White supremacists will still have an issue with this.
White supremacists will still have an issue with this
"okay, what 'systems'"
Kill yourself
dismantle and replace with what? what does dismantle even mean? can it be acheived without chaos?
>we just want you to dismantle whiteness okay
What you really mean is give them control and let them abuse us.
There's no systems of oppression. White people are objectively worth more.
Those systems being rights, responsblities and christian values?
>I want gibs
Die, Leaf.
Fight teh power!!!!11
What sistems
Why should we give up our birthright?
go fuck yourself
Asians have higher median incomes than whites... these systems of oppression are doing a shit job for us white guys. Need more oppression now
Literally what systems exist that don’t also benefit you tenfold?
>system of oppression
>first black president
You're not oppressed.
It's just that black got the shorted some intelligence and good behavior genes, and you don't belong and can't function in Western civi.
Not your fault... and certainly not mine.
name me one country that isn't a shithole that benefits from having none of these systems.
>Get rid of something that benefits you
I guess I should quit my job because I benefit from it
Oh yeah and also sell my car, also benefit from that
Shit I guess sell my house too, I benefit from that as well. Im sure some blacks will move in and drive the property value way down so other blacks move in near by.
dismantle civilization? you niggers are already hard at work doing just that tho
Giving reparations is a form of expressing regret, to retribute for wrongdoing. Essentially, you're asking for us not only to apologize, but to essentially redistribute capital. Any benefit that white people benefited from slavery was raped and razed during the civil war, and the only thing that was left was the land they stood bleeding on.
Was there also segregation? Yes, and many people were considered "oppressed". Including chinese in the expansion of the west, the Japs that were forced into camps, and Irish/Italians that struggled to find equal ground in American society. Yet each of these groups proved themselves, unlike niggers.
>Blue pill
>Expects to be taken seriously
(I mean legit Canadian, I'm not from there lol)
Gib moar smug duck
The first ones free
Racism, sexism, and zenophobia are the three biggest ones.
Not dismantle and replace. Just dismantle. They are unfair and detrimental to society. We would benefit from getting rid of them.
Basically all Scandinavian countries.
>We would benefit from getting rid of them.
Woah woah whoaaah, who's this WE all the sudden? I thought WE benefited unfairly from them?
I bet not a single person here can name one thing that being white gets you over being black or asian or mexican or whatever the fuck you call yourself if youre living in the US.
Plumbing , roads, economics, the internet . Rule of law. Marriage .
>Racism, sexism, and zenophobia are the three biggest ones.
No problem, we'll get right on that just as soon as niggers, women, and foreigners do the same.
We as in all minorities. Whites have taken advantage of us for too long. It is our time to rise.
Nah...the founding fathers were white people, constructing the US to be for white people.
When any non-whites enter the US...they are to assimilate to the system by the way it was built...not for shitskins to invade to tear it down!
Undue hatred
sure they might not be asking for an apology, as long as we dismantle everything they built, made, and believed in.
>racism is a system
>sexism is a system
>[x]enophobia is a system
When did you drop out of primary school
>we sweden plz, stop racysm
OK, I'll start when the Rothchilds donate all their wealth to charity.
>Civilization is oppressive to niggers who cannot into being civilized
>Racism, sexism, and zenophobia are the three biggest ones.
How are these systems? Also you moron you realize focusing on white people makes this a racist idea right?
>I'm going to move to your country and then tell you to dismantle it for me because it offends me
Nah cunt, gas the kikes
No you're asking me to trust a bunch of very group conscious ppl from outside of my group to dictate the rules that my group has to live by. I don't respect the ideological backgrounds and philosophical origins of these very group conscious ppl so I take issue with the idea of allowing them to define my laws, culture, history, education etc
good post
Great image, I'm sure it wasn't ripped off nearly verbatim from some Arts "professor"
and replace it with what? If you can show me a better system that works then I will agree with this. Until then fuck off!
Democratic Republics, State of Law, Capitalism, Scientific Method.
>this train runs on time
>let's tear it apart
Yeah no.
This is just thinly veiled class warfare, with the moochers trying to get gibs from rich people. None of them wants to trade places with the last few white male coal miners in West Virginia.
Whites are an international minority. Let's cater to the minority then by leaving white countries alone.
lol then you'd just have Africa all over again.
Why would someone agree to dismantle the thing that benefits him
>dismantle the opressive systems
How about just move to Africa
>all minorities
Nice meme whites are the only lunatics who give a shit about humans who arent their race, every muslims in Canada wants to kill every black in Canada and every asian in Canada wants to kill EVERYONE in Canada.
Systems such as?
How do I benefit from those?
How do these people have the nerve of saying we benefit from the system when non-whites:
>Get catered by media and companies
>any kind of prejudice towards them becomes national news, any kind of prejudice towards whites gets buried and censored
>they get several programs for their advancement
>they're able and even encouraged to express ethnic or racial pride
>We are asking you to dismantle the systems of oppression they built, that you maintain and benefit from
aka they want you to give them all your money, property and power, and then to just disappear from the earth.
stop benefiting you're own children, because niggers are your children now
Is it really so difficult to refrain from ending a sentence in a preposition?
Why would I dismantle something that benefits me? That would be silly.
Fair request user. Realize your ancestors arent clean either. We all need to do this as humans. Group I'm so sorry hug and then break these systems down so we can dream again!
Why whites have to capitulate in their countries to let others take over?
Why don't non-whites destroy their culture and institutions and let us step in?
That unnecessary comma sure does bother me.
You have entire continents for your kind, go live there if you have such a problem with wypipo
kill jeremy moore on sight double agent triads and mossad
What some people call oppression, we competent people call competition.
dumb fucking cunt fuck
Why would I willingly put myself and my children at a disadvantage for a bunch of ungrateful niggers and shitskins?
My ancestors worked and fought hard so I am my children could be where we are. Why would I spit in their graves like that?
Fuck off nigger.
>No one is asking you to apologize for your ancestors
>Literally asking for reparations every fucking day and saying shit like blacks can't be racist against whites and that whitey deserves to be beat
>Asking us to dismantle the system that protects us from pavement apes running amok.
Blow the fuck away leaf
>we're asking you to dismantle systems that benefit you
Is that an unironic picture? That's a really stupid request
OP you are inferior. C'est la vie.
jeremy moore is the last frog to die who else is attacking me tryig to get the throne with ashley haddad?!? hahababa sorry fucks and now "hunter" looses it entirey.
not enough sage on this dish
Black supremacists will still deny this
If you don't like it, leave.
Dismantle the capitalist system for a communist one where everyone has nothing. Just so we can all be equally miserable.
No thanks.
>dismantle meritocracy
>dismantle civilization
No thanks
Why don't these niggers and spics go back to thier non white utopia in Latin America and Africa?
My family and I immigrated here from Egypt 9 years ago. We are just as Canadian as you are.
187 jeremy moore
brian hayes
chris poole kill
You mean like Affirmative Action?
You mean like BLM?
Wait no, I know, you mean like prisons because blacks should be allowed to commit 50% of our crime regardless of their economic status. I'll get right on that.
No one is asking you to apologize for your ancestors.
We are asking you to dismantle your bank accounts,your homes and your jobs, these systems of oppression that you've built, that you maintain and benefit from.
No, I think I will decline your "offer" of becoming a door mat. If you don't like whitey, you are free to leave at any time.
No you're not.
Well, my ancestors ARE responsible for affirmative action.
So I guess we do have work to do.
i remeat all eyes on jeremy moore secure joce tice and remkce him follow a white jaguar headed south on mills rd now
Only bad thing Sweden did was to... oppress the Sami a bit.
And let niggers ruin it? No thx I'll rather keep the white structure. Non white btw.
Keep threatening us with a good time, you'll eventually get what you're asking for.
187 jeremy moore i repeat 187 triad mosad
Sage and report off topic and troll threads.
jeremy moore is "sleeves" they are all double agents fuckig the whore of babylon for my throne. kill them or let me. fake fuckig jew.
That system is what mexicans exploit like using one social security number for multiple illegals. Its a system where a useless person can apply for food stamps and disability money regardless of their race and live off doing nothing constructive. They can and have been president.
Where is the oppression?
burn all of babylon that is london jerusalem and all of saudia arabia
Why do you sandniggers act like you're dying every time the temperature drops to 5C? I see you fuckers in full winter coats while I'm out in a light hoodie. Has it ever occurred to you you don't belong this far north? You're freaks of nature up here.
jeremy moore is double agent deep state working with mossad and england
>Our time to rise
To what?