Why is it always Amerimutts who want Japan to open its borders?
Why is it always Amerimutts who want Japan to open its borders?
I want to [spoiler]FUCK[/spoiler] Japanese school girls.
They are all Israels pets to use a they see fit
My guess is some sort of shill op.
I've been to Japan. It's not a paradise, and the people are shit.
Fucking the sluts was fun, though.
It's not always Americans, There's that one relentless Japanese poster who always talks about how japan needs immigrants or will face death.
Newfag, he's Korean. He bragged in 2ch that he spams that shit here
Isn't he an English teacher on proxy?
Ive never really seen Americans express a great deal of concern about japanese borders, open or not. Its our nation to do as we please with. Japanese borders are for the japanese, and the rest of the world besides America.
It's always Americans.
Today my White American colleague told me he wishes Germany had more diversity and that me as a white male don't know what privilege I live in.
I thought these are just memes, but these people are really mentally ill. And whats worse, they keep leaving America and spreading their mental illness to other parts of the world.
We should isolate USA from rest of the world, make a giant wall (both physical and electronic, so no medium can escape from US) and leave them there for the next 100 years and then chec, on them.
>Amerimutt doesn't know how to use apostrophes
How's our education working for you, goy?
No, apparently I'm a new fag and he is Korean.
>walls come down
>Gallons and Gallons of HFCS pours out.
>no clear sign of what happened to the inhabitants.
Who cares? Are you trying to tell me you wish you were American?
>Who cares?
Those of us that aren't subhumans.
since when?
Please note that the german flag is nothing more than a jewish trick in this modern era. Ignore the jewish sex slaves of that blighted land.
All 6 of you then?
Americans are often too busy to waste apostrophes on the cucks and kikes of the """""European Union"""""""
Just fucking fix yourselves already and stop spreading the stupidity to other countries.
I wish this was a meme and I was lying.
Only members of three groups want this whole multicultural bull shit.
Japan has resisted the satanic multiculturalism, this is a good thing.
you should have punched the fucking mongrelican
its like a plague... back when i was in hs we had this (white) american girl who came for w/e reason to study here or smth... she kept saying i was racist against bolivians.... fucks sake stupid mongrelicans i hate them so much, being the jews tools and all
fuck mongrelicans
That image was made by roasties, the sources are fake
Influence of Satanism in the modern world:
-The developed world is heading toward Third World status because the central banks are owned by Satanists.
-Multinationals rape the environment and reap the rewards from Australia's natural resources.
-The media in the Free World is "heavily controlled" and in bed with the government.
-Fluoride in Australia's water supply.
-Educational standards dumbed down.
-Multiculturalism foisted on the First World (with exception of Japan.)
-Illuminati Satanists behind 9-11.
-Mossad came up with weapons of mass destruction rationale for Iraq Invasion. Illuminati uses Israel to run US foreign policy.
It's not us. Long live the Japanese ethnostate!
I mean the only men interested in Japan are incel weebs so It makes sense that even the nip girls ditch them after a while.
We don't.
Keep your borders closed.
No they're not you faggot
How have you been?
Keep being mad we keep you out, Svenhammed.
Yes they are, all fake to deflect from similar stats being actually true for white women.
What are you even talking about OP?
Cool story bro.
Next time quote another person with your booty man story while the rest of the world just either understands why shit is the way it is or simply doesn't give a fuck.
Open borders while the world breeds behind closed ones is genocide.
History always repeats itself.
Jesus that woman is so fucking degenerate
>Why won't these guys just race-mix already?
>Why won't these guys just accept that I'm a raging whore trying to destroy their culture?
I fucking hate western women.
We're the second largest concentration of Jews. If it's us or Euro's pressing for open borders assume there is a kike behind the curtain.
It's fun watching them die slowly though.
When do we gas Americans guys?
Never happened
>Why is it always Amerimutts who want Japan to open its borders?
*some Amerimutts
Japan needs to keep a clasp on that border pussy. Can't let just anyone cum inside.
mutts have nigger genes and want gibs and top shelf pussy.
you wish
very embarrassing for Americans, you guys are a mess
yeah that's the thing man, they come into a different country and start openly voicing their retarded opinions as if they would understand anything about the country they just came in
fuck off mongrelicans
No, it's not.
Stop shilling in every Asian thread
It's obviously some lame attempt at a psy op
Besides if you read the stats it just says it's a mixed bag
And it's pretty obvious international marriages are going to fail more often than not
Do you really think some faggot off of Sup Forums that speaks no Japanese is going to get along with someone that speaks no English through years of marriage?