking stupid nigger fuck shit fuck you lead by force

I'd stand attention for that flag, iykwim

Too bad the West lacks both force and example now.

Who is this spunk monk?

You know those cafes in Japan where the wait guys are the servants, are you saying that's only thing that matters, to be an object to women?

Why does every Asia thread have to be a shill thread? Shareblue is racist.


Probably because of the weaboos

we need to worry about securing the white race... we can let asians worry about securing themselves.

Japan has a weird culture, but they're fine after all.

>superior western ways
>letting in milions of smelly niggers

Uk bikini, emu approve

I really hate this fucking retarded notion that Japan needs to pop out babies.

They aren't popping out babies because they live on a tiny fucking island and they live so god damn long.

You know what old people do?

They take up housing, they take up space, eat up tax money, they drive up prices, in a similar way to immigrants.

They aren't having babies because they're on an overcrowded island.

Do you know what's going to happen when the older generation dies off?

The generation that are kids when they die off will have lots of kids, housing will be cheap, companies will need workers so it will be a buyers market for workers so they'll get compensated fairly and enough to be able to afford children.

And the cycle will repeat, that "boomer" generation will probably have a decent amount of kids, and those kids will grow up in a recession because there will be too many fucking people again so they won't have any god damn kids.

This shit happens literally all the time in nature, populations oscilate because they overpopulate, resources dwindle, then they die leaving a small herd with an abundance that fuck like crazy.

I wish this shit was sticked because I hate having to explain this shit every single fucking thread.

Also during the "prosperus" times is when they're going to try to butt fuck you with immigrants even more becaues that's when the companies need cheap labor. They're trying it every step along the way though.

Also this scheme doesn't apply to 3rd worlders who are so adapted to shit living that they just shitout as many babies as they can, but they also lack an older generation and any kind of security and foresight.

It's actually more about the fact that this has forced them to artificially boost their ability to control themselves and stop having children because of the old people.

there's nothing wrong with having or not having kids but it's obvious that exercising control has a positive effect both on an individual person(wink wink, pic related) and maybe a country as a whole.

The Chinese can do well in multiple numbers I guess but they don't have that pressure of deadline on them to stimulate them.
If you ask me I think that if the Japanese were even more or just as numerous as the chinks while also having the necessary living space they'd be worse off than China in a few areas of everyday life.

>someone actually thought the bait threads were for real
This board gets dumber by the minute

Fuck you nigga bitches love hitler

can someone repost the image?