Fox news posted this without any sense of irony.
Fox news posted this without any sense of irony
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holy shit is real
Show me pictures of starving Americans, I'll wait
Oh I get it. like America? Good one.
>ameriburgers unironically defend the military industrial complex profits over their own wellbeing
ukraine shitposter
Armed forces are the basic need of every single nation. If you don't feed your own army, you'll feed a foreign one. Or as a Russian emperor once said : 'Russia has only 2 allies. Army and Navy'. This can be applied to every nation. Don't believe the pacifist retards that army is luxury.
Lol the US spends trillions of dollars on mandatory social programs every year you dumb fucks
>Gotta keep dat sandniggers away!
its only a "crisis" because we hope to have no homeless at all. learn to spot news hyperbole. our homlessness is actually really low in general
love how commie scum like OP dont understand simple words like irony. CNN was biggest war shills in history. bengazi much ? and since when is FOX news in charge of welfare benefits?
Are we pretending that the US doesnt take care of basic needs of those who contribute absolutely nothing?
The federal government has very few legitimate duties, and providing for the national defense is one of them.
pacifists have to be shot.
>dares to question military budget
>Commie scum!
you are right phamilion, fuck the homeless
american posters are so fucking brainwashed it's unbelievable
literally ZOG mouthpieces
not getting invaded by united mutts for zion IS a basic need
Are you trying to unironically imply that the US government doesn't make sure their people have basic needs?
Oh look they’re talking shit about Iran while we fund the Saudis slaughter of the Yemenese.
I did an analysis on homeless populations, once.
I can't remember everything I learned, but there were a few takeaways:
1. Most of the homeless are clustered in a handful of urban metropolitan areas
2. Approximately 20% of all homeless Americans live in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles
3. Not all of the 500,000 homeless Americans are chronically homeless -- the number includes those who simply had to stay at shelters for a handful of days
4. African-Americans account for 40% of all homeless, with Latinos and Native Americans also being over-represented
5. A quarter of all homeless suffer from "severe mental illnesses," while 50% suffer from suffer mental illnesses and/or substance abuse disorders
6. Of the 500,000 total homeless, 50% are "chronically homeless"
We need a bigger safety net, but most homeless Americans are homeless due to mental illness.
That's something that needs to be addressed, but the reasons for long-term, chronic homelessness usually have little to do with poverty and more to do with untreated psycho- and psychophysiological conditions.
just the trillion dollars we have spent over the last 9 years paying for HIV meds and care of LEGAL AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS could have went to citizens. Yes Obama did executive order overturning laws preventing immigration by disease ridden foriegnerz. illegal order btw.
You literally have to shun the system in place to catch you when you fall to hit rock bottom.
So the federal government shouldnt provide nation defense?
and thats why your country is a shithole. in a nutshell.
Don't forget drugs. A lot of homeless end up in such a fucked up mental state because of drug abuse.
Needless to say our drug education is severely lacking.
This thread is gay.
>Muslim country being antisemitic
>We need a bigger safety net
We need to legalize killing the homeless.
That was included on Point #5.
Homeless folks obviously need more help than they're getting, but it's ridiculous to say that homelessness in America exists because of a lack of basic social services. I don't agree with Fox, either -- it's incredible how we damn Iran while riding the Saudis' cocks night and day.
Defense from whom?
All your budget goes into overthrowing other countries, military bases over the world and endless wars for Greater Israel
>5. A quarter of all homeless suffer from "severe mental illnesses," while 50% suffer from suffer mental illnesses and/or substance abuse disorders
Didn't you just support his point with this?
thats why we call people with Op's views pinko commie fags.
Oh so it was, my mistake.
>literally an exact copy of a Reddit post from this morning
His point was a copy-and-pasted URL.
>spend 15% of annual budget on maintaining military, with the majority of our budget going towards social services
>low IQ non-americans can only see big $$$$ and not percentages, so they trot out the same dumb argument about how America spends too much on military
I don't even know why I bothered to respond to this retarded troll.
Where do you think the substance abuse comes from? Sure as hell isn't our military spending.
Simple fact of the matter is that military spending has a return on investment. Spending on homeless does not.
you don't need $700 billion a year to defend what is basically an impenetrable fortress
we could be colonising mars with just a quarter of that money
>mutt calls people antisemitic muslims for insulting his jewish handlers
like pottery
My basic needs are met. I don't want a nanny state.
>let me suck Muslim dick in such a fashion that it makes mutt jewdick sucking look like nothing in comparison
Keep it up, achmed.
>Defense from whom?
Government spending shouldn't be based entirely around ROI.
Citizens pay taxes, which are subsequently allocated to fund state-run programs, agencies, and organizations. One of a responsible government's duties is to provide social services for citizens incapable of taking care of themselves -- that can mean the homeless, the elderly, or the disabled (coincidentally, those three groups often overlap).
>you don't need $700 billion a year to defend what is basically an impenetrable fortress
Not your call, faggot.
>we could be colonising mars with just a quarter of that money
Who's "we"? Why do you think you're entitled to the money we spend?
>Unironically shilling for neocon/Israeli wars because it's Trump who's in office
The absolute state of burger posters
if we came together and and stopped sub contracting trucking and food services (125k salary vs 15k military salary.) we could get more kids off the street and job trained.
btw in 2008 the GAO said sub contracting was not saving us money in those fields.
Ok, but ROI should definitely be accounted for when people are proposing moving funds that have a ROI to fund something that had no ROI.
This is how you financially ruin a nation.
I'm not shilling for any particular action, I'm just stating facts. Id recon you're just upset that you couldn't keep up the pace.
>defund your military goy
>you don't need it anyway!
I wonder just (((who))) is behind this post.
lol look at the pathetic britcuck who wants the US military's budget so he can get his teeth fixed.
Sorry nigel I dont think it'll cover it.
>achmed doesn't have the mental clarity to debate topics like a white person
>falls back to stale memes
Explains why brexit is so much of a failure with these type of people at the helm.
>unironically living in Russia where journalists are murdered for speaking out against Putin
I'd worry about your own sorry state of affairs.
>Not your call, faggot.
not an argument
>Who's "we"? Why do you think you're entitled to the money we spend?
everyone, if nasa was advancing other countries would compete with them
the us military is used solely for projecting liberal jewish power you absolute fucking moron
>Be Russia
>smaller economy Italy
>country in shambles
>pathetic military
>broken education
>"but! burger posters are more pathetic!"
Iran isn't the leader of NATO you fucking retard
>mass reply with image
At least you tried.
>not an argument
Yes it is, you're not a citizens and you're a fucking idiot. You have no say in how we spend a dime.
>everyone, if nasa was advancing other countries would compete with them
Oh, so it's our fault you're incompetent and spend all your money on importing pakis. Right.
How about we legalize the killing of you, Mr. Future Spree Killer?
I like what Fox News has become, but it's true this title is ironic as fuck
it's funny that a Ukrainian posts this after years of begging for western help against the Russians
>hahah I'm trolling them guys! EPIC WIN!
>reading all these american posters talking big about military
>these posters dont realize we've still haven't done anything with mars, we landed on the moon in the 60s with crap tech yet havent done anything with the moon since, no attempts at asteroid mining, education system is still crap, trump still isnt aggresive enough with deportations and employing tech to deal with illegals or expending huge military to enforce border and back ICE, homeless arent setup into federal work camps or something, mental institutions arent brought back with big government spending to deal with mental nutcases in america, no big infrastructure projects like eisenhower highway system
>"we are doing good guys foxnews said so"
Yeah can you believe it? A fucking britfag is trying to say he's entitled to the money we spend on our military.
>muh dead liberal journalists
notice how the american flagposts whenever you criticise jewish neocons
>You have no say in how we spend a dime.
nor do you lol
>Oh, so it's our fault you're incompetent and spend all your money on importing pakis. Right.
>amerimutt would rather have his taxes spent on jewish wars than space exploration
>but it's true this title is ironic as fuck
except it isn't. Iran's economy is second world at best and they're not the leaders of a global alliance that relies on their military
the devil has spoken!
Israel must be protected. If Israel falls, the radicals could attack America next.
Or how about we kill people who suggest the persecution of though-crimes?
>USA spends billions on weapons programs, terrorism while ignoring Americans' basic needs, report finds
You need someone strong in the world to maintain order. If it was not us, it would be someone else. All of you comfy Europoors should be thankful you do not have to spend as much on defense as we do. We literally control the entire ocean with our fleet, and you think it is completely pointless. Iran is a bunch of camel fuckers scrounging to create a warhead so they can blow up the oven dodgers in Israel.
>strawmanning this hard
the picture unironically represents the mindset of most magapedes and deplorables.
>nor do you lol
I do, actually. We have a representative democracy here in the states, not surprised you didnt know that since you're so ignorant and everything.
the USA spends more on social welfare programs than on the military, retard
>Ukraine flag
>Search "Fox news posted this without any sense of irony."
>Repost from reddddit
You literally said it, twit. Shall I quote the post?
>you don't need $700 billion a year to defend what is basically an impenetrable fortress
>we could be colonising mars with just a quarter of that money
look at you, desperate for us to drag you along with us to the stars
the f-35, a present lynchpin political engineering lobbying scheme and the largest defense project ever undertaken, is a potato and will LOSE america its wars if ever relied upon.
Not defending the tons of money going towards the American military, but you guys do realize the kinds of stuff the American military provides/has provided to not just the US, but the entire world?
>GPS navigation
>satellite and digital photography
>jet engines
>humanitarian aid
Just to name a few. A good military grows the economy, provides jobs in all sectors, develops new technology, and so on. The US is shite in many areas not because a lack of aid, rather, the citizens at said locations are dumb enough not to understand how to help themselves even whilst being helped.
Lol wtf does that mean
My sides
>faith in the capitalist economy restored
>economic growth beating all predictions
>The Constitution prohibits the government from using the US Military within' borders unless under Marshall Law, (this is what the National Guard if for)
>Illegal border crossing as their lowest point in decades
>major companies moving manufacturing plants back into the US
>executive order signed to redirect NASA away from climate research and back to space exploration
>stacking the courts with Constitutional judges
>making the Democratic Party lose its mind and polarize itself so they'll lose all their Midwestern seats.
We are doing good.
quality post, if only you had anything to back up the condescending tone with other than envy.
>We have a representative democracy here in the states
>Still pissed that money you gave Hillary was for nothing?
Imagine giving your countries money to a foreign political party while ignoring the basic needs of (YOUR) country. Really roasts my almonds
probably shadilay, as if only americans were posting that crap. Judging by his spamming of stupid memes he was probably kekposting for months himself.
we get it, greater israel is more important
Oh wow it's like you took what I said, repeated it, disproved nothing, and you think it's an argument.
No wonder you rely on our space program. No critical thinking whatsoever.
funny how american enemies are flipped with every newly elected person
>iran good israel bad
>israel good iran bad
If you're going to make my argument for me why are you even here?
I'm starting to think israel is more important than you, at least.
Yea but Iran defeated us in the last couple proxy wars so at least they are getting something out of their wars
>Iran defeated us in the last couple proxy wars
american politicians do not represent their electorate are you fucking retarded
>Whiter than you achmed
Iraq and Syria. Iranian proxies beat the shit out of our proxies and now Iraq is an Iranian satellite state and Syria may as well be one
according to law they do