When will they invite him to CNN?
Peterson on CBC
>hate symbol
I actually quite like the guy. I agree that I spend too much time worrying about shit I can't do anything about rather than working on myself.
I'm not sure why it's considered so controversial to tell people to grow up.
>b..b..but you've been spotted in front of a PEPE FLAG!
>Because the (communist) left says so!
man anglos are fucking dumb as dirt
>meanwhile on börkbörk national tv, no eyebrows raised
>and here you are holding up a flag, as if it was a joke
It's not their format to invite intellectuals for long talks.
CNN is about 24/7 breaking news and daily politics and other ongoing shit in real time.
Then how come it was ok for Tucker Carlson to invite Jordan? I'm sure CNN audience would like to hear some baby tier psychology. Yes, Peterson isn't a titan by intellectual standards. He us simply good at selling his simple rules to simple people. It's just that most smart people give zero fucks about poor people.
>Tucker Carlson
That's a clown show you Polish joke.
Fuck ofph oliver
The left is based on childish behavior of victimization. They would rather mobilize groups of people using victimhood as the motivation to bring others down to their viewpoint through violence or social pressure.
So growing up to them would be the lose of power and influence.
>It's just that most smart people give zero fucks about poor people.
And he cares about poor people? How?
Would it be worse than Newman? I keep hearing Brits saying their shit is much worse, but I doubt it. Lemon is a complete screeching robot if you disagree with him.
Mostly by telling them important shit that they need to hear rather than "oh no you're so oppressed you'll never make it the world is against you", which is the current 'advice' that is commonly being given these days.
Funny how he's so respected by his fellow academics, then. If he was simply a self-help guru with no substance, he would have been picked apart by his peers a long time ago, but instead he's got the support of every intellectual with a shred of integrity.
>Ha! Gotcha!
>It's not their format to invite intellectuals for long talks.
Can you imagine Don Lemon trying to keep up with JP? Nigger would be on the verge of chimping out after the first sentence.
>Canada's biggest intellectual
West is doomed.
great guy but damn that hair transplant looks fake
this is true. I don't know this psychology shit, but if he was just meming with that stuff, as you say he would have been picked a part a long time ago
That's universal for whatever you are educated/specialized in
t. rostie
now I'm going to go and buy beer
>fuck me day/week rhythm is so fucked up
>weekend is fucking over, I start late/early
man I want sun and proper daylight again, starting to help a bit already two months from now it's getting better
>he is even smiling
absolute disgusting how he infringes on other people's rights to be upset
Self-help gurus aren't wrong. There's nothing to pick apart. The point is that they're saying basic shit for shekels.
What does moonman say?
damn I didn't save a clear shot, I should download this if I find it on the state channel
I think it is
>Hold the road on knee..
>for the eikerruss (high school graduates from eiker)
good find
quite ironic isn't it?
>and we call these people, useful idiots
When will he disavow blacks?
The other day his fellow windbag Paglia said that he was "the most important Canadian thinker since Marshall McLuhan". The fucking audacity.
he's not wrong though
pol was a libertarian board before the doncucks descended and it will be when they get bored and leave
Is that longnose to the left in the photo used in the interview?
Judith Butler isn't a pioneer of Critical Theory though, she's a pioneer of gender/queer theory.
She may heavily rely on Critical theory in her work, but to call her a pioneer is wrong.
As long as he doesn't mention the lobster this time.
this interview was a really close call, the MSM almost got their coveted Peterson scalp but he manged to squeeze by
really got my pulse going
>i don't like the radical right cus the radical left
And people pay this cunt? So people of European descent cannot defend themselves from deconstruction of identity that has been pushed by the left for decades now? Fucking kill yourself.
Now, when he said "Channel 4", did he mean Sup Forums?
Sup Forums was comamandeered by alcoholic middle age republicans to help Trump win the election and shepherd adolescent boys to the Republican Party.
Not sure I've ever seen such an obvious shill in my life.
That lobster was up to code! It was not 24.9 cm, it was 25! fucking coast guard can kiss my ass, damn lobster thieves!
channel 4 will become 4 chan
>"I'm surfing a 100 foot wave, and generally what happens with that is that you drown."
Read an article that talks about JP and his bout with depression and being on antidepressants. Now when I see JP I see the gaze of a man that has stared into the abyss. Hope /ourprof/ doesnt push himself too hard, I want him to still be around for my kids to listen to
That's beautiful. I hadn't seen it yet, thanks.
or, alternatively, you could actually raise your kids yourself.
what's a rostie? speak english, autist.
Seek your fortune.
>haha a typo
>I win
What does raising my kids have to do with us listening to and bonding over a professor's lectures on human psychology? I know a lot of this is new to you Abdullah, but try to think before you speak.
>what does raising have to do with listening and bonding
Gee, i don't know
Confirmed. Lobster deployed to Coast Guard. Authorization tango 2 charlie zulu.
So we're in agreement that listening to JP with your kids is constructive?
What are you trying to say habibi, should i just wing parenting and not consult with material on child psychology? Is this how Mohammad became a top 10 boys name Belgium, your parents just stopped trying?
I, for one, welcome our new lobster overlords.
She is not Jewish. She only practice the religion.
Fortune favors the brave so 90% of people here are fucked seeking their fortune.
>how do you define White anyways?
faux speak
>Be Peterstein
>Make almost $200k a month on Patreon
>Decide you need to start selling $2k carpets to your Pickle Rick fanbase
How is that not a legitimate question? What percentage European? Skin color? Behaviour plus skin color?
Mammals do favor their tribe, but experiments have proven that even mice form new tribal groups with 'outside' mice given enough friendly exposure. Humans likewise have the same tribe jumping/merging ability.
All of this ofcourse isn't expressed or detailed by that WN on twitter, so is it not appropriate for Jordan to ask questions?
>How do you define a horse? A mule? A pony?
>You can't. It's a fair question.
>What is even a Moose? Is it a horse?
>Checkmate, racist.
>There's no such thing as horses.
>Just let the Moose and Buffalo into your horse pen and stop being a bad individual.
>Clean your room.
>so is it not appropriate for Jordan to ask questions?
He can ask any questions he wants.
He got several answers to his questions, including from Kevin J. MacDonald, the academic he was flaming, and Peterson chose to ignore all of the messages, confident he had proven MacDonald is an evil Nazi.
Only the White race is deconstructed in this fashion, with the sole intent of convincing White people to accept their genocide via mass immigration and forced integration.
Another lame interview
Why do normies insist on pretending that they understand what Pepe is.
She doesn't know what it is. Her normie audience doesn't know what it is. Why even bring it up? Pure slander.
It's called capitalism.
It's a little too hard for Canadians to understand though, so don't bother.
more proof that he's a fucking controlled op.
>It's called capitalism.
"Oy vey goyim, you just don't understand the way of the shekel!"
Peterson take in between $15-30k a month.
p.s. it's truly baffling that garage tinkerer in backwoods BC takes in +$100k a month in donations!
it's called opportunism from a red herring controlled opposition who is funded from [[[on high]]] and gets an inordinate amount of [[[media attention]]] for someone who is supposed to be fighting the [[[status quo]]]
on a side note, have you ever seen e. michael jones or kevin macdonald selling overpriced trinkets to gullible plebs?
jordan peterson - pic related
They are trying to do to Peterson the same thing they did to Milo.
Any media figure who even so slitghly deviates from the consensual leftist narrative has to be brutally beaten down and removed from the public eye, by whatever means necessary, be it character assassination or whatever.
I hope peterson is ready for what's about to rain down upon him.
anyone who can look at the greasy, beedy eyed, swarthy snaky fuck that is jordan peterson and not have alarms go off needs to give their head a shake and check their snake oil salesman - red herring - controlled opposition radar
>muh controlled opposition
nice meme, you must be a real political player with terminology like that
>Peterson take in between $15-30k a month.
Wrong, before he hid his Patreon shekels, he was raking in over $80k a month.
you fucking idiot, milo is a homosexual jew. and he also gets massive media attention and has massive money behind him.
Hmm.. it seems like that list is in order by donations, just with the amounts blanked for those hiding it.
He knows it's coming. It was sad listening to him talk about how he's riding a wave and is about to drown. Pretty based to say that right in the middle of a hit piece.
Does that make her an infiltrator and possibly /ourgal/?
"the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves"
-leon trotsky, political lightweight
>nice meme
what were you saying about heavy weight terminology?
what is it like being a retarded mutt?
Ah shit, you're right.
Wouldn't imagine the amount has gone down since with the number of patrons going up.
how is it possible to be this fucking stupid?
Don’t go to that town lol, it’s mostly niggs n spics
>what is it like being a retarded mutt?
idk, you tell me
and as for epic conspiratorial political maneuvering, how do i know you're not just a shill paid to derail threads with autistic gibberish?
Interesting Sam Harris still has more patreons than Peterson. Also pretty sure he has more twitter followers.
because i'm the one not supporting the obvious controlled opposition disinformation agent.
the shill would be you, the one supporting the guy who is selling 2 thousand dollar rugs to dumbfuck chumps
Also CGP Grey gets $20k per stick figure fucking video. I can't even.
The proper response to having your picture taken with a pepe flag would've been "Feels good man. Also, it's a cartoon frog that's smiling, what kind of person could resist that?"
do you think kek will smite peterson now?
what the fuck is Chapo Trap House?
is it a democrat shill operation desperately trying to create some kind of media outlet?
They supposedly have so much fucking funding but you go to their youtube channel and each video literally has like 50 views, where as guys like defranco, AvE, etc. have hundreds of thousands if not millions of views on each of their vids
I've wondered this too.
I've only heard of them because they take shots at Peterson.
> Oh she's getting something from below the desk
> Oh it's a picture of an event, which one is it, come on, show me...
> Oh it's the one with the jew in the background, whew, i was worried for a moment
> Oh and now she has that stupid look like she thinks she's "got me now" on this one
> Oh damn, wait. it's the Channel 4 interview all over again with another idiot asking me questions... hopefully they make the same mistake twice and don't edit me short on this one
I haven't seen that
I've listened to some of their stuff and it seems like they are le edgy snarky types to the extreme
Like faggot liberal shock jocks or something, its the most cringy shit I've ever heard