Can we have one political thread?
I know you're all busy talking about twitter and traps. Let's take a minute and talk about the politics and people that are the roots and culture around here.
how do you think her political opinions were shaped by her association with this place? This is political, and it's more relevant to this place than 75% of the threads posted.
Let's talk about the long term associations with this forum and how it affects their (our) political opinions.
Can we have one political thread?
>don't talk about useless Twitter nonsense
>talk about my useless nonsense
Then it's all nonsense?
I'm actually trying to make a thread with humans responding. You've only responded with a straw man.
Good 4 you. You didn't say shit, and my last fart had more meaning. Can anyone respond with a fraction of intelligence? I'm serious about the political discourse and the piviotal members of this site. I have more examples. I"m just starting here.
Dumb fuck
Just add the word "women" to you r filter and SEE how many threads it filter from this board.
All I see are bots. Is anyone capable of real conversation here?
>ad hom
What's the point of this site, other than shitpost? I'm trying to have an honest political discussion here. Should I have started this thread with I HATE NIGGERS? Would that make it political?
This is worse than a Twitter thread.
It's what I expected. The only thing here anymore are bots, and shit heads responding to bots.
You don't have to reply if you read this, just try the same thing one day. make a thread that is political and real, and watch how fast it dies.
>how do you think her political opinions were shaped by her association with this place?
The essence of your fascinating and insightful political thread
>Let's talk about the long term associations with this forum and how it affects their (our) political opinions
So you basically want to gossip
Be happy I bumped your shitty thread
Also, I'm a bot. Beep boop
yeah, agreed.
because shitheads bump twitter thread with non political content, and I'm actually trying to make this thread political.
Sorry to shit on your parade, many places exist on this board that cater to your twitter obsession. Possibliy you should go there and stop complaing about a thread that attempts to be about political views????
>The essence of your fascinating and insightful political thread
It's a one sided conversation here, so far. I'm trying. You really haven't added anything. It's more to prove a point.
>Sup Forums threads are fine here
> trap threads are fine
>every random youtube person is fine here, even if they have no politick
>Sup Forums threads are acceptable
No, I don't care about gossip. I've never even attempted it. Thanks for the bump, if you did it. I sage all my posts automagically, When I'm OP, it doesn't matter , though.
HONESTLY. I'm trying to have a discussion about politics and some of the pivotal members of the chan society.
I'll switch pictures for your bump. I doubt anyone knows who this is or her politics, but I'm trying to keep this real.
so many people i used to like, even as just memes, but also some of my favorite actors and musicians, have lost any form of respect from me by being left-leaning parasites
oh well
You're a faggot
Confirmed for greatest thread of all time
Want to suck my dick?
Expand on this please.
I like Kevin Spacey, ok? The shit he's done is fucked up. He should be in jail. I support this idea.
He's still a good actor.
I don't like his politics. I still watch his movies. Sometimes you have to separate reality from fantasy.
user you need to embrace 2d>3d, scully is the ideal women for me but her 3d character gillian is an absolute vapid feminist so i understood to sepreate 2d from 3d
How about you state a political view then you fucking faggot
Honestly people just accept any information if they're shown it repeatedly. That's why things start out as memes on here but then end up as completely serious (the nazi shit way back when, the ancap shit way back when, the christian thing a few years ago, then fittingly hating christians not so long ago, the menagerie of /x/ bullshit constantly lowing through here, ect.).
Everyone on here thinks they've been le redpilled but if I paid you enough to get you to stop coming here and instead browse tumblr every day you'd end up being an SJW after long enough just from reading different ideas constantly.
It's basically low key brainwashing you do to yourself by accident. That's why meme magic works and why it's important to vocally push-back on ideas you don't like, because all it takes is a few threads of, say, MGTOW topics, for the average teenager on here to believe it if they don't see it's not accepted by most other people on here.
You think she's not political?
Check out anything she posts.
Like I said, faggot, this is just to prove a point. Threads about traps dominate this board, followed up by youtube ads and fake news.
We Sup Forums now, nigger.
In all seriousness, how do you think that her associations with this site has shaped her political objections to the current transitions? Let's try to keep this appropriate.
I'm merely an observer. I have an opinion, but I've been here since you shit green. It's so much better to just watch you.
You didn't say anything useful, or subject relevant.
Why don't you say something meaningful you fucking faggot?
Please stop with
You make good points. too many buzzwords. it shows your programming. I doubt you even know how far you're programmed. Slow down and look at what you say. remove the buzzwords and try to speak in english.
I'd say I was disappointed, but I expected less, actually. I had hoped for a real political discussion, but those things get shoad here.
I'm here til 404 or mods ban me for trying to be political on this board.
I'll still post OUR history. Everyone of these chan girls have an opinion, politically. I know all of them, and I'm happy to guide you to their light.
I'm just an observer, today. I have my opinions. I didn't start this thread about my opinions, so I have the character to not finish this thread with my opinions. Thank you anons for meaningful posts. In the spirit of the board, fuck you sell out boot licking faggots who had nothing to add.
I'm just shitposting till 404
Thank you.
It would be great if you had something to add, but I'll be happy with a bump for my shit thread.
Apparently politics and the people who surround this board are too passe.
in for a penny
in for a pound
I'll join in. My political views align well with libertarian principles best, however I see the downside to the practice so I meld into republican/capitalist for several reasons.
Socialism isn't bad unless forced, which is communism. I fucking hate communists. I cannot help it, i'm a child of the 80's
I'm not really sure what you want this thread to become so here's a history of me
>Became the third registered republican in my county at 18.
>none of the county elections went past the primary due to only having democrats running for partisan positions
>keep soap boxing the value of conservatism to anyone around
>grow up and raise a daughter who successfully becomes republican at 18 by her choice
>having completed my personal goals, I turn to spreading the word to others via constructive debate
>now I'm in your thread
One moar bump
Waiting for OP
I'm still here. My wife woke up, so I'm most likely >>/out/
I want this thread to be an honest political thread about people. thank you for sharing. I appreciate you keeping this alive.
I'm just more interested in your views. I'll post again my friend, and I'd like to discuss this further at a later time. Thank you, and i hope today brings you happiness
Thank you. you made this thread worth posting. I'm glad this place isn't all bots and ...
thanks, user.
I'm just sad that one thread asking for your opinions, and how you see the board affect others, had received such a low response.
Stay classy Sup Forums
Pic not related
Why are you posting trashy pics of women on this thread about politics?
Ahhh yes the Sup Forumsoxxy days. I miss that time. I want to go back to the bluepilled Sup Forums cancer tier shitposter.
hi boxy
I'm interested in the international views, honestly. What should a red blooded American do to improve our international credibility? Is it fuck off and go home? Is it moar wheat delivered to your ports?