Why are white people so mentally ill?
Why are white people so mentally ill?
That's a jew, also sage
odd that you chose not to use the 56% meme here...
A degenerate person makes a final degenerate last request.
>posted by nigger to insult entire white race because degenerate is white.
>oddly enough, blacks outnumber whites in prison 5 to 1, so example used isn't even average race of imprisoned degenerates.
Maybe they realized how forced it sounds
Calm down, Joe
Typical American.
>Morbidly obese?
>Looks like a mouth breather
>Probably chaims "Muh freedoms" and "Der Consty-too-shon" when fiddling kids
>Orders MASSIVE meal clearly too big for him to finish knowing most of it will go to waste
You’re right, I meant to say amerigoblins not whites
Its because white people come from albinism, a disease.
>Its because white people come from albinism, a disease.
Mind blown.
>Why are white people so mentally ill?
Why is OP always a phaggot?
Yea everyone is just dying to move to Africa with the kangz and escape oppressive whitey
Haha. Faggot OP didn't even get the story right.
If morbidly obese, wouldn't they finish that massive meal rather than let it go to waste? It doesn't make sense. Besides, I always see the morbidly obese finish their massive meals.
>believes snopes
Hahahaha didn’t know you honkeys were so gullible
No, you're hoping everyone else is with this bullshit thread.
I also don't believe you're nigger, larping faggot.
The way Snopes "disproved" the story was completely slapdash.
First off they claim to have contacted the Texas department of criminal justice, but don't actually name the person they allegedly spoke to. If you just randomly phone up a government agency like that they just fob you off with a work experience kid because they can't be bothered dealing with any random crank that calls up, said work experience kid probably just shuffled a stack of paper to make it sound like he was looking through the records then said "nope can't find anyone mentioned in the records. Bye."
Another piece of so called evidence they quote about the prisoner ordering a massive last meal is an urban legend itself and probably didn't actually happen.
If it looks like a dog and barks like a dog then it probably is a dog and this story sounds like the sort of thing that goes on in America a lot so it is probably true. He probably got his request denied but there you go, he should have asked for a big mac or something.
You're not only gullible, but you've convinced yourself that gullibility is the way to go.
>he can't eat a whole child by himself.