Italian Election Thread [Italexit Edition]

Election day is 4 March

Current polls:

Forza Italia (conservatives/globalists) 16%
Lega (identitarians/populists) 14%
Fratelli d'Italia (nationalists/fascists) 5,1%
Noi con l'Italia (christian-democrat) 2,1%

Partito Democratico (liberals/globalists) 23,7%
Insieme (social democrats/greens) 1,6%
Più Europa (globalists/SJW) 1,4%

M5S (populists/greens/pirate-party-esque) 27%

Liberi e Uguali (progressives/SJWs) 6,1%

Other urls found in this thread:,_2018

>picture is Mexican flag

reminder to vote Lega or we will be niggered out of existance.

Thats the RSI flag.


Problem is we should try to gave Salvini the leadership of the coalition. Aside that its a good party and I like her (but again at this round I want the Memelord in charge).

Se gli Itagliani non sanno votare, importeremo dei nuovi Itagliani

E voi, giovini, andate all estero se volete un lavoro!!

>american education

>E voi, giovini, andate all estero se volete un lavoro!!
Been there, done that. No, ty.

seems like a nice guy

He's /ourguy/

consider teh following

So there's no hope for Fratelli? Can we help meme them into the lead? Lega doesn't sound bad either. What can we do to help?

La flat tax va bene perché stimola l'economia, come dimostrato da Trump. Tanto i mega ricchi evadono comunque.

Good luck medbros

Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d'Italia are in a coalition togheter (thats why there is no spacing) with a pretty based govt plan. Whoever party of the coalition will pick more votes, will lead the coalition (as Prime Minister). We're trying to meme Lega (Salvini) as the leader of our next govt.

>tfw no dream team

This. Also current level of taxation is killing the economy and for what? To give these africans foods and medicines? Fuck off back to Africa or into an oven for thermo-valorization (at least niggers will be useful that way)

Casapound e Forza Nuova so che si schifano a morte, anche se ignoro i motivi.


I physically cringed when I saw this pic

yeah its quite disturbing.

from last thread, a summary

Good summary. I'd like to know sources for %s though.

i think we can win but i have bad feelings...,_2018

Why are so many people still supporting M5S? Haven't people realized that they are Soros shills yet? Real populism is only on the right.

It's strange cause autism's incidence should be around 10 over 1000

I'm only butthurt at right wing people that vote for them...if you're a center-leftist there's no problem (PD is literally shit and LeU is commie-tier).

We're probably going to end up with a centre-right plurality, but a hung parliament






PD btfo quindi?

So, how's the future looking for Italian politics? Is fascism/white nationalism rising in Italy? Is there a future where a white identitarian would assume head of state or just a wavering hope? Good luck to my Italian brothers.

Questo e' quello che dici tu.
Tutti gli over 80 di taglia mi adorano.
Ho gia' pronta l'alleanza con Silvione

>Is fascism/white nationalism rising in Italy?
there's nothing like that, but there is a possibility that things are going better

Me too, jesus fuck.

American Education is Worse Than Public Education in Brazil

>implying that a large part of Italy isn't fascist/heavy right leaning on its own
It's a good thing but the "evil fassista" label needs to disappear

Uei raga, non facciamo scherzi
Io do 80 euri a tutte le famiglie che mi votano

se non mi votate vi mando la stregazza a casa

Fortunatamente sta cessa manco entra in parlamento dato che c'è la soglia al 3% mi pare.

Bright future ahed especially if /ourguy/ gets the leading position of the coalition.

Vista la lunga carriera politica, alla stregazza, un posticino come senatrice a vita glielo do io

GodSpeed Italia!


how is the immigrant situation in Rome?

Way better than London luckly.


Onestamente spero muoia prima la vecchia cessa.





Lega 2018!

has any nigger managed to cross the mediterranean without help yet?

please...delete this, hurts just by looking at it


Does someone have memes in italian to redpill family and friends?

probably not


top kek

not a meme, but here's a good redpilling material

I'd prefer if it was in italian though

Quick rundown on Fratelli d'Italia?


Forza Nuova is basically a catholic integralist party and Casapound is closer to D'Annunzio and first Mussolini's anti-clericalism

Do Italians call politicians "mussolini" as an insult like how Americans say "muh Hitler, muh 6 million"?

tfw Lega is polling higher with women than men

Not really, here the go to insult is "ure rassisst"

Probably Italian women dont want to be raped by "refugees".

by the way, Lega is polling high with young people.
But how do we get boomers to vote for them?

you don't, you simply move them into rapefugee centers so that they can enjoy the multiculturalism they love so much

29.3 M5S. Impressed and horrified

You can't they only care about their pensions. That is the reason they vote Berlusconi and PD.

Pls tell me you're a nigger

boomers will never vote for Lega. NEVER.
What you can do is convince them their favorite party (PD or whatever) is a traitor and they should NOT vote at all.

so close yet so distant

The best idea would be to increase the turnout of young (and middle aged) people.

la moglie è più carina

Esatto,oggi ho discusso con una mia professoressa di Diritto riguardo le elezioni del 4 Marzo ed mi ha detto che pensa di votare Partito Democratico perché "Ha un pensiero chiaro e preciso".
La cosa strana è che subito dopo ho discusso con una supplente (anch'ella insegnava diritto)ed era indecisa se non andare a votare oppure decidere di stare con Lega Salvini.
Mi diceva che

>boomers will never vote for Lega. NEVER.
Whatever, they'll vote for Silvietto

Aside hardcore modern leftists (around 5%) no one see Mussolini as cartoon evil character.
My father is an ex commie and even he says Mussolini did something good...the fuck we still use fascist civil and penal codes. You must be delusional to treat Mussolini like the U.S. treat Hitlerl.

PD sotto 20% quando?

the 4th of march

are many Italian words the exact same in Latin?

yeah there are many actually

Italian literally derived from Latin...why you're so surpised?

>Centro-destra wins
>Darth Silvio regains his power
>Makes a coalition with Matteo Renzi

It would be painfully hilarious

W£ith current polls FI + PD have no numbers to make a govt together.

I'm not exactly surprised. Other languages just evolved more over time. Modern English, for example, doesn't enable you to read Old English. The differences are just too big.

Oh i see...fair point.

Perché Casabau non crede che (((loro))) esistano. Invece FN è proprio 1488 full nazi

Actually you can read old "italian" with some help (more because the construction of phrases changed) but you definitely need to master Latin if you want to read De Bello Gallico. Your average Italian can read Divina Commedia with little help but definitely need a professor to translate a Latin read (or he need to know Latin). So yes a lot of words are the same but its not helping because grammar rules are completely different.

Onestamente credo sia ritardato menzionare i giudei. Anche se vuoi riaprire le camere a gas non ci riuscirai mai se lo dici apertamente. Altra cosa è se una volta arrivato al potere diventi the absolute madman. Non so voi ma io penso che /ilnostrouomo/ vincerà le elezioni come un moderato "redpillato".

Salvini in 2013: Berlusconi is so done. Lega nord doesn't want anything to do with such a criminal. Fuck the south. Padania is not Italy. Southern Italians are on the same level as niggers.

Salvini now: We must help the south and it's beautiful people. I love Italy. This coalition with Berlusconi and Meloni is the only way to save the country.

Am I the only one who can't take Salvini seriously?

(I was born and raised in Veneto, so I'm not saying this out of revenge)

southern Italians are based

You need to differentiate between pre Borghi-Salvini and post Borghi-Salvini.
Or you're a shill (you sound like one desu)