Ann Arbor place is a breeding ground made for white men and Asian women...

Ann Arbor place is a breeding ground made for white men and Asian women. Every street you see AF/WM couples walking around and no Asian men in sight. Why is this?

As long as you have 2-3 white children there is nothing bad with bleaching the gooks.

Just have the white children first tho!

Based Asian men know white girls are hos that will suck Tyrone dick in a split second. Theyd rather level up their division on League or play D&D then bother with thots.

No but srs Asian men are way more introverted so if they do have gfs asian or otherwise they probably be playing vidya games or watching movie.
Source: sister is a mixracing but conservative girl. I will tolerate her slanteyed bf as he is pretty based.

Get out user. You don't want to live in the future mass shooting capital of the world.

I have no problem with Asian/white mixing. I think it would be awesome for all white men to say fuck off to white women. "You want got em" let's see what would happen if white men only went for Asian women and completely ignored white women.

>Why is this?

Asian women on average look better, don't gain weight so easily, and are calmer, less volatile partners due to their Asian genes. Another factor is a white man may be seen as a catch for an Asian woman, so she is less likely to stray.

i didn't realize michigan had so many asians. anyway they're prob with them for the betabucks. asian women are the most soulless and materialistic around.

Why wouldn’t this be the case? They’re just all around better.

Whites can have all the liberal shit asian girls. Those that do deserve to be gassed along with all other racemixers.

my entire family lives there and none of them are asian but hey idk who theyre fuckin

>Just have the white children first tho

So that means cheating on your wife or abandoning your family to find an imported gook from a 3rd world country?

No it means having some white kids, and then getting an Asian wife to be the a mother to them too.

Ling-Ling sukky sukky?

And of course the white wife will perfectly be okay with you having another wife to replace her?

Your white kids will see their father as a sellout who ABANDONED their biological mother in order to find some imported gook pussy.

that's great and all, but

protip: don't be a poorfag

Have white children with a surrogate, or IVF with Nordic eggs with your Asian wife, or IVF with Nordic eggs with a surrogate.

If you can't afford these then you shouldn't be having kids anyway.

A lot of the tech industry is there. Nothing draws white men with asian wives in like tech jobs.

Did you know that building on State Street in Ann Arbor with all the dishes on the roof is a CIA/DIA/NRO office?

Chinks do what they can to infiltrate our Intel Agencies.


yeah the shitty tech jobs, if you want a good tech job and asian gf then might as well move to silicon valley

The "salary:cost of living" ratio isn't guaranteed to be higher in silicon valley. Michigan's tech industry actually pays great in that respect.

She looks like asa akira who only fucks with BBC's

>breeding grounds
>posts lucy liu
>49 years old
>breeding age

Cool story Xingping

it's funny that U of M ann arbor basically ignores U of M Flint. They can literally see the results of liberal policies in flint from campus, but the cognitive dissonance keeps them from putting 2 and 2 together.

>spend 20s shitting on white men cause WOMYN POWER!
>be ignorant over your own biology and ticking clock
>side with literal third world backward savages over your own culture
>rack up debts like crazy
>born coal, kebab and all other forms of shitskin
>vilify the role of housewife and mother and actively support the legalization of infantcide

gee i wonder why collectively millennial white women all over the west are fucked

>those teeth

You obviously haven't seen much of her porn then. Most of her work has been white male. Sorry nigger. You lose again

But they aren't fucked. Regardless of what you Jews would love to be reality, white men will not be split from white women. Most white women in the states hate liberal fags as much as the dudes. The number of raging feminists who do all the things you wrote, are about as plentful as raging liberal men. Which basically accounts for millenial fags in NYC, california, and a few other big cities.

Regardless of what the Jew wants, white men and white women will not be split. Keep trying though, you just strengthen our cause

t. future divorcee

I want Asian gf.

I’m not seeing any photographic evidence in this thread.


I fucking hate the world it seems like they are going to win. I will stand up to the next comie I see I don't care anymore. They are going to kill off my people anyway. Fuck I hate people all so much why the fuck do I have to deal with you fuckers.



see Capitalism has decentralized the need to marry white women to have white children.

If you're worried about the surrogate coming after you for child support, use a poo surrogate with Nordic eggs and a plane ticket.

so the blacked memes are true?

>49 years old
wtf she looks 30


Not 3% whites 7% blacks so is bleached.

If you don’t bleach the gooks they will keep spreading. You need to end their eitnicity and as a me. You can have practically infinite children

see You don't even need to marry the Asian waifu.


Because Asians are the new white women

Whites and Asians mix well

Virgin with absolutely zero experience with Asians females.

Beat and most based plan

Keep posting more

That's all college towns.
t.Chapel Hill

holy kek, shes fucking savage