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So, you're a fan boy of these 'net celebrities" or something....
Kinda... sad.
Peterson is so full of himself. I hate his reddit dickriders.
>claims to be anti communist
>ignores who is responsible and furthers communist ideals
fuck why did he have to say something stupid like that
nuff said.
>Sup Forums defends a jew
So much for white solidarity.
Who is in the wrong here?
Reminder that Peter is a literal jew
What goes in options?
What was Htichens and Peterson discussing about btw. Seems like Peterson is spergin
i wonder how much it must suck to consider yourself an intellectual and go from being an (associate) harvard professor to teaching low iq internet fuckboys
listen bucko, clean your bloody room.
Peterson is a fucking kike, gas him.
Hitchens tweeted about Peterson's followers acting like a cult, a couple of british news outlets including RT picked up on it and then this happened. Too bad Hitchen's never gonna do a debate or podcast with him.
naming the jew in public comon
damn it looks pretty bad on Peterson then
Or are you using the word "literal" like a faggot?
epic titanic battle of the biggest noggins the world has ever seen
Based Hitchens is just jealous that he doesn't have a cult following of young men to diddle
No, he's actually Jewish. youtube.com
Ahh who cares about that. It is only "cultish" because Peterson is held in awe as one of the ONLY intellectuals speaking of conservatism and responsibility. One of the only intellectuals attacking The sjw menace in an articulate way that shuts them down.
This would create the cult like awe. Really, he is a super hero to many.
I refuse to believe Peter Hitchens has a twitter account.
He is no doubt making a greater fortune in it than as a real educator.
Hitchens is not wrong, Peterson literally has a cult following, now, that doesn't discredit him but when you have to get through a dozen of "CLEN UR ROOM LOBSTERS" people before you get to know him, you already made a first impression. Hitchens is also a contrarian's contrarian so he'll probably start blaming Jesus for starting cult while being a Christian himself.
He makes 100k a year in academia. Over 700k a year on Patreon. Charges 200 bucks to appear on people's streams. 40 bucks a pop to attend his lectures and sells 2000 dollar autographed carpets on the side.
I was neutral on the guy until yesterday. Pic related is unacceptable. Not only is he trying to be Sup Forums's father figure, he pronounced it "fortune". And to top it all off he broke down in tears on stream. He's done.
>he makes money and says my secret club's name wrong. I can no longer support him
If someone is successful and making money they are a shekel lover.
If someone has a fanbase, they are a cult leader.
What argumentative strategy would you call this?
>guy says basic shit like clean your room and improve yourself
>makes money doing it
Lul no wonder the left hates him so much. Also, you shareblue shills are pathetic.
What are stormer boys doing for money? I doubt much money is flowing to Hatreon these days.
juden peterstein: charlatan coward
I don't like that you can't criticise Peterson on certain things without someone falling through door saying shit like is overall influence is good and you gotta be political and so on. The guy has flaws like everybody else and just because you discuss him critically doesn't automatically mean everything he says is trash. I hate this dogmatic shit, it's like talking to religious fanatics.
Holy shit! Christopher had a brother? Common sense might still win the day.
Anal virginity reminds me of leftover pasta;
squishy and delicious, but soon forgotten.
Saw him as profiteer from near the start when he began to take advantage of the boosterism that was proffered from this corner. He's no ally. Just a rug salesman with a self-help booklet.
Is Hitchens actually autistic?
Pic related was capped from his "metaphysics of pepe" video yesterday. I have no interests in being associated with spergs like his followers.
Also, shareblue would likely support him since he denies race and God exist. If you're adamant about defending him it's YOU who are shilling for him.
also, Peterson is a bitch
Hi Juden, leave out some key buzzwords and you'll make it here.
>any of you trusted a BOOMER LEAF
This. Faggots on the internet don't understand restraint and only have very slightly more self-awarness (which is to say none at all) than an average lefty. Eventually they'l poison the well like everything else good that happens.
>he denies race and God exist
He also used to be a hardline Marxist.
And then he claims to have grown up into a "conservative", but he spends his entire life talking shit about anything that helps the right while quietly saying that the far-left really aren't so bad.
He's a cryptojew infiltrator.
>another e-celeb thread
>caring about e-celebs
Hitchens has always been in the shadow of his better and far more based brother Christopher and he used to call CH fans cultists ...what a sad and jealous man he is.
You can call every organization with a well defined leader a cult. It's a useless, ambiguous word that serves to purpose in a honest attempt to describe a group.
>Electric celebrity
Sounds good
So what horribly cultist thing did Peterson do now?
He ordered the sacrifice of a virgin for God or something?
Or are people freaking out over things some irrelevant literally-who follower of Peterson did?
Hitler ate bread, why are people okay with eating bread?
>e celeb thread
sage goes in all fields
Peter is right, do you want to die like a man or a dog?
I didn't realize just how subversive he was until recently when people started calling him out on his bullshit. Its pathetic how defensive some beta males get over somebody insulting their online father figure.
>slide threads like these ruin pol
Hitchens is on a rampage
20 tweets against Peterson supporters in less than 15 minutes
A group of people who refuse to criticize or question their authority. Like, for example, when he shows off this completely idiotic photo and his knights mass invade pol to defend his honor.
He told young men to become strong, independent, and self-reliant.
Peter doesn't like that because Peter thinks that we should just take the blackpill and hang ourselves. He prefers wallowing in misery.
Pence is the only true Electric Celebrity.
Does this come to anyone's surprise? I have nothing against Peterson, but his followers are far from sorted out. How can grown up men harass people, call them whores, threaten them with rape and violence... do sorted out people do this kind of shit? He has a base of disgruntled virgins pretending that their day has yet to come. No wonder these betas shill for a future race war to be used as cannon futter; at least when war comes all mores and civilized boundaries come down allowing these creeps to come out of their basements to hate, kill and rape people. This is why they read Evola justifying war as a necessity in a age of decadent abundance - they secretly hate "pc" culture because it forbids them to act like barbarians. Because they are the degenerarates - not the trannies, not the feminists, not the sjw's , not the "Culutral marxists" but THEM!
amazing how easily 4chinz shill cucks take the commie context against literally every person who is for truth and western culture. it doesn't work on people who aren't commies because all he's selling is the idea that being a good person can save the world. If you find yourself agreeing with the labels applied by the actual bad guys you're going to hang with them.
I mean there's also Daniel Murray, Hitchens, Farage, so on, but none of them went on YouTube telling young men what the rewards are for taking responsibilities like cleaning your room.
If you can't take responsibility for yourself, you can't take responsibility for someone else. Gf, for example.
I don't consider Peterson the messiah or anything, but I can see why quite a lot of young men consider it Revelation.
Sup Forums hates peterson not because he's a pseud peddling poor analysis and running a racket while doing it but because he's a public figure who isn't autistic enough to go on rants about muh jews
You meant to post this. Whites are the only group who follows this individualistic bullshit. If all other races are working together and you are pretending you exist in a vacuum, you will be destroyed and you are being destroyed.
>not naming the Jew in public
This is what separates the hobbyist from the saviors of Man
All of this is basicaly a dad fight. There's nothing more hilarious that natsocs complaining about having a daddy leader.
>daniel murray, hitchens, farage
the sad thing is there are a million authentic "right-wing" "conservative" "reactionary" intellectuals etc. but Sup Forums is too illiterate to find them
Pretty sure NatSoc never bought into Peterson to begin with. The backlash is the endless shill threads on here trying to promote the guy.
You faggot. His argument is simple: individuals make causes, causes don't make individuals. Is his allegorical picture too difficult to understand?
They never show up on Sup Forums.
Peterson got his first kick in the arse here when he first told the proponents of C-16 to fuck off.
The others could use a moment like that.
Literally who?
Among other things he admitted daydreaming about unleashing his trolls on that stupid woman. Truth be told he really does have a cult of personality.
Other than being such a goy about the jq what's wrong with Peterson? From what little I've seen he tells boys to be men and wants undisciplined manchildren to get their shit together. Seems solid to me
>if you follow a writer who is ON THE INTERNET, you are "sad"
tip: they are all on the internet now
it's not 1934 anymore, dad.
Stormers and commies are mad that he's successful and making money.
That's it. Ad-hominem is not working because he's a centrist leaning left and doesn't need to be 100 percent of any side.
yeah, Stalin, Khrushchev, Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Mihn, Castro, Che, Ceausescu, and the Kims are all known for their jewishness
NOOOOOOOOO no infighting
So you're saying he wants me dead?
Only metaphorically.
Even Peterson admitted on Twitter that one of his big goals is to move young men and women away from race realism and far-right thought and herd them back into the kosher cucked center.
>every communist leader wasn't Jewish so checkmate nazis
Yeah, but they were all controlled by Jews, or at the very least controlled by ideologies that Jews propogate.
They might say what you want to hear but it doesn't change the fact they are still attention whores.
That’s the problem between considering yourself to be an intellectual and actually being an intellectual. There aren’t that many high IQ people in academia
>young people in the year 2018 are willing to fill a theater and listen to a man who talks about morals and responsability for more than 1h
In a century where kids watch spiderman elza and youtube celeb x + y opening some gucci products this is considerd "cult" like behaviour.
Also he talks about the bible and shit
As if simply "not being a leftist" is enough to save society. The cucked Center will not save us.
Stalin slept with a Jewish woman, Mao had Jewish advisors, Stalin was killed by Jews, Kruschev began distrusting them after ward, Doesn't matter if the asiatic communists weren't Jewish, all Marxist doctrine is Jewish in thought and nature, but regardless, did you leave Marx, Lenin and Trotsky out for some reason?
Stalin also purged Jews for which act Hitler had some admiration.
>or at the very least controlled by ideologies that Jews propogate.
Which peterson is fighting
>Yeah, but they were all controlled by Jews
[citation needed]
>Stalin slept with a Jewish woman
OMG JEWS CONTROL IT! Seriously though user, why would you think writing that would help your argument?
You think the women you fug don't influence you? How quaint.
>it took until yesterday
I agree with many things he has said, I don't understand the appeal to follow some Canadian like a lapdog. At the end of the day, Peterson has become a replacement for lost people to latch onto; Peterson has become what he preaches against, a blockade towards personal responsibility. People are weak and latch on to strength, Peterson, while perhaps unwittingly, has been exploiting this monetarily, emotionally, and otherwise. It's hard to call it a cult since Peterson is so transparent about it, but it is a cult. and has been since the beginning.
>On the left corner weighing in at 100lb, we got peterson. A cringy asshole who believes in a pseudo-god and is an anti-commie commie, truly a cuck at large!
>On the right corner, weighn in at cheetos lb's, we got Hitchens, the god of new atheism.
>Who will will: a cock-sucking faggot or a cock sucking faggot who "doesn't believe in magic sky daddies?"
based hitchens. /ourmischling/
wrong hitchens
I read that in pic related' s voice.
youre a retard user. You unironcially posted that Stalin fucked a jewish chick, so this means he was controlled by the jewlluminati. Why on earth would you think this would be a good point to lead off with?
Every active, charismatic eceleb has a similarly rabid following.
When you lead, people follow.
There's nothing wrong with that.i Peterson's message is a good one.
'Dead Hitchens *best* Hitchens'