Think you can beat her record pol?
I can
>Commie advice
>by killing my enemies I'm saving lives
What would Castro's son think about this
>Trusting Commie propaganda
>red army
>concerned with killing women children and the elderly
>russians care about women and children
Her donut eating record?
Shit boi dat fucking roast
Damn, Poland bringing the bants
>Soviets caring about women and children
We had similar sayings about soviets.
As we all know, communists from the soviet union were such a great source of human rights and knowledge
and didn't that one tough SOB already beat her record during the war?
Hahaha... Joumalauta
>muh female Russian snipers
they existed but these women who supposedly have 100+ kills are all propaganda bullshit. The fact is that female Russian snipers performed much worse than their male counterparts, and suffered heavy casualties. This is also true for the female Russian pilots, the only one which was an actual real ace was Litvyak, and she was shot down and killed.
You want some real shit? This SS volunteer got the Iron Cross for staying behind as his unit retreated from a soviet tank assault, destroying 6 tanks including IS-2 heavy tanks with a Pak-40 at close range
>Soviets caring about women and children
>And if I stop killing them I get shot by my commander
Every Red Army soldier who remains alive will kill a men, a father and a parent. Dead Red Army soldiers are harmless. Therefore if I kill a Red Army soldier I'm saving lives.
I don't get this. How does she still manage to look like a fat sow even under communism?
Came here to say exactly this
>Implying she actually did anything
She wasn't even a sniper, she was an actress sent to seduce Eleanor Roosevelt's feminist ideals. That's why when Eleanor visited later (when her husband wasn't President) she found the woman living in a commieblock with no clear job and a handler.
From 6 March till 13 March aren't eleven days. It's still kind of badass.
She was a made up national hero and propaganda poster girl, she never had to starve. She was also kept out of combat missions for majority of the war, because she was much more useful in propaganda than as a fighter.
Compare those soviet frauds to war heroes of other fighting countries. They were not pulled away from front for propaganda theater, because their output in combat was quite necessary to the war effort.
The difference between us/national socialists/fascists and communists is that we try and build things while all they do is destroy. This can be observed with how much leftists need to raid places like Sup Forums while we keep to ourselves and have discussions here.
Leftism can only exist if there's no opposition because it's so weak and useless that when presented with any other option, even something mediocore, it will work better and be favoured by the general population each and every single time.
This has always reeked of propaganda to me. No fucking way he killed that many. Those are holohoax-tier numbers.
Russians never doubted them. Fuckers were sending artilery strikes to get him.
Nah, the russian records confirms it.
Simo was the top sniper. The Russian women were right the hell up thereto. Too bad everyone killed each other to help the Jews make alot of money off of all of us...
he was shooting at frozen icecubes though basically
You have no idea how well you will perform when you are fighting for your land and family Adds a whole new layer of "Fuck You" to your fighting skills....
This guy is also a fucking legend, earning the Mannerheim Cross, the Iron Cross, and the Distinguished Service Cross in his military career
He fought against the communists in three different armies before he got killed
He also became a legend in the special forces as a survivalist in all kinds of environments, from icy mountains to deep jungles
Slavophobe much?
Commie propaganda? Is it really that much for you? How fragile you are. Cry harder that hundreds of thousands of civilians would agree with her that nazism was brutal and horrible. Cry now. Not sorry that we're not literal subhumans like goebbels propaganda wants you to believe, never come to eastern europe. We gained our right to live and can do it again, no rapey rapey.
So apparently men who were drafted into the red army wouldn't care if they saw their civilians massacred? Who's telling you that?
So it's wrong for soviets to use women as snipers knowing they are a great propaganda asset? That's not even some type of argument, just you venting your emotions.
So eastern european men were not human who were drafted in to fight against hitler who viewed them as subhuman? Oh wait even if I did explain the truth to you overage children you'd hate me and deny my sources and even spit on historians because you love nazism, don't you?
Not sure of your age but, my father was a decorated WWII vet, Battle of the Bulge, etc. I heard the stories from him. I'm sure some was prop but, hey, don't fuck with tough people on their home ground. Especially the women.
Also Lauri Törni was imho much cooler
>not posting the blessed version
I am Sovietboo.
I absolute love the Great Patriotic War aesthetic.
But at the same time I am staunch anti-communist which makes me pretty sad that Communism had to be involved.
>Slavophobe much?
You shouldn't atach Soviet propoganda to terms like "slav" or "russian". Soviet state is deeply anti-russian, lead by non-russians and in general values nothing about slavic people.
In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka. His ideal consists in never doing anything but the indispensable. Our conception of work (work, and then more of it!) is one that he submits to as if it were a real curse.
It is doubtful whether anything at al can be done in Russia without the help of the Orthodox priest. It's the priest who has been able to reconcile the Russian to the fatal necessity of work by promising him more happiness in another world.
The Russian will never make up his mind to work except under compulsion from outside, for he is incapable of organizing himself. And if, despite everything, he is apt to have organisation thrust upon him, that is thanks to the drop of Aryan blood in his veins. It's only because of this drop that the Russian people has created something and possesses an organised State,
page 3-4
HITLER’S TABLE TALK 1941-1944 His Private Conversations Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens
Nazism was about the genocide of eastern Slavic peoples and freeing up the land for german settlers. This is one of the reasons why germans massacred A LOT of civilians and why it was an ethnic conflict to a large degree, Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians had to fight and nazi atrocities against pows and civilians fueled ethnic hatred. The mass rapes during the war and post war years of german women can solely and utterly be blamed on nazi propaganda for dehumanizing slavic peoples leading to atrocities against civilians which infuriated ukrainians, russians and belarusians to get revenge.
Hitler even referred to Croatians as "goths," as incredibly offensive and anti slavic as that is.
Nazism was anti Slavic, even anti croatian although the croatian government of that time was allied with hitler as I understand, there were Croatian SS.
If the Croats were part of the Reich, we'd have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Fuehrer, to police our marshes. Whatever happens, one shouldn't treat them as Italy is doing at present. The Croats are a proud people. They should be bound directly to the Fuehrer by an oath of loyalty. Like that, one could rely upon them absolutely. When I have Kvaternik standing in front of me, I behold the very type of the Croat as I've always known him, unshakeable in his friendships, a man whose oath is eternally binding. The Croats are very keen .on not being regarded as Slavs. According to them, they're descended from the Goths. The fact that they speak a Slav language is only an accident, they say.
Page 95
t. commie
fuck off
>soviets caring about women and children
t. Slavophobe who probably condones the ethnic cleansing of Slavic peoples. You love hitler and love the genocide of slavic people, yes? Your behavior seems to imply it, you coward call me a communist as well. What a colossal coward who's afraid of reality you are then, shame that you're so gullible nazi lover. We don't love your psychotic nazi loving anti slavic kind who feel entitled to treat us like shit if you actually do.
I'm Polish you faggot, and because of commies, my parents decided to move out of the post communist shithole and had to start my life anew. Besides, commies did more damage to Eastern Europe than Nazis would ever dream of. At the very least Nazis were honest with their intentions, unlike backstabbing communist scum.
>you hate commies therefore you must love Nazis
fuck off, antifa
Go argue with someone else about communism, you told me to fuck off for saying the truth about nazism and I didn't even say anything about communism. So are you psychotic?
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum
Nobody murdered more Slavs than Stalin and the Jews behind him though.
German troops feeding scraps to soviet prisoners
"If we had won the war against the Soviet Union none of this, not even the crimes would have mattered..."
'War of The Century' - in the Ukraine
“Liberators” gave starving Ukrainian children bags of shit instead of a little food.
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Chronicles 1942-1954 (Part ONE) | release 2015
2:20 Nazi Germans forcefully sent Ukrainians as eastern workers to Germany where a portion of them would eventually die.
5:58 Nazi Germans executed Ukrainian patriots at the beginning of their occupation, did they pose a threat for the German occupants, weren’t the Germans supposed to be wonderful liberators?
7:50 At the beginning of the occupation Ukrainian nationalists were considered dangerous in the place where a surviving UPA fighter was.
Пapтизaны пpoтив Bepмaхтa. Ocвoбoждeниe Бeлopyccии. 8
8:07 Germans massacred civilians who recently joined the partisans to escape execution during reprisal operations? Germans gave the civilians a corridor out of the encirclement of the partisans only to machine gun them down.
9:00 Germans killed children and threw them down drinking wells.
>people whose views don't align with mine aren't human beings
Soviet propaganda was so effective that people are still falling for it 30 years after Soviet Union itself fell.
to gulag xaxaxaxaxaxa
She would have shot libtards now, western "commies" have no idea what the USSR was really like. My mom lived in the RSFSR and didn't know gay people were a thing until she was told about them in college, Jews were openly persecuted, and my dad had to smuggle in jeans and iron maiden records.
Source? Your ass doesn't count.
who the fuck holds a rifle like that
Did anyone back then even colloquially refer to the Germans as "Nazis"? It sounds very "millenial pop culture" to hear it quoted. Also how does OPs picture make sense, weren't the "death camps" discovered close to the end of the war by the soviets? One could assume that prior to that, the germans were just enemy combatants... not some ultimate evil.
>Communist Russia
>Having a Church
Don't lie to me.
Yassss kweeen slaaaaay