How does it feel to have niggers? America has millions of stone age savages roaming around, has any american here ever been attacked by one?
How does it feel to have niggers? America has millions of stone age savages roaming around...
I see people assaulted by blacks on the NYC subway on the reg.
where I live its spics instead of niggers
Yes, luckily I live in a state that allows conceal carry... just in case one of these demonic animals lash out!
The Savage Moors literally pulled your neanderthal ancestors out of the Middle ages and taught you cave people to read and write.The only subhuman species running around is the Pig man. We are the original man. Everything else is mutated filth. HATEUSCUZTHEYAINTUS
Niggers make everyone else look good. It is all about contrast.
I got jumped by two African Americans once. I did an okay job defending myself, they were unsuccessful in taking my stuff. Two nice Indian ladies interfered by yelling and they left. They offered to call the police, I declined, and finished my walk home.
>we wuz kangs - the post.
Is his name Mie Tython?
yea well the mutants all do better than you on standardized test. the original is unevolved and little more than a monkey
They aren't that bad once they leave the ghetto. I work with one (comp sci research), and he names the jew and people not only allow it because he is black, they are extremely prone to agree.
There are many blacks who have discovered the jewish power structure on their own
Got threatened by a nigger at my job once, he was with his nigger friends (men and women) and they all just laughed. It’s true user, around blacks never relax.
Are you sure he's a nigger and not just a black skinned Indian or some such?
naw bro, that's why we carry guns here
Himmler allegedly said this, but it rings true nonetheless
>And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew
Niggers are earths cancer.
No I live in a Mexican neighborhood
Niggers are also proof that god makes mistakes.
We have a bunch of medieval mudslimes and poo in loos walking about. IDK how much difference it makes. Same amount of violence but they do it in organised groups instead.
>call white people cave men
>invented all modern technology
Thanks i guess, negroid.
I carry,so the first would be the last i can assure you. Although if you dont look like an easy target groids usually won't fuck with you. They are pussies
I grew up in the Bronx.
First time I was robbed by 2 niggers at knifepoint, they got my wallet and my ipod. Been mugged at gunpoint (didn't get my money), friend and I mugged by 5 niggers with a knife to my throat (they didn't get my money) nigger tried to rob me at implied gunpoint, took a chance and ran. Have had so many fights with niggers that I can't even count them. My car was stolen 5 times, once they caught a 14 year old nigger sleeping in it after he robbed it. Another time I got the car back and it was in better shape than before it was robbed, detailed, tinted windows, armourall on tires. The only thing they broke was the ignition and the door lock. Last time they stole the car they stripped it down to the frame.
I haven't. I live outside a legitimate Sundown Town. We killed the last nigger over 100 years ago. Property values are soaring and quality of life is finer than froghair.
Everyone else fucked up by allowing them into your communities. The first peckerwood around here sells his place to a nigger will be tarred, feathered and hanged in the town square and we ALL know it. Oprah doesn't have enough money to buy in this town.
Life is good.
grew up in a nigger neighborhood. taught me to trust niggers about as far as I could throw oprah. never relax around niggers, just assume they're looking for a chance to attack. also, always keep a spic between you and a nigger if you can. they hate each other more than they hate whitey.
I've only ever been mugged by niggers and Asian shitskins!
Which state are you in?
so much shit it sounds made up.
if true, maybe you should move
>so much shit it sounds made up.
nope, not made up. everyone I know where I grew up has the same stories, some worse.
I live in Houston and it’s loaded with them. Never had any problems personally but I’ve seen some go apeshit in the shittier areas like 5th ward. It really depends on the environment. I love in the plant town on the outskirts and must black people here are all nerds/weebs for some reason.
Sorry for shitty spelling using voice to text at work
I got bottled by one the other night and now he's threatening to open my throat if I press charges.