Bimbo escort finds an ironically striking resemblence between herself and the new meme sexdoll, will she learn from this Sup Forums?
Bimbo escort finds an ironically striking resemblence between herself and the new meme sexdoll...
Probably not, considering there are 3.5+ billion women on the planet.
Thiccdoll has fuller tits
Wider hiper
Larger ass
Slimmer face
Better personality
Nice try jealous roasty
That chicks tits have 20 pounds worth of silicone implants in them literally so I doubt the doll has fuller tits but your right about the rest
>£1600 for this doll
>£60 for a cheap escort
i suppose if i were to be planning to visit a whore 27 times then this doll would save me money in the long run
>>£60 for a cheap escort
chick charges 1k minimum
It's a free fuck every night, it pays for itself in a month of you compare it with a prostitute
If you compare it with a relationship it pays for itself in a week.
Of course you also lose the chance to continue your genetic line, but there's the chance for artificial wombs and genetic enhancements for your child in that womb.
who are you hiring, britney spears?
£60 is the cheapest around the city
Shes a "highclass" escort in dallas my best mate bought her out for a night not too long ago.
> Hannah aman
> Aman
So what, she’s like literally catering to Arabs?
Why would I have steak instead of fried ramen noodles.
Seriously a cheap escort maker her money on volume as in volume of cum in her cunt
Take it to /b
Fucking slide threads
you think the more expensive ones are worth it then huh?
because i had a great time with the hour i spent with the cheap whores
oh is that it, you spend more time with the classy ones?
Nigger Ive spent a grand total of zero dollars in my life on escorts, I have a girlfriend.
all cumskins look the same
I have a suspicion that dumb roastie is the one who made this thread shilling her social media, she’s posted on Sup Forums before. If you are reading this get a Real job and stop disappointing your parents loser.
>lying on the internet
Stop being a faggot
Well time to jack off with her twiter account then.
reminder any thread remotely resembling this is a schizophrenic LARPer photoshopping pictures of a woman he's probably never met, as well as pretending to be her on twitter.