Copied from fb. I'm not the OP just passing it along fags
Copied from fb. I'm not the OP just passing it along fags
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You like?
This looks like a larp. Posted by you.
I have a list of local antifa that will be released as soon as they try shit around here.
This friend of mine is a small girl. Right wing and redpilled. Had people attack her in Charlottesville. If she were a leftist fag they would have put her right up there next to the bitch that died on CNN for months for sure
Pizza Party?
Subscription and new found interest in Scientology?
There’s so many possibilities....
I'm friends with a bunch of anti fa fags in my area. I went to highschool with alot of them. Used to go to punk shows with them. Slowly took the red pill on here but never told anyone. Still on their list serve online. Know about all the moves and actions they make... bless the internet
Bump. Was at charrlettesville
Damn right. What's your come back to that "oh cringe" go wack off in another sock the adults are actually doing things
Last one...................
Please just fucking pastebin it.
Also some evidence would help. For all I know that's 20 publicly known antifas, then 480 people out of the phone book.
God damn stop using the kikebook app
Never reveal your power level, brother.
To bad NOT enough of them on the injured reserve list.
Lists should be forwarded to EVERY States ATTORNEY GENERAL office .
And also to the DA of every city those fuckers are from
PERHAPS pol/ can come up with a more thorough list of prospective recipient to forward this to .
What kind of evidence would you like?
has this guy from Berkeley been found?
or this bitch?
It would be hard to get the Sup Forums crack team of freelance autists to commit to this level of work without there being another Berkeley or Charlottesville incident. Hopefully they try and pull some shit soon.
Hopefully I’m not the only one that remembers the November 4th nothingburger.
>Daryle Lamont Jenkins
sounds like a fbi plant name
Was going to start fb stalking as many as I can find. Time is of the essence because soon I'm sure they will make all of their info private.... let the feeding frenzy begin
How about start with a source for the list? Other than facebook.
Some of these are for sure aliases. But alot of them arent. Keep the thread alive and I'll see how many I can verify through simple fb search. Let you all know what I find
No. 399
Chenjerai Kumanyika
If I wanted to be on Fagbook, I'd be on Fagbook.
What a worthless and dumb response. >Go home everyone. This info was posted to kikebook so it serves no purpose
You may still get banned for this one but nice work
fuckbook OP went through the trouble to make a list and put it out there but didnt provide the additional substantive info that leads him to his claims. this is nigger tier at best
zipped and uploading my Berkeley folder, too bad Sup Forums wasn't interested when it happened, at least three people should be easy to find.
pic related. She can bee seen assaulting a person on the ground at
Would Sup Forums be interested in a thread dedicated to Berkeley, August 27th? Lots of video and photo evidence out there of people that were not arrested for their deeds.
image and video collection of the girl with daddy hat assaulting peaceful people in Berkeley, August 27th
Here's my zipped Berkeley folder, might be useful to someone. Sadly we never found good pics of red backpack guy without the face mask.
Those tats. Hopefully we can get a better glimpse at them. This is my biggest fear, I and my wife have a bunch(though hidden) I’m afraid if I lost my shirt though I could be identified. This along with her face should be enough.
Apparently only I was interested in collecting evidence from that day sadly, even posted to /r/the_donald. Sup Forums was totally not interested, 8ch investigation quickly died down...
Pretty sure she was never arrested for her crimes.
This was an incredibly well organized riot, even for german standards, which is why it interested me.
Guy with red beard in pic related is also on multiple videos assaulting people.
self check
Sigh, why is Sup Forums so shitty nowadays?
adding for Antifa reliance.
They get bonus for instigating and causing more shit and unrest.
Nazis deserve it
Planning maps and meeting points, people should follow and photograph covertly.
A plan of 'not so peaceful' objectives to put it mildly.
Elaborate please. At Berkeley, they even chanted "Soros, Soros, Antifascista".
set behavior,whats permitted and whats not.
The main will start using 'props' then the rest can.
When were all of these events?
The point is I made a deliberate decision not to be on that platform. And as such, you're not welcome to bring it here.
It's stalkerish.
Weird how all I could find is a Sup Forums thread from three weeks ago:
August 27th 2017, Berkeley
there are paid agitators to escalate and cause civil unrest.
this scan is when they 'fool' their agitators into thinking the businesses are in on it, If in fact the Businesses are in on it then heads will roll.
they always hit their favorite place, Starbucks....
Seems like this shit was slid hard
yes where I got them from, then uploader vanished.
bumping, hope Sup Forums will do its thing, we need some weaponized autism right about now.
just look at that depraved fuck, he's loving ever second of it
the massive number of slide threads have been disrupting weaponized autism lately but occasionally shit still gets done
Best of luck with this. I wouldn't be surprised if they are extremely hard to find though. And I wouldn't really count on the authorities there. If I recall, something was floating around about the mayor being an antifa supporter.
AntiFa with fash cuts... lul
That would be the only thing you had a problem with.
justice bump. Anons, may you be filled with the spirit of the Lord. May you look to him for guidance, and may he give you strength, resolve, and discretion in fighting the enemy.
>he's too stupid to just google the names and see what sticks
Dumb fucking faggot. The first indication that a Sup Forums user is a dumb, lazy fucking useless, stinking faggot is a LARP accusation, especially when it's fucking not possible for a thing to be a "LARP". How would this be a "LARP"? How? Is he impersonating someone? No? Then it's not a LARP, is it? You fucking useless queer.
Right off the bat, you should recognize the names of Darryl Lamont Jenkins and Wes Bellamy. Jenkins has been sued on a few occasions for his crimes aginst AmRen members, and he's lost all those suits (but being a fucking nigger, hasn't paid a cent to settle the judgments). Bellamy is the Charlottesville deputy mayor who coordinated the whole police non-response in Charlottesville. Just about every other name on that list yields a Facebook profile, blog, or other social media when searched, and a cursory examination of those yields shows those people are fucking Antifa scum.
Stick your face in a blender, then flush the remains down the toilet.
>something was floating around about the mayor being an antifa supporter
Yep Sup Forums figured this out via his facebook. The police there will still prosecute people if there is enough people talking about it (like the bike lock asshole). I bet most of the police there probably despise antifa and want to be unleashed on them. Thank god most US cops seem to be far right unlike the cops in Europe.
Compiled the list into one pic for easier usage.
why are you assuming things you don't understand
Indeed, he also ordered police to stand down during the riots. After the riot on August 27th he suddenly denounced Antifa as terrorists to save his ass.
Guess I'll make a thread dedicated to that day in Berkeley after this thread dies, we have great pictures of 4 violent thugs.
Mugshots of the people that were arrested can be seen here:
Aren't you faggots always talking about "muh gunz"
Why don't you fucking shoot these antifa faggots if they try shit
Fucking larpers
Chekt what's it like being in Germany right now?
These are however obviously fake and made-up and gay. The reason? That's not how black bloc tactics work. That's why government has such difficulty prosecuting these people. They don't put shit down on paper, you fucking dumb faggot idiot. Stop spreading fake bullshit. Just spread the photos and the IDs that result from the photos.
God damn, how is anyone this fucking dumb?
If these people were dumb enough to put shit on paper, the state wouldn't have had to drop charges against over 190 J20 terrorists so far. They'd have had them on conspiracy.
And look at the image quality. It's such an obvious shoop you'd have to be a retard to fall for it. And no one on the left uses military fagspeak like "comms" and "ops".
>Guess I'll make a thread dedicated to that day in Berkeley after this thread dies, we have great pictures of 4 violent thugs.
Good idea.. Unfortunately you have to really work at it to get good threads above the CTR/Shareblue slide thread shit on here right now.
You know, for an organization promoting supremacy, you rubes really don't use technology to your advantage much.
Make a fucking spreadsheet so we can sort them by location, hell make a search engine.
The fire is slowly rising, pic related shows a demonstration in Cottbus after a string of violent refugee crimes.
>close the borders
>fed up
Doing the Lord's work.
How did Merkel win so strongly??
too obvious
We talked about the secret society chat logs the other day, didn't we, Deutschanon?
I was making a joke about you be gay, and because I thought it was funny.
brainwashing normies via state TV and bought media outlets, things are getting better however, people are waking up slowly. If reelections happen, Merkel will have to go.
Elections are optional?
Bump and saved. Thanks!