Filthy Kike Here

Sup Goys,

I'm what ya probably consider a "filthy kike", and I was curious about why you care so much about us lusting after your roasties? We honestly don't "turn" your women in to roasties, you just never raised them properly. You abandoned your culture and your people when you started cutting off extended family to go live out in suburbia.

We simply are living in the world you have created.

No matter how much media we own, or disinformation we may pump out, it's your culture, or lack there of, that tells you to listen to it. You all watch more TV and play more Internets than you do going to church and strengthening your communities. Why don't you do some community organizing? Jews can honestly thrive in any environment you put us in. It's your choice what kind of environment YOU want that to be.

So, goys, why you mad?

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Why don't you take responsibility for raising women of poor character?

You killed your prophets, and soon the time will full the jews will be punished again

Parents don’t exclusively raise their children, society does as well. And our society has deteriorated greatly, largely in part due to the jews

Don't reply to bait


This. Also sage this crooked nose shit thread.

why won't you take responsibility for your death camps?

why won’t you take responsibility for the Holodomor?

Actually it's the family's choice of who their children associate with in society.

No one forces your child to go to a public school, no one forces them to watch MTV etc...

but you, as the parent do have the choice to force them to not.

Jews simply have stronger family structure that is resistant to what you goyim built. That's why it looks like we're in control of your society, when in fact we are just better at navigating what you made.

All of the communist Jews responsible should be dug out of their graves, put on trial and beheaded, and given no marker.

My ancestors actually had to run from Russia from the Bolshevik Jews. My family has always been very orthodox and very rich. With that said, we are still horny, love blond girls, will make porn as long as you allow, and are great at making good finical deals for ourselves. However, please don't lump us all in as Communist.

In reality, Communist jews are just "edgy" kids who hate their religious parents.

>undermine the west morals and values for decades
>run all the worst business on earth, from porn to organ trafficking
>kill all attempts of whites at organizing themselves and strengthening their country, because "muh nazi"
>fund mass immigration in western countries, thus creating a degenerate, uncivilized environment filled with sub-humans

It is not so much the Jews that manifest the worst and most pervasive symptoms of the sickness and decline of our societies, that is owed to the flippant philosophies you peddle which tempt man away from the natural order. Whether it is Abrahamic religion, irresponsible Liberalism, or destructive Marxism these have had a profoundly detrimental effect that have altered the course of Europe and in turn the world. The religion and worldview that you embody as a race are the ultimate contradiction unto the cosmos.
The greatest enemy of the Jew is himself, because he is a defect in the eyes of nature.

Yes is it half our fault for letting you do all that shit. But you have the other fifty percent of CAUSING it.

The same reason you don't take responsobility for slavery.
Thats not our fault and we are punished enough, get over it.

whats the best way to make money?

No user, this conflict is as old as civilisation itself. This is on the scale of thousands of years.

stop grubbing for attention, oven dodger


what we made was a strong society that our kids didn’t need to be shielded from. Many of my family members have controlled what their kids associate with, and those kids are very intelligent and good people. But what children are associated with didn’t always have to be so utterly controlled, the society around them was modest and good-willed and well maintained. Many jews have rightfully earned high positions in our society through merit, but a select number of them used those positions they earned to subvert and distort our society into something unacceptable
and the West as a whole has disavowed and morally distanced itself from the Holocaust. You’ve no position left to morally degrade us, the Holocaust is already very disproportionately prevalent in the minds of the public among genocides in general.
As for jewish/white miscegenation, it rarely ever crosses my mind. But the porn industry in general in very unhealthy for our society.

Uh huh, yep my kike detector is going critical, time to rev up the ovens


The jews are the most vile (((humans))) on earth after the Israeli Zionist Chinese..
They fucking skin arabs alive!!

Israel is preparing for war with us
>since the 50's israeli immigrants are secretly a sleeper cell

The average kike restaurant owner in your city IS A SLEEPER AGENT ....

These cells are waiting for the war to activate ..
Our gov knows
Our intel knows
Now you need to know

>BUT muh spare motzah!!
>>muh creemof sum Gefelta fish
>>> muh foreskinpussy soup

It's fine continue eating for now but when the war starts you would be stupid to order Chicken Schmaultz or Gefelta FengKeifeng

Now I n33d the Jewkike anons to step forward and be honest .... You consider us dogs!! GOYIUMS OR GOYONS!!!

Well listen to me you Snake-kin BLACK EYED devils!!!!

Fun Facts about jew:
>They use sewage oil to cook
>Every one of them is a sleeping spy
>They're the biggest Userers on earth
>They have no empathy
>They boil children alive for meat
>Cannibalism is normal through their history even just for culinary appreciation or made healing potions
>They're like reptiles or alike insects

Post the webms for the newfegs

Jews have no real power in the white mans world. We only complain because you are a minor annoyance and we strive to be perfect.

>and play more Internets

Your a faggot for one thing, second this is a /thread.
Third fucking kill yourself kike. We haven't abandoned anything, and you are gonna get a rude awakening real soon. Check, who is president? KYS

>Communist jews are just "edgy" kids who hate their religious parents
Your hooknose tribe sure does produce a lot of nomadic "edgy" kids that stir up shit everywhere they go. With no alliance to host nations or goyim around them

This article is written with the intention to subvert and demonize Christian culture. The idea that European Christianity is somehow a victory for modern Jews instead of the elevation of Europe and its culture and people to untold heights of greatness is preposterous.

I know, but I feel like they've really been succeeding at it for some decades only. Israël is also the oldest state/ethnicity/race still alive today, somehow they always manage to survive while great civilization collapse. Really makes you think.

So you be sayin' dat we wuz bankerz n shieet?

That the Jew did NOT implement the banking/currency system that in this day and age, enslaves everyone? That the Jew doesn't use the flow of money as strings to twist and turn the fabric of society?

wrong, the han chinese have been around for about 2000 years longer

you have no culture or people, just fellow shitskin thieves

you cling to lustful and degenerate desires

you are subhuman

>resistant to what you goyim built
please keep coming back to /pol we need more voices like yours here

When will Jews take responsibility that their behaviors, their complete lack of concern for the culture/Communities they reside, their lack of care for the externalities of their behaviors, these cause anti semitism. You create a state within a state, which noone is allowed to criticize. You Jews create your own enemies, and you're still doing it

>We simply are living in the world you have created

lol no shit we know dude you’re a literal parasite that doesn’t care about said world

And given half a chance I'd abandon this species if I could, have at it shlomo

>chinese have been around longer
Fair enough, but that's a bit like saying niggers have been around longer. They don't really have a culture/religion of their own, and they surely don't behave like a big tribe like jews do.

You're right man, pol should learn from the jews instead of blaming them.

why should we care if you don't care?

Sooner or later we will take responsibility and finally debunk holocaust meme. You know that all documents and evidence about this lie is stored in Russia and Poland? That's why we don't have filthy Jews, if you push us too hard we will excavate Auschwitz and show that this is all hoax.

2, 1

*we don't have to listen to

why do jews feel the need to deceive others on purpose? that is (((satan))) in its purest form

why do you pretend everyone else is a sheep and can’t think, but jews are the ultimate inbred sheep that are not allowed to think for themselves- you do whatever the rabbis orders are

you are the enemy of logic and reason

you are the enemy of humanity

>They don't really have a culture/religion of their own, and they surely don't behave like a big tribe like jews do.
You'll notice Han chinese are very tribal and have an almost hive mentality in numbers if you ever deal with them in person

I don't give a shit about who you lust after. I want your private banking cartel destroyed.
Yes, I'm that our traitors aided the subversion. But it doesn't help that the jew's special medium of expression is deceit.

100 percent correct.

However, it will not stop them from blaming YOU for everything that is wrong with their lives.

Jews are a minority, and are successful.

Whites are a minority...and are failing in every category.


I love how those semitic traits are absolutely spot on.

post auschwitz tattoo or GTFO

why did jewish men have to make up rules onto their retarded subjects about forcing (((matrilineal bloodline)))? i always here stories about how when the romans showed up the jewish women were going crazy for them. also that was the tipping point of jewish history re: constantly getting cucked by superior men i.e romans. this was a bunch of perverted jewish men to control a ideology obsessed with hoarding money through owning vaginas. yes, jewish men are such inbred gamma losers they changed their laws and rules and religion and ethnic lines because they are inferior to romans. jewish men teach their people jealousy of romans due to this fact from 2000 years ago. your people act like subhuman trash and got put down like subhuman trash. your women enjoyed it.

funny how your brainwashed females are all (((feminists))) that are so smart they don’t even know their entire identity is based on a few perverted inbred men who were getting bred out and dominated by superior humans thousands of years ago

Well share your stories user.

Christianity tried (and failed) to break the European man, hence why it has slowly syncretinised traditional native elements - which is why I have some respect for unreformed churches like Orthodoxy, since it is essentially crypto-hellenism.
To deny that Christianity has Jewish roots is preposterous. It started out as being explicitly egalitarian and universalist and was spread from the Judaean desert by Jews such as Paul. Read into Hermeticism.

How do you get a khazar milker? Could you provide any tips?

why do jews race to the bottom of the gutter quickest and then declare greatness?

jewish life is bottom of the barrel scum

(((l-l-llle chaim!!?!)))

slides achieved goys, thx

>lusts after my sister
>forbids his sister to look at me or date me or marry me

ya gee i wonder why people hate you? you are so unconvinced of your shit tier religious ethnicity that you had to attach it to your women’s vaginas in order to prevent romans and others from going around your women because nobody wants gross kike mind virus attached to their children

jews literally can’t compete so they cheat

“never raised properly”

wtf does that mean kike?

they weren’t fucking niggers and telling the whole class of girls to do the same in hs?

my kike ex was taking nudes of herself and she was 13 at the time lmfao a proud degenerate kike (((wannabee artist))) aka fucking gypsy degenerate parasite. that was like 15 years ago.

your men and women have no values or rules even though you autistically wrote a bunch of jibberish down and call it your book

Is that real gold and silver? Brings out the kike in everyone.

You serious? Your women are all sluts except the Orthodox ones

jews don’t thrive in farms, manual labor, sports, or ovens

not sure why you are boasting the rabbis lame talking points you fucking brainwashed nerd

jew: “LoL no way! My daughter isn’t a fucking stinky whore even though she had 34 partners and 5 stds by the end of college!!! she loves banging niggers who abuse her and listens to rap!! she hates whites but lusts for them the most!!! she’s raised so well because i never told her any rules haaa aaahaaaa haaaa tee heeee so jewy ahaha haaaa”

jewish inbred greedy elders at the time of getting stomped by romans in 70ad were even like “lol dude who cares about these laws god doesn’t care lol it’s just a purity filter lolllllolllllll”

your people are a conglomeration of nothinf but organized misery

jews are just the remnants of a failed evolutionary survival strategy

“if we say this chicks pussy is jewish and anything that comes from it is jewish, then nobody can cuck us! ha! fuck you god ha!”

literally admitting (((judaism))) is subhuman and unworthy

literally acknowledging they are parasites who only exist attached to others

they literally can’t compete so the elder kike temple fucks hoard money and call it life

the jokes on you, arguing with semites only makes us stronger

Join a Mexican cartel

you are inbred and not allowed to interact with us

you are groomed and bred to be nepotized into whatever you are told. that job will get you money you are to hoard at the temple for safekeeping with the rabbi. maybe you’ll get to sit close to his wife at temple!!!!! go steal more money from those goy!!!!

the only reason you are allowed is because we haven’t killed you

Poor b8 m8, 0/8 no h8.
We call them goyim, not goys.

those corpses should be dug up and returned for further fucking to the corpse fucking kikes who butchered and raped the romanovs dead bodies

jews love death and filth

jews came up with the idea that a nation should rise our children and we should follow the gov family policy. those jews were called marxists and to this day they push all woman into whoring themselves

you can’t even let them into your town to use our currency because they are trying to clip the metal off the coinage...pure lecherous subhuman trash that cannot function in others’ nations without purposely degenerating it

>The greatest enemy of the Jew is himself, because he is a defect in the eyes of nature

yes it’s why they double down like complete gamma beta societal trash and (((rebel))) against everywhere they go.

got a problem with logic and reason? you’re probably a jew...

(((they))) are not a masculine people and their women aren’t feminine...

disgusting un-humans

Why do (((you))) vote Liberal, and why do you shill for Israel?

>will make porn

if i could press a button and kill every jew on the planet i would

instant world peace

except Han aren’t selling their daughters off to romans or jocks or big buck niggers in order to cheat goyim out of their bloodline by claiming th me child a “kike”

Han aren’t lashing out at da goyim by pumping their filthy daughters full of nigger jizz on film for shekels in chatsworth, ca...

Han haven’t been kicked out of 109 different nations

let’s not diss the Han by comparing jew kikes to them

>it’s your fault goyim, you did this!
>how dare you vote for trump and try to fix this! Raycism!!!

Your days are numbered you soap bar.

why do jews sue whites for hiring over qualified whites for jobs...which is against diversity apparently- but then hire unqualified jewish family members in nepotistic ways

all you have to do is go to the job post at your temple and are given a jew job to bring in money for the temple money hoarders

you should be killed off or sent back to whatever country be built for you to live in aka israhell

man so much for jewish inquisitiveness and a desire to learn and discuss things with other’s like the rabbis have inbred and brainwashed them over thousands of years

buncha man made corrupt money god sex cult bullshit that jew day ism is

>we dont turn our women into roasties

that's why they fuck sandniggers in Israel rather than your cut dick Moshe

Tick tock


The time of Jacob's troubles is about to begin. I would've thought last month, but Friday is looking like a good day since that didn't work out.

Stop acting like a nigger and tell "muh dik" to calm down. Get out your Tanakh you lazy bastard! Read it. Study it. Look at the meaning of the names. Jesus was foretold by the names in Adams genealogy. Also, Isiah 53 is not about Israel as a nation.

YouTube One for Israel. Get on that instead of some whore. Repent or burn.