Redpill me on Freemasonry
Are they /ourguys/?
Old man faggotry. They lie to the lower levels, while at the top they worship Lucifer.
Larpers, but they realized that larping is everything.
So they’re strictly bluepill then?
All your questions answered: youtube.com
Also, the highest-ranking Masons worship something called "Baphomet", which is an old Provençal French rendering of Mahomet (Muhammad).
Basically, this Baphomet is an idol devoted to simultaneously worshipping Lucifer, Muhammad, and oneself through "Enlightenment".
Read in reverse, it’s 332.
Skull and Bones Soc.
Yes, and they attack good people (such as Christian ministers and other productive members of healthy societies) and lie to them, telling them little but that "the best fathers are Masons".
>which is an old Provençal French rendering of Mahomet (Muhammad).
Actually it's Abu Fiama(t). Or maybe Baptist. Either way, it's not in Masonry, and you're probably thinking of Levi.
"divine" vagina worshippers
that sounds pretty kick ass, user
Abu Fiamat (J the B) is probably a folk etymology they smugly created tongue-in-cheek later (as with the pedo elite and their "boy lover" symbols). Mahomet is originally what Baphomet meant:
>The name Baphomet comes up in several of these confessions. Peter Partner states in his 1987 book The Knights Templar and their Myth, "In the trial of the Templars one of their main charges was their supposed worship of a heathen idol-head known as a 'Baphomet' ('Baphomet' = Mahomet)." (Partner p. 34-35)
mostly larping about the old testament (the lower degrees) or the new testament (the higher degrees) with some other Christian bits thrown in like the Knights Templar lodges and the Knights of Malta lodges. the dinners and conversations are good but they vary from lodge to lodge, all in all its more of a social thing with each lodge telling a biblical story.
Blue pilled as Fuck.
Its an ancient fertility cult... they prance around in gloves and aprons calling each other things like worshipful master ect...
99% are referred to as porch masons and never enter into the true mystery school.
From what I heard at lower levels, its just old men larping fraternity days and buying specifically from stores where the owner is also a member. As in, do all your contract flooring though Tom over there, not Home Depot. Yes his prices are higher but YUO GOTTA HELP A MEMBER.
>source is from 1987
Gee, he could almost have been there for it. And yes, the Papal records have a sloppily written Baphomet, but that's why it could have been a corruption of Abu Fiama(t), which, as you know would fit in with their beliefs, or possibly Baptist due to the things they uncovered, such as his head. Mohammad is the one thing which would make zero sense when analysing all the evidence.
christ cucks always fuck up these threads
Where do the 1% go, and what do they know?
Controlled opposition?
Today, it would be hard to find a history book that would relate the
following story. When Lord Corwallis surrender his sword to George
Washington, after his defeat by the American army, he was too cowardly to
bring it himself.
Instead he sent the sword by a servant, who also had a message for George
Washington. Jonathan Williams recorded in his book ‘Legions of Satan’,
(1781) that the messenger made the following statement.
“A holy war will now begin on America and when it is ended America will be
supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be
loyal subjects to the Crown. . . . “Your churches will be used to teach the
Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be
working for Divine World Government. That government that they believe to be
divine will be the British Empire.
All religion will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by
the masses and they will all be under the invisible All-seeing Eye of the
Grand Architech of Freemasonry.”
Well, George Washington, was a third degree Mason but he dropped out of it
completely for some strange reason
I want to rp sum satan worship without the black lipstick. How do I do that?
>Have been trying to find a source for this quote for months now
>Literally not 1 reputable source
I'd put any money on the fact that it's fake user
>making baseless denunciations
>t. Ahmad
Another source, citing Islamic liturgical language:
>Gauserand de Montpesant, a knight of Provence, said that their superior showed him an idol made in the form of Baffomet; another, named Raymond Rubei, described it as a wooden head, on which the figure of Baphomet was painted, and adds, "that he worshipped it by kissing its feet, and exclaiming, 'Yalla,' which was," he says, "verbum Saracenorum," a word taken from the Saracens. A templar of Florence declared that, in the secret chapters of the order, one brother said to the other, showing the idol, "Adore this head—this head is your god and your Mahomet."
>Wright, p. 138. Cf. Barber 2006, p. 77; Finke, p. 323; Istud capud vester Deus est, et vester Mahumet, Raynouard, p. 295.
*("Yalla" is Arabic for "O Allah")
So is it good, evil or neither?
Yallah means hurry up dude.
>A templar of Florence
Esquin/Sequin de Florence, that would be. And there's the possibility he's a later addition too.
Also worth noting there are no actual first hand accounts of these things.
>t. Never met a Moslem
Very. They're massive dorks playing RL dungeons and dragons.
I remember like at list 7 years ago when illuminati and freemasonry were actually serious conspiracies. The threads on various fora were so interesting. You could even spy on your local lodge nearby and see the symbols on various important buildings.
Nowadays it's just muh twtitter feed with soros, jews, muh marxism and muh soyboys. It used to be much deeper with deep ties into history (jesuits), but now everything is cultural marxism without even understanding post-modernism. And to think some here some even think freemasonry is 'cool' or edgy while they would be shit on years ago by other conspiracyfags.
Fuck this shithole.
> be me
> 32° Master Mason
> been a Mason for 14 or so years
I'll only speak to US Freemasonry as its implementation and esoteric work vary greatly in different jurisdictions. In that, I will further restrict my comments to Grand Jurisdictions that share fraternal relations with the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). These Grand Lodges, and their subordinate Lodges, are what we refer to as 'Regular' in that they meet some ancient requirements in practice and governance to earn UGLE recognition. This constitutes the majority of the world's Freemason population, although there are a number of (our term) irregular Lodges scattered around.
Here, Freemasonry is largely what is should never have been: It is a social or civic club with charitable hopes and some annoying esoteric memory work that one must endure to become a member.
Conversely, there are several lodges (Traditional Observance Lodges) that trend toward practicing a more traditional form of Freemasonry with Uniformity of Dress, Masonic Education, and Esoteric Excellence held in extremely high regard.
To your question:
>>So is it good, evil or neither?
First, one must define what it is we wish to evaluate. You asked for a Red Pill on Freemasonry, so we'll use Freemasonry.
To borrow an often used definition: Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols.
> This link
> beaconofmasoniclight.blogspot.com
> gives a fair explanation of the 'definition' above.
Now defined and explained (link above) I offer this: Freemasonry is both a set of morals and the method of revealing and teaching one about them (the set of morals).
If one agrees with these morals, then they would consider it good. If one disagrees with them, they could consider it 'evil'. If one doesn't give a shit, it is neither.
It is up to the individual to study and implement the principles of Freemasonry.
>Baphomet", which is an old Provençal French rendering of Mahomet (Muhammad).
Ha ! No.
>Master Mason
Two separate things, dude.
>Here, Freemasonry is largely what is should never have been
We like to blame the USA for it, but it's not like that happened in isolation. Basically, the post WWI+II booms were shit everywhere.
Oi m8 don’t call me dat
>> 32°
>> Master Mason
> Two separate things, dude.
the 32° was only included because someone will inevitably say:
>but muh higher degress
>they got Lucifer & Baphomet making out with Leo Taxil on the Cross.
Fair enough. Just a pet peeve. Like when American Masonic authors put 32° or 33° after their name in books with nothing to do with the A&AR, like it's some accomplishment.
Masonic Flair
My blue pill brother in law joined the free masons. Nice guy but he's a moron. He sacrifices time with his wife and little son to go to meetings.
Oh God, that comes up like every week on Freemason FB groups.
Makes me glad to have a fascist grand lodge who limits shit we can wear, because some brothers really have zero taste.
Anyone is says morality is relative and based on perspective is certainly on the evil side.
They're all faggots, for real
If you're a jew or a luciferian.
According to your perspective.
Freemasonry doesn't argue that morals relative, but its universal moral precepts can be agreed upon men of all faiths.
The relativism was in relation to the individual deciding whether they agree with them or not.
Because we don't support your satanic pedophile cult? KYS mason shill.
>>they got Lucifer & Baphomet making out with Leo Taxil on the Cross.
Didn't Albert Pike have something to say about this though?
No, moral absolutism is the way to go. Otherwise we have morons sacrificing virgins to Lucifer and it's okay because of "perspective". Simply put, classic justification of evil people to excuse of they're doing.
Naw, Taxil was after his time, and he didn't seem to have anything to do with Levi.
>No, moral absolutism is the way to go.
Which morality? Because yours might be quite evil instead.
If it's a matter of perspective if what freemasons believe and do is evil or not then it's still moral relativism. You shouldn't need a barometer to know if something is evil and knowing whether something is good or evil isn't a matter of opinion. So can you objectively state that freemasonry is good and righteous?
I mean referencing Lucifer. I'm pretty sure that Manly P Hall and Albert Pike wrote about it, aside from the Taxil hoax.
>Which morality? Because yours might be quite evil instead.
Statements like that show that you're evil. No need to debate or have a discussion with evil men.
Oh aye, Pike just said it was weird that people had been trying to use the term "herald of light" for a spirit of darkness. Damn quote gets pulled out of context by illiterates.
>Statements like that show that you're evil.
How do you know you're not the evil one trying to fool good people?
Morality is objective. Or, it's probably more accurate to say 'everyone acts as though they believe in an objective system of morality', even if they don't understand it well enough to see its influence on their actions or to articulate its tenets and values.
here you go redpill yourself
why did you say jew twice?
Freemason Priesthood of Babylon & Egypt by Walter J. Veith
Pretty much. Which actually makes it more of a problem because it is so fluid. You get the old goats who see it as their unchanging rock, then others come along and want to impose their own rock, rather than both sides working out which is more logical and appropriate in the circumstance.
Pike had a lot to say on a lot of things and the majority of what he said and his contributions to the Scottish Rite are oftentimes overshadowed by a few sentences in Morals and Dogma.
there are 4 passages that reference Lucifer and the quotes I've seen used by anti-masons always take them out of context. I'll illustrate:
>To steal the livery of the Court of God to serve the Devil with- al ; to pretend to believe in a God of mercy and a Redeemer of love, and persecute those of a different
faith ; to devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers ; to preach continence, and wallow in lust ; to inculcate humility, and in pride surpass Lucifer
; to pay tithe, and omit the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith ; to strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel ; to make clean the outside of the cup
and platter, keeping them full within of extortion and excess ;
Pike is describing Hypocrisy. Specifically, describes those brag about their humility, and at the same pridefully out shine Lucifer.
I'm not saying that morality is based on perspective. I'm also making no objective statements on what is good or evil only that you can objectively Define Good and Evil. However it's pretty easy to say that when someone says morality is subjective that person is probably evil because they must use that type of weasel logic to justify the actions they do everyday
>I'm not saying that morality is based on perspective.
You kind of are, though. Except that you're only accepting your own perspective.
> only that you can objectively Define Good and Evil
That doesn't preclude subjective morality, though. Ie. What's good for the spider is chaos for the fly.
> when someone says morality is subjective that person is probably evil
Or a philosopher.
What is good for the demon is suffering for the man. I'm just happy to know there's a special hell for people like you
>The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed ; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.
>For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN ; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.
Here Pike draws from the Kabbalah and says that Satan is the absence or negation of God. He then describes how this force became associated with the Goat Headed Man (Pan) and named Lucifer.
>What is good for the demon is suffering for the man.
Laziest comparison i've seen. Sounds like you're guilty of the evil of ignorance.
>I'm just happy to know there's a special hell for people like you
Oh, have you been there?
>The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired.
This one is often misquoted. He says that the "Apocalypse is the Apotheosis of the Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone and DESPISES all the pomps and works of Lucifer." This sentence, often left out by anti-masons, invalidates their claim that the next part shows Pike (and therefore Freemasons) worship Lucifer. The next sentence he mocks Lucifer being named Lucifer.
i myself had few situations where i honestly thought about joining. not just for the lols. but i dearly miss people of esoteric interesst in my personal space. i however decided it would be a better idea to get a good read about masonry, orderd some books like leo taxil and albert pike. i am still uncertain. but as i am only approching my 30's i guess there is still time deciding that, i'm without religion btw (cause christian/jewish gypsy mix)
According to my perspective, I want to abuse your children.
That's what normies do I'm afraid
>It is by His uttered Word that God reveals Himself to us; not alone in the visible and invisible but intellectual creation, but also in our convictions, consciousness, and instincts. Hence it is that certain beliefs are universal. The conviction of all men that God is good led to a belief in a Devil, the fallen Lucifer or Lightbearer, Shaitan the Adversary, Ahriman and Tuphon, as an attempt to explain the existence of Evil, and make it consistent with the Infinite Power, Wisdom, and Benevolence of God.
Pike says that the belief that God is good led to the belief in a Devil (of many names) as an explanation of the existence of Evil. Somewhat like Newton's 3rd Law:
> For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Pike likens God and Lucifer as opposing forces, with the latter necessary to balance the equation.
If Pike had a "law" it might be:
> For every force of good (God), there must be an equal and opposite force of evil (Lucifer).
Just my observations on an often misquoted body of text.
I have known two Masons.
One passed away a good number of years ago. I got to sort through his possessions that required returning (ceremonial clothing & items, etc) and read through some literary material (pamphlets regarding rules, etc)
The other Mason I know is a close family member. This individual has never told me much, just that the handshake is a prominent sign a potential business contact will become a regular customer.
>>If it's a matter of perspective if what freemasons believe and do is evil or not then it's still moral relativism.
All I said is that people will decide whether they agree with something or not and declare it good or evil. People are fickle, opinionated, and judge-y. The only perspective I referenced was that of individuals who have to decide for themselves whether or not they agree with Freemasonry's moral precepts.
I also believe in God. Some people don't and might be offended by the fact that Freemasonry requires one to believe in a Deity. Those people, based on that requirement alone, might disagree with Freemasonry as a whole. I am also a Man. This one, especially in this timeline, is offensive to Women who really want to be in a Men's Only organization. Based upon this requirement, they may disagree with Freemasonry.
Objectively, the moral precepts of Freemasonry are good and righteous.
Subjectively, I believe that Freemasonry is good and righteous and if all men were to live their lives strictly by its moral precepts the world at large would a better place.
Yesterday, a grandmaster of the Croatian high lodge kicked the bucket. He also worked as a lawyer.
Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a prominent Free Mason. In fact, some believe that Smith was murdered by masons because he attempted to steal the secrets of the lodge in order to found his own masonic temple, the Mormon church. When he was murdered, it is believed that Smith gave the masonic sign of distress (hold hands up, then down while saying "O Lord, is there no help for a widow's son?") because his lodge mates were in the angry mob that stormed the building he was hiding in. These were probably his last words as well according to historical accounts.
The more you know.
The top guys give you the black pill of the eternal void speak, the levels are to prepare you for this greater revelation
This one is a lot weaker than the Morgan Affair. At least use the Better of the two conspiracies.