See this picture? This is what you atheists look like!
Where is your god now?
See this picture? This is what you atheists look like!
Where is your god now?
See this picture? This is what you swedes look like!
Where is your bull now?
unbelievably fat
Its scientifically proven atheists have brain damage.
I believe I actually have seen that person in real life...
>it's another atheist thread
Is he even hotter in real life?
Wow. So what you're saying is that a reduction in paranoia reduces the inane human desire to believe that a creator is waiting in a better place with all the things you like having while you're alive? I'd call that progress, user. We're seeing what it'll be like in a million years, when humanity finally agrees that fairy tales aren't necessary to be happy.
Your interpretation is just stupid.
I'm simply repeating what the study shows. Damage to the threat processing center of the brain causes Atheism and liberalism.
>The brain damage is strong with this one.
Then explain why so many here are ex liberals and Democrats, some even SJWs? Some have even accepted this Christ figure into their lives as you have.
All religion is shit and it doesn't take a genius to see why. Enjoy these shareblue divide and conquer christcuck/athiest threads.
If you want to talk about god and the bible, go to church you retards!
They didn't ever say "brain damage" once, and they temporarily disabled part of the brain that inhibits human progress. The real headline should be:
"Scientists prove that the most useless parts of the brain cause religion, immigrant problems" aren't very good at comprehension.
This is what christcucks look like
>le funny hat meme
Is this really the best Christians can come up with? It's gotten pretty old.
In his tummy?
So your atheism is due to the the threat processing center of your brain being temporarily disabled by magnets and not some permanent damage?
>threat processing center
It's all they have. You can't argue the validity of imaginary things, so they seek to turn atheism into a meme, portraying all atheists as sexually inadequate beings. It's equivalent to arguing by name-calling only. It's equal to their brain capacity.
Why do you deny science?
No damage is needed. I'm simply more intelligent than you are. Your threat center is in overdrive.
That's not what the science says.
Good point. How can someone believe in god when were supposedly created like that?
Why do you choose to incorrectly interpret the study?
>Man bypasses weakest link in brain, religion is suddenly no longer important.
The "science" doesn't say what the mental gymnasts think it does.
>Still pushing the shareblue meme
>threat processing center is the weakest link in the brain.
>what the study says.
Maybe the doc will bump up your antidepressants to help you cope with being this retarded.
I though God was with the weaks wtf
Or he might not be paranoid and delusional. Thats called "normal"
Excellent post, faggot user. I hope you graduate grade school and become intelligent enough one day to interpret things objectively. Your interpretation of this article is merely an interpretation. I hope you at least know the difference. I pity your mind.
>Where is your god now?
I'm not an atheist, but that is the single dumbest question I have ever heard someone ask of atheists.
>Yet another thread attempting to disparage atheists, and a rather poor one at that.
How many has that been this month? 40? 50?
Isnt their god richard dawkins, nigger science guy or bill nye?
You're a fool. If you intended to argue this point with even an ounce of credibility, you've just blown it.
Show me what an agnostic looks like user
Fairy tales are unavoidably alluring to some.
You literally fucking put words in his post like an ass hurt little bitch.
t. butthurt atheist.
Atheists love cock, bunch of dick loving faggots obsessed with shit and penis.
Neck an atheist, hang up his phone forever
>being this mad.
Seems like a dose of the Jesus would do you good user.
fuckin atheists are as bad as niggers
t. Magnetically disabled
awwwww, is skydaddy angery? gotta go on and sacrifice your firstborn! oops! you dont have one cause youre an incel~~