Based on intelligence, charisma, motivation etc. I would argue either Millennial Woes or Greg Johnson.
Would of said Murdoch Murdoch but he ain't real.
Based on intelligence, charisma, motivation etc. I would argue either Millennial Woes or Greg Johnson.
Would of said Murdoch Murdoch but he ain't real.
alt right retards are mostly drooling airheads but spencer is at least eloquent.
They are all CIA niggers, because ones who are not getting shut down.
Richard Spencer
Spencer for public speaking, since he's pretty much the only one who actually speaks in public but I'd personally like an actual ambitious leader I can get behind, and nobody has come forth yet. For online I'd say Millennial woes and Alternative Hypothesis.
Woes should really sort out his appearance but he's a good speaker. Johnson just makes me think of cartoon preppy rich kids in argyle is sweaters
Mike Enoch and Woes IMO. Spencer good too. Very underrated in the scene.
I was initially put off White nationalism and seeing the low IQ idiots on there who think everything from the holocaust to 9/11 to Oklahoma bombing are conspiracies.
I have an IQ in the mid 140s and despite a lack of any higher formal ediucation was always intelligent enough to study on my own time as a passion.
However to say the Alt Right are full of retards is not really fair. The problem is most people are not that smart and simply follow ideologies and argue for ideas thought of by actually smart people.
The AltRight has/had quite a few brilliant people, Jonathan Bowden, Millennial Woes, John Tyndall, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, etc etc.
Most AltRight supporters might be idiotic in comparison but most civic cuck supporters are, most communists are, most people are.
This, unironicly
>inb4 kike shill
They're all shit
Part of Woes charm is his insane appearance. He is like our unhinged formerly gay high IQ autist who will eventually electrocute an elephant and try and marry a pigeon.
Oh Really? Is this you?
Woes is OK but he's way too pessimistic. The multicultural show will go on for decades. I believe his homosexuality makes him prone to overly dramatic prognostication.
based on intelligence and charisma? none of them. jordan peterson and that bald ratty looking dude who founded a republican club at his hs in santa monica i can't remember his name, those are the most prestigious people from the alt right.
Woes is the exact opposite of what a successful Alt Right would be. Nobody wants to follow a mopey depressed faggot into battle.
>Millennial Woes
No this fat fuck is a mess. Let him go to the gym and wear a jacket and shirt, maybe a tie
>is life really about building a better life for you and your children?
Yes, you stupid fucking commie.
>not looking like a dirty bum
what did he mean by this?
>Greg Johnson
Anybody but this butt pirate.
> formerly gay
Holy shitfuck is his AIDS in remission?
Obviously Jared Taylor
Also Alain de Benoist
>Inb4 who is this
Becoming atomised, rootless consumers enslaved to Jewish finance isn't providing a better life for you and your children.
Greg Johnson is a homosexual.
They will not like him because he is not red pilled on the JQ.
Holy actual fuck, that's Richard?
Can we get away with claiming Evola was alt right?
Joshua Connor Moon. He runs a website that promotes free speech and has devoted his life to the first amendment and freedom. He has faced threats and adversity bet never falters. He is a man of his on and conviction
Seen your country lately? The more stuff at the expense of everything else ideology isn't working out so well.
That explains a lot
Enoch seems like a plant. He was married to a jew, yet constantly talked about how evil the jews are. Something seems highly suspicious here lol.
>Alain de Benoist
>best spokesman for the AltRight
>literally endorsed Bernie Sanders and a communist in the last French elections
really makes you think
Evola didn't believe in science nor in genetic or IQ memes
God damnit Brit bong. The alt right is a term used by media to discredit white men. Only you and that faggot spencer use the label unironically
How about Jack Donovan?
I nominate this manly man.
Divisive kike alert!
Aurini is the man
The fuck? Why are you and people like you so fuckin retarded. A plant for what? Dude has woke more people in our generation to the JQ than anyone else on the planet.
What would 'step 2' be in this scenario he is a plant?
It is just beyond retarded. Obviously people of our generation were spoon fed bullshit for years. You can't fault someone for falling for it.
This purity test bullshit is something that can only fly on the chans.
No way, looks way out of proportion
>what are shoulder pads
you dumb faggot
Hail Spence!
>Most AltRight supporters might be idiotic in comparison but most civic cuck supporters are, most communists are, most people are.
Most Alt-right people are geniuses compared to cuckservatives and libshits due to just not denying nature and reality
I mean his torso dweeb
Yeah I was born redpilled too. I vacation in Antarctica with secret Nazis. That's how redpilled I am.
Woes is too much of a white knight meninist faggot, emphasis on the faggot part.
>I have 140 IQ
>i was put off by conspiracy theories, but hold up I going to spout a conspiracy theory
None of them, goyim! They are all Jews or CIA. Listen to me, I'm the expert on this topic
>what are chest pads
come on, user.
He could just be a gatekeeper like Shapiro, Levin, Savage, et al. He can moderate things if it ever gets too hot, or otherwise control the direction of people under his influence. Gatekeeper, you know?
Thanks moarpheusbro,you are totally not a schizo
Spencer is the best, Taylor and woes second
>tfw when u see cia-alt-right retards
Fuck these faggots
I think he chose a path for his life then got redpilled and just isn’t going to throw away his life’s effort. I’m the same, I married Asian before my current views. I’m not a plant and my position gives me additional insights that are worth sharing.
He’s ok and consistently has a good take on current events. But he’s a terrible spokesperson and memes in real life. He’s a talk podcaster and that’s where he schools stay.
I will compete for the title of 'leader' one day, of one type of Alt Right faction or another. I am a nobody at the moment, but I'd like to raise my user hand to point out that there is still talent out there (mine and others,) that is untapped.
Who is the best _current_ spokesman for the AltRight? I like JFG.
Could be. I still say they are just as bad as Jews.
Why do people think Woes is intelligent?
His videos are just superficial stream of consciousness on some particular issue. Rarely does he have an insightful or deep observation.
It isn't that he married or loved a jew. It is that even after he became aware of the JQ, he stayed married, didn't say anything.
It seems rather odd for someone to marry a kike, them become anti-semitic, yet not break up with your jew wife, or address it to the thousands listening to you.
Also Enoch ahas a much lower turnover rate than Taylor, Woes, Johnson etc.
>best spokesman
Hes a fuckin ASMR AltLARPer.
Spencer is the only answer. Unlike most of AltRight he is wellspoken, remains calm, hes a chad and he has big following.
Person who hates the alt-right here. Its Jared Taylor. Hes the only intelligent and articulate person from that whole scene that is even somewhat respectable and can hold his own in a debate. Everyone else is a bafoonish retard and/or some youtube e-celeb
Essentially you equate hypocritical behavior to being a plant. Were all those hollywood feminists who kept quiet about Weinstein manosphere plants? Is Meryl Streep wrking or Roosh? Seems highly suspicious doesn't it?
Aren't Woes and Johnson both assblasters? That makes them unqualified.
>I married Asian before my current views
You still have to go back.
Highest IQ guy I knew was a marxist leninist who had a 155 IQ. Intelligent people make up the leadership of all movements, the followers of all movements are largely stupid by comparison.
It takes a high IQ to argue well for stupid things. Marx was a genius, he would smash you in a debate about metaphysics. That isn't proof of his hypothesis.
>everone I don't like is an e-celeb
A youtuber with no real political influence or universal recognition for expertise has the credentials and gravitas of my housekeeper. His qualifications are that he has an account on a free video website. This is your standard?
>looking like average anglo NEET is a part of his charm
>Highest IQ guy I knew was a marxist leninist who had a 155 IQ
I doubt that. Why would someone with 155 IQ base his politics on crazy unscientific economic and social theory?
He’s right though. We would have lost without brown votes. Don’t cater to them but ostracizing them and not rejecting allies is to our peril. We need to dial it back from full 1488 to just upholding the law and fixing immigration, marriage, and being allowed to self segregate/ be included as a protected group. Our battles are so basic right now.
Why not run ads in Spanish that talk about how democrats plan to use them or kill whites. Spanish people I know don’t hate whites and they think genocide is wrong but we aren’t even making those points with them.
Illegals threaten all legal Spanish immigrants and we aren’t selling that point either. We’ll never win much of the black vote but we could split the Hispanic. If it was split or leaning in our favor then Democrats would change their tune on illegals right quick.
ok user, keep thinking fucking millenial woes is your best spokesperson
Spencer is a yuppie who was born rich and has never had to struggle in life. Working class figures like Donovan are much better. Spencer would get KTFO in most working class white areas for being a hipster faggot :D
I like him, but he ain't the one.
t. Matt Forney
>Most AltRight supporters might be idiotic in comparison but most civic cuck supporters are, most communists are, most people are.
They're not. Shills on Sup Forums and in the media associate the Alt-Right with Kekistan or Trump retards (most of which are genuinely dumb).
The actual Alt-Right is an intellectual movement with deep and complex philosophical underpinnings.
As if real life relationships (especially if your fuckin wife) arent a complicated mess. You want to criticize him for being inconsistent for not divorcing his 1/4 Jew wife when he was fully aware of the JQ? Fine. We are all hypocrites here. Don't lie to yourself.
But you and others like you go beyond that, you call him a plant, the only reason to do that is to sew distrust among us that are trying to coalesce and form groups.
No one is saying you have to like the guy, just dont throw him under the bus when he will do more for white advocacy than you will ever do.
I second this choice. Joshua Moon is redpilled, intelligent, self motivated. He has no problem naming the jew and has traveled the world so actully kniws what he is talking about. Plus he already has a very popular website with millions of members
Why would several geniuses like Marx be Communists? Why would Tesla try and marry a pigeon? Almost like IQ isn't that relevant.
Woes is a faggot who talks a lot and says nothing
Spokesperson for who? Is this another redpill muh normees thread? Fuck them, people respond to facts once or they never do, the real world is the propaganda stream.
Using the umbrella labels they coined to frame a debate is handing over sovereignty wholesale, the ideological war being waged today is fact v fiction, the fact people are not equal v the fiction that they could be.
Fuck the altright™ eternally, pol is a far right board
I killed niggers in Angola for Rhodesia my motherland and my race, Enoch talks online and made us look like hypocrites to the world.
I am pretty much confident I have given more to the white race than him. Thanks though.
>speaking on behalf of Sup Forums
Shill detected.
Eric Orwoll
No White Guilt
George Hutcheson
As in he's not a fat slob?
Everything that comes out of the guys mouth is insane and stupid.
Spencer or Mike enoch.
Specially Mile he has the oratorical skills of Mussolini/Hitler/Mosley,just listen to this:
Meanwhile Rhodesia is a fuckin mess and is a lost cause. On top of that you britfags arrest people for speaking the truth about niggers, goatfuckers and jews.
Whatever you were doing wasnt helping. Killing niggers is great but look where you are.
You think your people cant use more people like Enoch? Whatever man, its your country. I look forward to the perfect Anglo to arise with no shady background. I'll wait...
Mike would be even more effective if he just started lifting. People will always be more receptive to you if you look good.
How come Millennial Woes practices a degenerate lifestyle?
by all means ignore me and get back into the boundaries of debate they lay out for you, you wont be missed outside the box
chad 10/10
This, why would you go to a conference in a purple shit and jacket?
Every alt right figure looks like a numale faggot who has aged a little apart from Spencer who looks like a soyboy faggot who has aged a little.
So? Frame Game Radio is also a jew and woke to the GQ.
Lovecraft HATED Jews yet was married to one.
Millennial Woes and Richard are both pretty cool and reasonable.
Fuck off sheboon.
How is he wrong?
The (((alt-right))) is a psyop.
>They are all CIA niggers
count me in, where do I sign my john hancock? lets do this
If murdoch is not hideous or has an otherwise irreparably bad image, he is the perfect candidate and should reveal his identity.
His performance on TDS showed a lot of class.
Kys traitor. Then go back.
Now you mention it that really made me laugh. Jared, Richard all suited, fashy hairstyles. Woes turns up in an ill fitting deep purple Tshirt that clung to his belly and tits and a homeless mans jumped he never zipped up. Oh and leather gloves.
It made me laugh though because he is a better speaker than Spencer or Taylor, his erkenbrand speech was amazing
This is realistically the best leader of the movement. I'd go with Jared Taylor if he was more exclusively pro-European rather than huwhite advocate, but that's not going to happen.
Woes needs to step up more and stop being a NEET. His "one hour from now" speech was a step in the right direction.
Murdoch Murdoch is unfunny cringeworthy crap and Millenial Woes is a little bit unhinged.
Yes but it's still eloquent to a degree that it's effective. I think right-wingers are retarded, but the leaders know the importance of image and aesthetics to sway them. Spencer knows what he is doing, the rest not so much.