What’s the most politically incorrect thing you’ve ever done?
What’s the most politically incorrect thing you’ve ever done?
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I only sped up slightly when a nig was crossing the road in front of my car.
blamed memes for the state of my memelessness
I drew a swastika on a desk in my school
Didn’t you just make this thread on b?
Anyways, reposting mine
It’s a tie between these three:
>convinced senile grandma to take out second mortgage and loan me the money to buy weed
>friend uses me as a job reference
>whoever the company calls me I tell them he’s an alcoholic (which is a lie)
>I sabotage it because I’m afraid of him doing better than me in life
>ex girlfriend got pregnant
>couldn’t convince her to abort it
>agree to marry her if she aborts
>borrow friend’s engagement ring he was planning on giving to his girlfriend
>give it to mine and propose
>she gets an abortion
>try to get engagement ring back to return it to friend
>she refuses and tells me she sold it
>friend tells me it was worth $800
>block number
>never see him or her again
Said :"6 million my ass"
Got drunk and high at a work party and starting talking about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion infront of my Jewish boss whilst working in Germany.
almost got imprisoned for fashy memes
wow, rarely I feel discusted on the internet, but meh you are from america so not surprising
You are a disgusting retard and don't belong in the new world
Drove by a spic on a scooter and tossed a 7-11 big gulp cup full of piss all over that little brown fuck. Laughed all the way home.
Some girl came to the house and I answered the door. I was in the middle of doing something and wasn't quite paying attention to what I was saying. She said "hi, I'm trying to collect money for wheelchairs for the disabled" ,,my mind said it, I didn't but this is what I said "I don't like those kinds of people"
The look on her face!!! I then realized what I said and a large grin started to appear on my face, then I busted out laughing. It was the best!
i said the n-word to a black man on a taiwanese basket weaving board
My phone went off in class today
My ringtone is the Nazi marching theme
Once I told an Arab/African (looked kinda like an Arab, but had dark brown skin -- I suspect he was Moroccan) to "fuck off nigger". He was trying to pick a fight and being a nuisance to me and a few friends. Late night, alcohol involved. We pushed and shoved a bit, but then he fucked off.
>Implying American millennials know anything about history
Also, was driving with my new girlfriend and it was dark as hell out. She was driving about 35mph when we almost hit a black guy in dark clothing walking toward us. She yelled and I was pissed and said " he could have at least smiled or opened his eyes big if he is going to be walking at night with nothing reflective on.
Told a black guy he looked like a piece of shit in grade school. Fist fight ensued. I kept pinning him and letting him go because I knew I was wrong and didnt want to punch him in the face when I had his shoulders under my knees. He would get uo and then scale the wall like fucking spiderman and duck all my swings. I couldnt connect. All i could do was use my body weight, which was no different than his. Not sure why it worked. No one was declared a winner but I was socially alienated a bit.
Also, when I was little and I saw my first REALLY dark black guy on a bicyle I jumped up and down and yelled "chocolate bar! Chocolate bar!" My older friend (who a little young for his age) was mortified because he was the same age/size as the black guy. He slapped me on the shoulder but kinda laughed. The black guy stopped his bike. Looked but then kept going.
Told a black college administrator that most lynchings were probably deserved. Wide eyes, but nothing worse was the result.
Hit mudshit with a hammer in the head and rob them
I pee in sinks pretty regularly instead of the toilet. Idky
telling the truth
As I was leaving the grocery store yesterday, the Cashier, a Hispanic said "Have a nice day."
I replied "Likewise, pleasant day." But I really wasn't sincere about, I was actually indifferent as to how the remainder of his day progressed.
used reason and logic to solve a problem
Demartavious you son of a bitch, when I find you
Cutting swastikas into benches @Munich-University at WhiteRose-rememberance-day
Said in an African American Studies class that, "black men don't like black women because they're outrageous and mean."
>sent a nigger "With Open Gates" when he asked why I hated immigration
>currently editing up a Youtube documentary about the ethnic Germans outside of Germany after Versailles, TGSNT style
To foreigners who don’t know: In some states you can return cans and bottles for 5 cents or 10 cents.
I had a $2.00 voucher for cans I had returned but it’s only valid in a small town grocery store an hour away from the city I was currently in. Some hungry, homeless nigger came up to me begging so I took out the voucher and gave it to him. He kept saying “thank you, sir. I get to eat today”. As I walked away I had to fight back tears of laughter as I imagined him looking at the voucher wondering where the hell that bumfuck town was
i didn't know Seth MacFarlane browsed pol
Called a nigger a nigger to his nigger face.
Keep up the good fight, user
the absolute madman
I think freely.
went to a bunch of random chat rooms saying "I HATE JEWS AND FAGGOTS!"
Me too. I've done it at friends houses, too. It's satisfying, convenient and uses less water (I run the tap while and then wash my hands).
Not politically incorrect though.
In college, I told my German professor that I wouldn't take her classes anymore unless she promised we'd read something besides Holocaust memoirs written by Jewish women. She got visibly angry and gave me a much lower grade than I deserved for that semester, but I didn't complain because I'm not a nigger who takes everything personally.
>be in high school
>go to stupid high school parties
>go to 7-11 buy 4 dozen eggs
>drive by homeless shelters where they slept on street and unloaded
>or drive by INS and unload on a immigrants waiting in line around the block in the wee hours
>drive by hookers and unload
lulzy times.
noice, did antifa cover it over with a gay sticker?
probably lots of stuff in school
my brother n me aint afraid to talk about how the jews are after our shekels
I think 99% of people here only talk about it here but we are in the store or something
Lol, I've done similar.
When I was little I was afraid of niggers because I thought they were too dirty to touch.
I batted a nigger for spitting at me.
I shouted 'niglets' at a public pool full of little niggers.
I made a muslim eat porc by telling him it was beef.
Are those everywhere in Germany or what? I saw those all over lampposts and walls while I was in Berlin this summer. What a shithole
One of my earliest memories is being at the zoo and seeing black people for the first time. A 3-4 year old niglet was running circles around their parents.
I was pretty close to them, maybe 5-8 feet away, pointed at the niglet as he stopped for air and said "haha you're black".
My mother instantly apologized.
Some say people being racist is a learned trait, but I was not brought up around racist people or even knew about black people until that day. It was purely instinctual.
That's really a shitty thing to do.
Stood up for only dating white girls. Got called racist, just embraced the title. "Yup, I'm racist and I don't care. I want my kids to look like me."
yes. every fucking where. in austria too
Dunno yet, did it today
But it's in a lecture hall that gets cleaned, so either they have to ruin the bench completely or put a new one in
This isn't even politically incorrect, you're just an immoral blight on the world. Rarely do I say it, and rarer still do I mean it but kill yourself.
Just Berlin and other shitholes full of edgy leftarded students.
I showed my dick in class and got ratted out back when I was 10.
Fucking bitch, I swear to god female teachers were a mistake.
I was staying at a hotel in Neukölln, which I soon learned was sandnigger central of Berlin
Classic pranks bro.
This right here.
So do I. The sink is the same height as my dick, so less noise when it's late at night.
That person isn't your friend if you're actively trying to prevent them from succeeding.
You're treating them like an enemy.
That other stuff is not great but arguably excusable cause you were in a tough spot.
well, good work i suppose. theres definitely worth it, i draw them around here and within 24 hours theres an antifa sticker stuck over it.
never done anything politically correct so i dont know
You sound like a Jew.
uhh but that was clearly personal
according to my state, existing.
rightwing gun toting Mexican in commiefornia. build the wall, nuke the border, nuke commiefornia not once, not twice, but thrice.
That's pretty fucking hilarious
Made a nazi armband for the lolz
I was 12 and my grandfather was on his deathbed. Had 1 last chance to make it with some sort of surgery. Hospital is flying in a specialist. Old jew walks in, long ass grey beard and side burns curled like a white womans toes. As soon as he walks in I blurt out "Oi Vey". The room fell quiet. Grandpa died in the OR.
I called a black guy a nigger to his face and he started crying.
That was about two weeks ago. I saw him yesterday walking around and he saw me but didn’t seem to remember as he asked me for change again. Maybe because my beard has grown in. There are only 4 or 5 “regular” homeless people that panhandle on that block but they see thousands of people a day because it’s a busy block
As a teen I wen't to a summer camp in Germany for a month. There was this dude that gave a lecture on some humanitarian shit, he's one of your western fags that talks about immigration in a positive light and how much the base culture gains from immigration.. anyways, he told us to leave the room and return in groups whit our preferred political orientations.
The moment he was done talking I raised my right arm and screamed National Socialist Party over here!
>never did I witnessed a room full of people turn dead silent like that ever again
I didn't get into much trouble but there was an awkwardness that lingered after that
Back then I did it all ironically, thinking that the Germans made jokes about the war like we did in the /ex-yu/ countries.
I don't approve of this anons method. I spent 1,600 of my own money to build my computer and when you spend your own money on something like that it's rewarding.
Manipulating your tech illiterate mother is fucked up
>What’s the most politically incorrect thing you’ve ever done?
During the 2016 election I was going hard on Hillary supporters, one day my friend starts posting on another friends profile about how the constitution is outdated blah blah blah that whole argument the left makes all the time. Shitty stance to take easy to blow out. So I did, I BTFO'd the shit out of him. While BTFOing him over the constitution I also BTFO him about Clinton by posting a bunch of memes I'd saved from here.
He gets really asshurt, threatens to come to my house and beat me up, accuses me of trolling him and removes me from his friends list. Then gets a good friend to remove me from his too.
mfw my powerlevel lost me two friends.
mfw the friend I BTFO'd had me give him rides to his first tech job and was a piece of shit that left his trash in my car all the time.
Fuck him I regret none of it
In grade 8 or 9 in english class we were watching "The Devil's Arithmetic" after we finished reading the book. There's a scene where the SS crash a jew wedding and send everybody to summer camp right after vows are exchanged. When the brides veil was lifted a vocally mocked her enormous nose in class. Wasn't even aware of (((them))) her nose was just fuck huge, she could have just woodpecker'ed those SS boys to death right there.
they were never friends, they're just people you know/knew.
>my oversensitive younger brother comes out to me as gay
>scream ROT IN HELL FAGGOT and jokingly punch him in the chest while making the angriest face possible
>he literally starts crying
>proceeds to sob like a bitch even after I told him it was a joke
Lol my homophobic phase was so much fun. There was also one time a told a rape joke to a feminist sloot in my class, but that wasn't as fun cause she didn't even react
i fell in love with a 13yo girl ;_;
i dont want sex.. i just want to be with her
she makes me the happiest in the world, her smile, her voice, shes so sweet to me. Only girl to treat me right, Im afraid she'll be freaked out if i confess my feelings, i just like her so much. i want to redpill her, take her out to dine, watch anime movies on tv, have her read the bible and other books. But everyone will disregard this and call me a pedo :(
t. Shekelberg Goldtstein
>but everyone will disregard this and call me a pedo
You are a pedo
shit this happened last night
i was faced with stopping my vehicle in a very dark unlit, unpopular area in los angeles, or hauling ass through mystery negros
guess which one i did
That's a Sup Forums thing user not Sup Forums
Those are your people
This is the most Jewish thing i've ever heard
They don't if they go to ((((((((((public school))))))))))
Americans growing up usually have no choice other than that except maybe home schooling but they choose public, and what they teach there is utter shit or just fuck all shit no one would ever need to know
what a fucking degenerate human being you should kys
esp that friend part
Honestly, you aren't Sup Forums you're Sup Forums
fucking Sup Forums posters out the ass
I thought this was a discussion about how un-PC anons can get, not how much of a total piece of shit anons can be. Fucking kill yourself, and I mean it.
redirect the subhumans back to Sup Forums user
>I-I’m a woman, I swear!
burn down an MS-13 stash house
>>be me working at a non-profit company for almost 20 years. I’m a mongrel who passes as a minority but completely ID as white in my mind
>>deal mainly with fugees and minorities helping them with housing, learning the system, dealing with stress etc
>>win awards for my work. Praise for my kindness, work ethic, dedication etc. Have met mayor, PM, various scumbag politicians who praise our work.
>>secretly a racist who despises these creatures and often give them misleading advice and info
>>fugees too clueless and scared to complain when my help backfires
>>browse Sup Forums on my phone during meetings and post the most racist shit you can imagine
>>no one doubts my sincerity because I virtue-signal properly. Not to mention none of these leftwing faggot cowards in the system would ever doubt the sincerity of a “minority” like me
>>only in this for the money which isn’t bad at all plus benefits and decent pension
>>mastered the art of cognitive dissonance in the meantime
Fuck these fugee animals. Nothing I can do to stop them from coming but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be their bitch. Love using leftwing beliefs against them
That's like, literally murder.
I bet you’ve got the sickest banter, but you should probably kill urself
It just hurts because I was invited to the friend he got to remove me wedding. I hate social events but I went to support him.
Thanks to media manipulation and that shitty friend I BTFO'd he likely thinks I'm a racist.
I just don't care anymore, I have 1 really good friend in my life and that's it.