How do we rid Spain of its fascist problem???!!!
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Let them take back power.
It's not a problem, it's a solution
>Girl in the pink shirt
I’d suck her toes and cum in her mouth, if you know what I mean
Better nationalist than brainwashed
Look at that fucking kid.
How the fuck can anyone claim she is White with a straight face?
>How do we rid Spain of its fascist problem???!!!
They are literally doing nothing wrong.
I wish fascism was a real credible source of trouble in spain but we barely have any based party or organisation.
What did he mean by this?
link to a spanish fascist discord server/nCFnKgC
>Get rid
It's time for rematch of Left Syndicalism vs Right Syndicalism.
looks more like poor lighting in the picture than her actual skintone
the final solution
All the people saying “viva España” in the comments, are they denouncing fascism or praising it?
You just fell on the biggest meme of all times.
There are politics beyond the dichotomy of left and right.
Praising it.
Left and right are both progressive. Reactionary action is the only way to save the West. A B S O L U T E M O N A R C H Y
I know that you mean that you're a lowlife degenerate,yes I know that
I never got why the used the tune of Katyusha, isn't it a commie song?
In 1970's USA, the high school senior trip destination was usually Spain. Back then, it was safe, comfy, and Fascist. Imagine sending students from the US or Japan to the globalist-produced hellholes of Rotterdam or Malmö. Spain can still save itself.
Spaniards stole it from commies for shit and giggles.
They listened to it while in russia same way they also have lily marlen versions.
It's not about communism but about love,we turned into a war song
Kek. All those Brown moor rapebabys waging spanish supremacy.
but who will bomb Guernica for the next Franco? There's no il duce or fuhrer to back a real Spanish civil war again. And honestly, this King Felipe is a pussy. You people need to shut Catalonia down like it's the Rif.
So nice to see the youth embrace these old traditions.
Also, a question for Spanish Anons, I'm eligible for Spanish citizenship cuz my grandmother is from there and shiet, but ma dad says that if i go to Spain ill be treated like shit just for being born in Mexico, despite being 1/4 Spanish, is that true?
Is Spain awaking from the Eternal Siesta?!
Nationalism is for everyone. Don't be a racist.
Not yet, but soon we stir in our eternal restless sleep. Maybe to never wake up, or to awake with a migraine and filled with wrath at the little fleas picking at our dying body.
If you're white enough so that it's only the accent it's ok,if not...please dont come.
A lot of people from Spain aren't to keen on foreigners, and more than anything I don't think they like their former colonies that much either. A lot of Latin Americans do go to Spain and Portugal and they don't really like them. Portuguese are getting annoyed with the Brazilians coming into their country and Spaniards are getting annoyed with the Latin Americans entering. You guys have a similar language but the cultures are entirely different, you're Dad is right to an extent. If you're not white you will be chastised
Godspeed spainbros
Fuck me I can't spell for shit today
A final one
We dont
Some please redpill me on ''Podemos'', because my Spanish buddy thinks they're the solution to all Spanish problems because they want to lower politicians' wages and ''aren't corrupt as the right wingers'' with fascist police to beat up and arrest people who peacefully protest. To me they just seem like a bunch of commies...
They're basically antifa. They want to impose all sort of very high taxes to everyone who isn't a loser or lazy remove the barrier we have in Africa for stopping niggers
I'm as white as pic related but with hazel eyes, is that white enough? I also kinda can fake the accent, also, would Spaniards treat a 'Spaniard per se' born outside Spain better than a foreigner (anchor baby) born in Spain to immigrant parents? It's really fucked up that I get shit in Mexico for being of Spanish descent and I would get shit in Spain for being born in Mexico. Feels bad man.
>calling someone else brown
I don't care about the accent,if you're semi white,right winger and love spain then I don't mind,if you're a jungle mystery meat who will larp as a proud mexican while being a migrant and waste our precious european oxygen and resources then we are full,if you love spain as much as mejico then it's ok,but I much rather you stayed and tried to improve mejico in case europe gets overran.
falangism is not racist, dumbass
If you look like that and conduct yourself well and treat Spain like a proper home then you shouldn't run into any issues. But I'd still advise staying in Mexico and making it great. Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day
I have the same question as this mexican guy, I have like 7/8 parts Spaniard and 1/8 Italian, im white as fuck, blue eyes but brown hair, most of my family come from Asturias, can i join?
Read those answers,change mexico to Argentina.
I know Argentinians and they are obnoxious af so unless you can love spain as much as argentona then don't come,and i much rather have you stay and try to change Argentina,our country is being fucked up,i much rather you help your own countries and try to improve them than come here and enjoy the sinking.
Well i actually want to be a diplomat so i guess i can help my nation while being away.
they are commie scum with no real political projects
> roman laws
it doesn't have roman law u uneducated teenage shill.
Then absolutely no problem if you come as a diplomat you're a guest and I'll be happy to have you as such,what I don't like is people that come here to live and are just guests still loyal to their own countries.
If you come it should be out of love not simply because you don't like your own country
To the foreigner "Spaniards" here, please, unless you're of Spanish descent and you're 100% European don't come, if you are though, you're welcome here.
>How the fuck can anyone claim she is White with a straight face?
"if theyre not pasty anglos they must not be white"
bronze skin has been a white thing since ancient greece. Not saying some Spainards dont have moor blood but very few and darker skin/hair doesnt mean they arent white. Some Iranians are white.
>To the foreigner "Spaniards" here, please, unless you're of Spanish descent and you're 100% European don't come, if you are though, you're welcome here.
Am i welcome back? My family were conquistadors in SA and kept moving up for jobs and mixed with a rich polish family.
>meme flag
>mutt meme
(((who))) could be behind this? Also how is 2 nationalities a mutt? no one is pure blooded unless theyre some weird european inbred.
Give them magic mushrooms
I don't know, I've seen legit mexican beaners with native blood look whiter than that kid
Fascists aren't the bourgeoisie, its obviously well supported historically by the middle class primarily against the stupid manipulated lower class and the parasitical elite.
Fascism for Europe NOW.
We don't have a fascist problem in Spain.
All the people in the right hand picture are spaniards.
They actually were protesting against boletus
she's obviously not white, but the spaniards are alright imo
I'm coming
Aaaah the good old days, I hope Santiago Abascal or La falange Will bring back it. Now it's near to be a shit hole, with the catalonians doing whatever they want and all the feminist and commies in the government
are catalans the jews of spain?
We only hate shitty spics that join gangs, Latin Kings and shit. If you work, earn your bread and contribute to the estate, you are welcome and nobody will judge you
Worst, they are like the kids in the kindergarten that kicks you and cry for attention
maybe not jam progressive policy and culture down everyone's throats?
They're known for their greed and for being good with money, also for trying to undermine spanish law and sobereignty... so yeah
Hey, moron, what does it matter? What matters is the cause she is ready to support and voice. If they want to kill niggers fucking let them.
Based Spain. Don't be mad when they call you non white you are a true European nation.
Isn't Sup Forums always asking where to get trad cuties?
Well, where else do you know you can do the roman salute without jailtime?
Come back home, where it all started, white man. You once sailed from this peninsula, now it's time to make Spain white again. Unrape the bereber in us.
Daily reminder that Cuckalonia will be a M*slim shithole in a generation.
>Doing the roman salute without jailtime
Did you read (((Memoria historica))) law mate?
Hey JonTron.
Generation Zyklon
I am having a hard time believing I’m not the one who wrote this comment.
I will unironically flee to Spain if they reinstate the monarchy, and I am maybe 5% Spanish. Don’t give a fuck
Did you watch the video? Half of them are less white than you.
Who claimed that? She is probably around 10% north african, something normal in Spain.
The future is bright
Have you? Where does it say anything about limiting freedom of speech? That law was made to take down statues, change street names, give nationality back to expats and some other idiotic things.
As far as I know nobody has gone to jail for that. Even Pedro Varela was judged under some idiotic hate crime and wasn't due to spanish law but rather some catalan judge who decided to send him to jail and was released after the appeal.
Not trying to be an asshole here. If you know anything I don't it will be welcomed information.
They probably have non Spanish euro blood. My girlfriend is 1/8 native Indian but half German and she would probably be the whitest looking person in that video
Many spanairds are around 10% african, it's true. We need a peaceful ethnic cleansing and eugenics. Sadly, it's not happening any time soon.
>that gipsy faces
How do we deal with you is the real question.
Cause you associate northern european looks with europe. This girl in my picture is probably close to 100% european, more pure than some blondes with blue eyes. Most europeans before the indo-european migrations had brown eyes. The problem is not race, but your definition of "european".
Spanish parents, a Colombian grandparent. Im spanish
Half latin, half spanish. I want to enter nationalist groups, but I don't know how they'll receive me.
What can I do?
>Take fascism from southern europeans
>Ruin it with muh aryan mustardrace
Never change, nordcucks.
If you look Spanish/European, why would they care?
Vi un vídeo de un fascista que decía que era un partido que aunque no lo pareciese, a sus inicios respetaba algunos de los ideales que sostenía, luego Podemos se tornó full left
Fascism starts in Italy,gets strong support in spain and Romania, germany as well creates it's own variation.
Don't you have some of the overrepresented kikes in your goverment to suck off?
my exgf was bolivian with a english grandfather, his brother is already married and having kids with a spaniard, however in spain there is no job unemployment rate is 15% we dont have job for ourselves, so please if you come just a vacation to learn your roots, you will be treated but we need the jobs
if you believe in the cause they'll take you in man
all the dividing haplo groups its just memeing
My point is that the next time the left gets in power they will pass a law that will outlaw all those things.
Even the "right wing" goberment we have right now didn't even repeal that shitty law, the majority of the voters seem to be in favour of hate spech anti-fashy laws.