>Brown subhumans kill other Brown subhumans
More news at 11
Jesus fucking christ that's brutal.
Is there a reason why they deserve this punishment?
This. What the fuck did they do to deserve that? And don't say "CUZ THEY'RE NIGGERS", what was the actual reason for this?
where is this
theyre niggers?
>Notez que le sort de cette négraille qui tente d’envahir l’Europe pour violer nos filles ou trafiquer de la drogue me laisse parfaitement indifférent. Je dois même dire que les Libyens remontent franchement dans mon estime JUST
Terror. They filmed it to so that you and their enemies can see what can happen to them, classic terror.
Probably street justice for rape.
kek. all need a good nuking.
Arabs are subhuman and do shit like this. Niggers are subhuman and instigate other subhumans. Boys being boys.
I don't understand that what's happening at the end
It says Libya
kindergarten tier "torture"lmao
What’s going on here then?
They call that torture? Is that even plastic? Children had those kind of wax games when they were young.
Because they are subhumans
most probably because they are slaves
I like to imagine that they're the blacks who do those farm attacks in SA, they're trying to migrate to Europe now, but then Arabs start enslaving them/torturing them.
So that's why Arabs and Mexicans are torturing them? Also Sicilians are getting sick of them.
Who are the enemies exactly? I don't understand whose supposed to be the audience here? Aren't these slaves now that trafficking is in business because of the state of Libya?
Kek, I still remember when a Saudi Arabian strung up either a Indian or Bangladeshi and he would whip her with something and then he had his little children whip her.
I couldn't stop laughing since this is the future of Western women.
I just skimmed is it really that bad? It looks like they're just burning bits of hot on them. Not saying it doesn't hurt but I've seen videos of niggers burning each other with tires, why is this so bad? Or is it just a bunch of newfags freaking out?
Torture? Please I know people that do that as foreplay...niggers are such drama kangs
Niggers hurting other niggers. What is new?
Pro tip OP is a faggot
Someone tweet these to those Nation of Islam blacks. Ask them how muslims can do that if Islam is for black people
>inb4 honky muslims did eet!
Yeah, i been to clubs when i was very underage where we done that.
Based negro mongers.
This is wrong
Actually you are probably correct. Some idiots paying traffickers for a route to Europe, not realizing they fucking sold their own selves into slavery. Crime and human trafficking does not pay, clearly
They know how to keep their negro servants in check, I tell you that
So this is the muslim demographic France has, and why again is it a good thing to inherit their political footprint?
Melted plastic is not as kinky as hot wax you retarded fuck.
kek, based sandniggers. Kill each other more.
Don't know, I'm not in to their business on that level. Could anything from some crime to eating ham sandwich on streets.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Check these digits.
>drama kangs
made me laugh for real, wtf
Tu na aucune idee petite salope francaise
So everybody's getting sick of niggers... Gee I wonder why.
Absolutely disgusting. We should just kill them all so that shit like this won't go on anymore.
These types of things probably make white women horney. They are sadistic creatures at this point.
I know, that's why I watch these videos and start imaging it.
praise allah fuck these niggers.
Just saw the video. I like the second part when they take turns twerking, blacks really do have rythem
I don't enjoy watching people abuse animals
Never mind, it's Libya
Kek, you can see pink flash of the niggers in the second half of the video. Yeah I would say that shit hurts.
I bet those niggers wish they were in Germany right now.
Allah was a nigger, just like yourself.
This. Everyone has the right to a quick death. It just speaks for the character of the killer if they fail to uphold this human right.
I see i remember whenever newfags problems got to bad the board would flood Gore so they would fuck off
Post more subhuman doing subhuman things. Show these cunts this is baby tier non-news. It's also a big redpill too
>these are the people your government wants to let in
wow thats awful
Now they're getting their dicks chopped off and sent to mauritania or some arab shithole if they're lucky.
so they're angry because they got sloppy seconds?
Are you guys daft? This is how you break black people to be slaves. African countries have the most corporal punishment meaning the punishment is an extreme life-or-death ass-whooping. Niggers are more subservient under violence.
It's what most of the third world is like, and why we want to keep them out with a giant fucking wall at the Southern border.
m8 you better stop fuckin playing games because in the end even Arabs are going to get blacked
>protip: anytime subsarahans migrated in the last 8 decades they've completely broken the country they went to, and turned them into something worse than the 3rd world.
Meanwhile Tariq Nasheed is crying about white people and how they wuz kangz n shit.
These Muslims don't fuck around. The Muslim slave trade of blacks was far larger than the Atlantic one and far crueler as well on how they treated their chattels.
I guess we can thank Hillary for bringing the slave trade back in Libya.
These videos are made for ransom, not terrorism. They're Sudanese migrants who are held hostage in Libya. When the niggers turn and speak to the camera, they're asking for money to be sent. The Libyans then send the tape to their families. It was the families who posted the videos online, not the captors.
Thx for translations
Being held against your will and forced to work is slavery.
Immediately what I wondered.
For you maybe, but for niggers....its Tuesday
You'd want to kill some german ww2 vets too then, or wait aren't you a hypocrite who wouldn't do that?
Delete this now, OP. White people do this all the time to each other, why don't you post those videos instead? Why do you only want to make people of colour look bad?
getting rid of a competing group and needless torture are two diferent things, violance and cruelty and killing for the sake of pleasure is what makes you sub human
That's also why the Christians have been breeding them in Africa, they want them to move to Muslim countries and do what they do best.
Someone post the "choose the option/sweating decision" meme.
>Subhumans being subhumans as usual
B-b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet
they should count themselves lucky they were being tortured by towelheads and not tacos
wow this is good shit, never seen this one
Every time I see this I imagine they could have done a better job with a spoon.
>getting rid of a competing group and needless torture are two diferent things
Seems like they're not mutually exclusive.
You don't have to use the N word, stop. I can't believe you would even say that about this poor black man being tortured. You're sick in the head.
I apologize, Pavement Ape
no, but needles torture is not practical or efficient + a waste of time, it is what seperates man from monster when getting rid of someone it needs to be quick and pragmatic otherwise you leave yourself open for a counter attack by your (now enraged) enemies, cruelty does not win wars
Its called having fun with your work. Do a job ayou love and you will never work a day in your life.
Im too chicken to watch it. Can someone describe the video.
why do you visit this board you fucking faggot
have u seen this one m8?
old news, do you have the one with the niggers exposed lungs?
I would tell him we will let him go of he just claps his hands
>I guess we can thank Hillary for bringing the slave trade back in Libya.
There’s a meme right there
I hope Jews destroy you and your subhuman mudslime friends.
not brutal at all, not gory at all, fucking pathetic. I wanted a melted nigger head.
>why do you visit this board you fucking faggot
Because when you guys aren't being racist there can be good discussions. But when you start spouting off about N words and K words, i just can't even with you guys.
It’s just a nignog squirming around on the floor as someone melts plastic on it and it’s squealing. Then there’s more of them doing the same.
>can't even
stay in school leaf this board is 18+
Someone dropping molten plastic on some nigs. The second part of the vid is a bunch of nigs being whipped/lashed
Animal cruelty
>why they deserve this punishment?
>Subsaharans in Libya
Like they not staying in their home countries and not becoming kidnapped by North Africans to not become slave
You have Muslims niggers doing the same or having more children than the Christian niggers.