One of /ourguys/ who put up posters at St. John Fisher College said his school called him and he was going to face some witch trial / kangaroo court:
He said he would report back this weekend but so far just radio silence. Anyone know what happened to him?
/mbmc/ SJFC user are you okay?
Other urls found in this thread:
this is important, would appreciate some bumps, a guy took a big risk and is facing trouble now, we need to have his back
bumping for interest.
anons are already trying to contact Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson to defend /ourguy/ if the school tries to expel him, messages have been sent out (waiting for a response)
JP did something similar before for Lindsay Shepherd at Wilfrid Laurier U when the school tried to unfairly punish her for wrongthink
SJFC user are you okay? what happened?
Bump. I hope user is okay and records EVERYTHING. All he did was post "My borders, my choice" flyers.
SJFC user here,
boys everything is fine. I only received what really amounts to a slap on the wrist. I tried posting fri night I think but no one was interested
glad to hear you're okay
is there any more info you could share? the fact that the school called you for a hearing at all is extremely heavy handed and Orwellian
this story could help do a lot of damage to leftist control of higher education, your story is a powerful weapon - would you be willing to wield it?
I'm in direct correspondence with a bunch of right wing media outlets, currently typing up email as we speak
this outlet is going to write a second article detailing all the left wing sabotage attempts against the poster campaign, they emailed me back, I'm compiling the sabotage attempts now:
Well as I said initially I got in touch with a lawyer who gave some great advice, hired him. He made some phone calls and reported back, from the calls it seems that the college did not expect to hear from a lawyer and the attitude changed from "evil white man" to "you broke school policy". The feminist and other (((diversity))) clubs were all pissed and I believe they are the ones who called the news blowing this whole thing up. At a meeting with the head of security, they made sure to say that they understood this was a free speech issue but they only cared about the policy. My hearing was one on one, they avoided the kangaroo court. I was charged and found guilty of disrupting campus and violating the posting policy. On probation for a year.
That article was interesting as a professor told our class that a student (presumably a feminist) was mad at security for hiding my identity.
>On probation for a year.
That is fucking inexcusable. I know you feared expulsion and public shaming, so probationary status might feel like a necessary compromise, but holy shit.
My question to you is, how big do you want this to be? There are clearly a lot of people who want to blow this shit up and have it out there everywhere. Your flyer was in no way offensive.
>On probation for a year.
they kicked out out of school for a year??
How did you break their posting policy?
*they kicked you out of school for a year?
that is not a "slap on the wrist"
user this could be huge - are you willing to weaponize your story against the left? from what i can see you basically have a PR nuclear warhead pointed at them
If it is the same in the states as it is in Canada, "probation" is a bit like a sword of Damocles hanging over your head. You can attend classes normally, but you are on "probation." One more toe out of line and the next step is suspension. Or they can skip straight to expulsion. They have an entire year to come after him for fucking anything to get rid of him.
I wasn't joking when I said MBMC has already tried to contact Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson over this
an experienced professional writer user is handling the correspondence
they would both cover this in a heartbeat - if SJFC user wants, and if we manage to reach them
I do not really care about the publicity, Idgaf what people think about me. Expulsion was a fear but since that is not happening idc anymore. How bigger could it get and what would happen?
No, it means that I can't get in trouble for a year.
Unauthorized posting. Shit has to be approved and have my name plastered on it. I mentioned during my hearing whether or not I could still post it if I followed the procedure and the women mentioned that the college was reviewing the policy.
Got class rn but I'll try and watch the thread
My concern is if you do what appears to be in your best interest, take the slap on the wrist and continue in your studies you:
>a. have a black mark of probation on your permanent academic record, which WILL be noticed if you try to go to other universities
>b. somebody will come up with some bullshit excuse six months down the road to get you kicked out of college, because you are on "probation"
Publicity is very important for lack of a better way of calling it, the "free speech movement," but in all honesty user, I see you personally being set up for a MAJOR ass raping later. I do not trust these people at all.
I wonder how religiously they follow that rule. I mean, how many people actually ask for permission before setting up fliers?
They claimed it wasn't going on my transcript and that after 7 years it would be purged.
very few, and of those who don't, SJFC is probably the only one in the school's entire history who was put on probation for a year because of it
and god knows he would have been expelled had there been no lawyer involved, probation was a compromise down from whatever unfair punishment the school really wanted to apply
Same professor mentioned above said he and everyone else does it all the time. Break it I mean
I def believe the lawyer changed their attitude real quick
Tucker Carlson would rip SJFC a new one if he got wind of this story
BTW I had to show him the threads you guys made earlier about me. Said he'd never seen anything like it
this is starting to explain very clearly why there was less media coverage for MBMC than IOTBW (even though a ton of posters still went up, comparable to the amounts for IOTBW)
the schools want to hand out draconian, Orwellian, PC though crime punishments against students who don't agree with their ideology - but they want to do it QUIETLY because they understand somewhat how badly society at large would react if their actions were exposed
there is no clearer proof that someone is doing something wrong and knows what they're doing is wrong than when they go about it secretly to try and hide what they're doing
any chance the lawyer would be willing to comment on this story?
Prob not, his services ended last week
also did you have to pay out of pocket for the legal costs? if you could prove the costs I would be willing to fund raise for you to have them covered, I know a bunch of content creators who would promote a funding page, or sell T shirts and merch with MBMC memes and donate some of the profits to the legal defense fund
you shouldn't have to pay a penny for this
That sounds like bullshit. I'm a former university degree auditor. All probations and suspensions were notated on transcripts at the university I worked at (American, granted). I would request a full copy of my transcript if I were you. That really does not sound right to me. I'm still concerned, however, about these leftist retards coming after you later to get you kicked out over nothing.
Initially yes he required a down payment. However he did not use it all and is returning the left overs
okay good to know it didn't break the bank
do you want me to raise funds to cover the amount you had to pay?
I think it's just the disciplinary record not the transcript
PERMANENTLY notated on transcripts, I should add. There is never a "purge."
even if it's small, or even if it doesn't represent a large financial burden to you, it's the principle of the matter
you should not have to pay money in order to express your 1A rights, that's completely wrong
No thanks but the offer is much appreciated
no problem, the offer will still be standing if you ever change your mind, you should not have to pay to exercise your 1A rights, that's ridiculous
It's good to know anons got each others back
Maybe this is a difference between Canada and the states, or perhaps unique to the university I worked at, but all probations/suspensions, whether for academic reasons or not, WERE documented on a transcript, as these probations/suspensions have a potential impact on a student's current status as a student. I'd be super paranoid and keep an eye on my transcript if I were you.
I gather that you want to remain anonymous and not get caught up in some giant national story over this, which makes sense. I'm just wondering if any part of this can be weaponized against the left without drawing attention to you. The PR ammo seems too good to not use.
Perhaps the lawyer would be willing to comment on the story without mentioning you? There is a very good reason for not publishing your identity, simply because of threats from leftists (that is the reason we can give). I have piles of fucking evidence of threats made by the left towards the poster campaign, and will be publishing them soon, we could point to that article to substantiate that your identity needs to remain anonymous.
If you don't want any of this I understand, but consider the good it could do in the culture war. Your story is a nuke pointed at the credibility of leftist control of higher ed
Dunno. But I think going for lawyer when you get into such a situation is probably a good idea.
Because it does seem to truly change the tone from the narrative rethoric to defaulting at beurocratic and legalistic practicals so that everyone can hide behind the suit of professional duty and not be filled with the shit shrapnel of institutional consequences of a media storm.
You can use it I guess idc, just leave me personally out of it
> just leave me personally out of it
no problem you will just be "a student from SJFC", no more info given
is there any chance you could share info about the lawyer who helped you? I could contact him, perhaps he could talk about it without mentioning you personally
do you have a reddit or voat account? my username on both site is mybordersmychoice, if you want to send the info privately I would really appreciate it, this story is a mighty weapon, you'll see how mighty if we deploy it
I swear on my mother's grave I will not publish anything about you other than "a student from SJFC" - and I posted proof that it's me, OP user, on the official MBMC website just now:
The case was brief and I don't feel he has any interest beyond the outcome
discordanon here, a BRAND NEW story just hours old, and already has 2 long comments:
okay makes sense.. is there anything we could use beyond just Sup Forums posts? or at least give the name of the lawyer (you could PM it privately for opsec)
perhaps I could try talking to him, I can be persuasive - if he says no, no harm done, but it might be worth a shot
it's working
thanks for keeping track of all these
r i g h t
w i n g
p o s t e r
s q u a d s
illuminati bump
massive list of leftist threats & sabotage attempts compiled, all archived, organizing it & cleaning it up before sending it off to right wing media outlets
any chance you have more screenshots of this discord?
sorry, I wasn't really involved on the Intel side of things, I mostly stick to my own server. If I remember, most of the enemy activity we tracked was involved in other discord raids, not specifically messing with this flyer campaign. We only infiltrated around 8 servers though, there are probably dozens if not more.
okay makes sense, I am going back through the old threads trying to find the first point where someone discovered pic related, looking for a better screenshot
I'll have at least 5 separate examples across different platforms of evidence of leftists planning to frame and sabotage the campaign, in additions to piles of violent threats and other PR nightmares
>We only infiltrated around 8 servers though, there are probably dozens if not more.
any chance you have screenshots from those? if not it's fine because I think the evidence I'll be sending out is more than enough anyway
also, do you remember any news articles from IOTBW that covered fake posters with links? I'm going to send those as well to show their is a pattern / history of leftists trying to frame these campaigns
yes, actually, it was the one in east grand rapids. i rememberd specifically because i have family there. i dont think there were any other "fakes"
thanks a lot I'll check this out, piling on even more evidence
there are lots posted in the #intel channel, you just want random convos?
this one had me literally shaking
commies setting up a honeypot nazi server, have a lot of material from this one
kek those are gold
specifically looking for anything where leftists were caught making plans to sabotage MBMC / put up fake posters to frame us
these will reinforce the screencaps I already have from leftypol and other places where they threatened to put up fake posters
thanks for looking them up is going to publish this stuff, then I will get even more right wing media outlets to expose the fake news by pointing to their article
they walked into a trap by trying to sabotage us
sorry i dont have anything like that, at least not in the servers we were following
no worries, I already have ample evidence, enough to overwhelm the poor writers lol it's going to be like attempting to take a drink from a firehose
I'll send you a copy of the email on voat, still working on it
appreciate that, thanks.
>literal flag burning bump
just sent it, I think I should stop being a perfectionist and just type out the full sentences and send it off
(I mean just sent it to you on voat, not to the media outlet)
why are leftists so bad at being secure and discrete? They can't organize a single thing without accidentally leaking about it.