Sup Forums cucked by the rich yet again.
Very few US adults report receiving bonuses or raises from the Republican tax law
I love how our media lies to us. The tax cut is a tax CUT. It was not a promise that companies would immediately hand out bonuses or raises. They're so hopelessly determined to paint putting money back into peoples' pockets as "inconsequential." I know several people who have gotten their paychecks since the breaks and though some are seeing as "little" as fifty dollars, any working person will tell you that "just" fifty dollars is a huge fucking difference these days.
I love it - they lie by omission to idiots.
The Democrats in California made sure nobody here would get a raise. As soon as the corporate tax cuts were announced, they decided to announce they wanted to take 50% of the tax cuts as state taxes.
yep. even my socialist brother is having a hard time complaining right now. Both him and my dad received bonuses in their field
>New Tax cuts don't take effect till next year
before tax cut:
after tax cut:
lol, did they even limit the survey to people with jobs?
I'm getting 150 extra bucks in my check every 2 weeks now
>ask a bunch of bush buggers that don't work or pay taxes if they got a bonus
nigger i got a 4500 bonus and a 2 dollar/hr raise
This. I didn't get a raise but I'm saving a good $3k in taxes this year. Keeping more of what I'm earning is practically a raise
>any working person will tell you that "just" fifty dollars is a huge fucking difference these days
maybe if the born rich deemed the unwashed masses worthy of more than the paltry wages given now we wouldn't even need to have this discussion
I don't understand the complaint. I checked my paycheck and less was being taken out than a few weeks ago. This is like a bonus to me since I am getting the absolute most taken out at my salary job to compensate my 1099 freelance taxes.
So far just the announcement of the new tax plan has resulted in me saving about 3k.
>b-but it's only 3k!!
Infinitely more saved than the ~1k Obama cost me every year with his insurance gibs
>The born rich set the wages
Please learn some basic economics before posting here. If a company pays less than the market will allow, the company loses employees to competitors. If they pay too much in wages, they lose profit or have to raise prices.
Rich people don't pay the wages. You pay the wages with your purchase price when you buy a good or service.
Here is a simple test for you. Start a coffee shop and pay every barista $120K a year plus benefits. Factor in all the rent, insurance, inventory, equipment and labor costs and see how much you would have to charge for a single cup of coffee to break even. If you can't do this simple math, you should stay out of economic discussions.
Maybe we should wait until taxes are filed in April. Or you can just he a stupid faggot and cry more.
What do you mean? I can't wait for all those huge dividend increases I'm about to get from my stock portfolio.
>t. Millenial who lives of the inheritance of his parents.
Except most of the 1.5 trillion deficit created is corporate tax breaks.
Gib me handouts!!!! I want shit for freeeee
Instead of tax breaks what if we just taxed everything at 100% and let the government pay our salarys?
you have to provide value you dumb nigger, you're not just going to get shit for free.
>comparing full time workers to the entire US adult population
Yall niggas falling for bait.
This, my portfolio is only 30k right now, but it is growing along with the dividends.
-Tax Cut Deal was signed less than 60 days ago
-Many parts of the tax cuts won't be active until 2019
-A dozen fortune 500 companies gave good faith bonuses to their work force.
- Most people who actually have money to spend saw a major reduction in tax buren
The liberal Jews face when they know their party is fucked for the next 16 years.
This is such a simple but effective piece of propaganda. Saying that few people received bonuses from the tax cut means people did receive bonuses from the tax cut. It also means that they would not have received a bonus or raise without the tax cut. This head line admits the tax cuts have benefited employees. And the fact they say 'very few instead of a quantitative amount means the amount of people benefiting is more than they would like to admit.
>Sup Forums tax thread
Hahaha these are always a fucking laugh
I did
Damn Right. Shitty propaganda from people who don't pay any taxes to start with and are salty they don't have to now pay less than nothing.
Not only did I not receive any bonus (either end of year or more per pay) but soon enough I will be penalized for buying a home because I will no longer be able to itemize my mortgage interest on my end of year statements.
Special thanks to all you incel cunts on this board who ventured out of your parents basement to vote for trump. You’ve cost me a lot of money.
Why the fuck would people talk or report on getting more money
well, the problem is, first, you have to have a job. no job, no more money. see how that works? also, why is a shareblue faggot using the ukraine flag?
so some snobby asshole can go on vacations and buy yachts?
Strange that 90% of american friends i have that work and pay taxes are better off... Fake news again.
>having a mortgage
Only cucks are slaves.
>Ukraine shareblue monkey
Kill yourself
>If a company pays less than the market will allow, the company loses employees to competitors
yeah, unless the market is oversaturated with supply... Hmmmmm I wonder
The employees that did get ~$1k bonuses got cucked in the long term. That's not even enough to cover a month's rent in most urban areas. Shit, even a new lower-end Mac book pro costs more than that. Let's not forget about crippling student loan debt and the astronomical cost of cars.
Meanwhile, these employees will continue to be exploited by their employers and the globalist establishment as their CEO's make upwards of hundreds of millions, if not billions, every year and degrade the environment so our children won't have a future.
>Rays muh minimum wayj
Raising the minimum wage has absolutely no effect because companies have to pay their employees extra thus loosing out on profit. The respone to them losing out on profit is for them to raise prices making the spending power of the raised minimum wage commensurate to what it was before and you are back at square one. Same thing with UBI if companies know people have more money to spend they will make them spend it.
I got a bonus and a raise so fuck you disinfo niggerfaggot
The only change is on interest over 500,000. Assuming you home is 1.1 million and you in a top tax bracket you don't get to keep 9600. Sorry guy go cry in your mansion.
>implying my family isn't rich
Lel then it was all worth it
Walmart and the nursing home don't give bonuses.
Corporations are hoarding record breaking hard currency and capital.
>lets give them Tax Breaks!!!!!!!!
They litterally have so much cash they dont know what to do with it.
oh damn, I forgot to report my bonus to FUCKING(((REUTERS)))
Nobody fucking cares about how much money "muh corporations" has. Step one is to get more money into peoples' pockets, which this does. There is also strong motivation for businesses to move BACK to America, which is creating more jobs. Being concerned about some people getting more money than others, rendering the entire thing unjust, is communist bullshit. There are always going to be the rich. This is about revitalizing the middle class, retards.
My pay check became $100 larger this year. That's because $100 less is taken out for federal taxes.
Only a handful of companies did it and it was very small. Most americans won't see any trickle down from the corporate tax cuts. Only the 1 percent.
lol 100 bucks a month? I have a friend that makes 300k a year, and his has gone up thousands a month. The middle class is getting fucked in the ass on this percentage wise.
jesus christ, commies are demon-tier selfish
no, tax cuts go into effect right now.
tax cuts dont mean bigger refunds on last years taxes, filed next month
it means less taxes taken from your paycheck right now
>just 2 percent report getting bonuses just a few weeks after the bill passed
of course, most are probably getting them this week or next. It's not like these companies announce it and can roll it out the next day
a month is a respectable amount of time
also some of those people wont even admit it's because of the tax plan
one of my lib friends basically said NONE of it is because of the tax plan "because those companies would have done it eventually anyways"
Lies. I got a bonus and my husband got a bonus and a $600/month raise.
you take and take until the company that hired you was yours then you would turn around and do what they did except 10x worse.
you filthy commies are just greedy. everyone wants more money. even rich people want more money. whining about the "bourgeoisie" not paying you more than what you agreed on is pathetic. You are pathetic.
Reminder that Pelosi and other complete out-of-touch Democrats think 300$ tax savings a month is inconsequential.
You are fucking retarded. You can't even read.
>lol 100 bucks a month?
No that would be $200 a month, since I get $100 more every paycheck every 2 weeks.
Good for your friend making thousands more a months. Income inequality and crony capitalism where wealth trickles up is a real phenomena I believe in.
They are lying or stupid
Fed withholding went down
All of these god damn niggers spending their income on vice instead of investing deserve to be poor