I can't stand this cucked socialist hellhole anymore.
I saw a "Good night white pride" poster today, and I got the urge to bash in a commie skull with a baseball bat. What are some good non-cucked white countries I can move to?
I can't stand this cucked socialist hellhole anymore.
I saw a "Good night white pride" poster today, and I got the urge to bash in a commie skull with a baseball bat. What are some good non-cucked white countries I can move to?
Come to us, like Greta.
Go to one of the V4 countries.
Come to my country and impregnate all women, thanks
If you stop using the "word" cucked and stop thinking about cuckolding I can guarantee most of your problems will go away.
That said, Austria.
>A poster triggered me so much I want to kill someone
Get thicker skin
Was thinking about Poland, actually.
What's wrong with the word? It's a good umbrella term for people with self-defeating ideologies.
>I'm not bothered by people who want to destroy my country, that means my skin is thick!
You cannot flee from this.
Degeneracy and marxists will follow yo wherever you go.
Stand your ground and fight or your country WILL be doomed.
oh and tear the poster down.
Don't do it during the day do it at night.
The inner voice speak truth.
Move to Texas and start a Swedish paramilitary group, I'll follow
Sick of this fucking place too.
The fire is rising.
>implying Sweden isn't already lost
fix your own country before fleeing, pussy
I myself was thinking of getting citizenship in small (but not too small) African nation, proceeding to gain the trust of the natives, level up in power & influence there, and then for the lulz red pill those natives & from there use them to conquer other small African countries as I build up my small black Nazi army until it's a rather sizable black Nazi army.
I'm just saying, OP, if you do the same we can combine our forces together and whoever is better at persuasion can be the Joseph Goebbels and the one better at the leadership will be the Adolf.
White power is actually a horrible racist thing. Why would that piss you off? Are you retarded?
Fuck off Germancuck. Just because you fucked over your country doesn't mean you should encourage someone else to fuck over his.
Just join your friendly neighbourhood nationalist movement or start one of your own. Nothing is stopping you but yourself.
Let the marxists get eaten alive by the thirld-worlders they love so much. I would rather fight for something better than Sweden. There must be something better.
as an american it's illegal from US view to go to war with any country at peace with the US
what you described was attempted here
US citizenship renunciation is possible though
eat a dick
Never show any fear of your government. Walk the streets with pride because it is your country. When confronted by a shitskin rape squad look them straight in the eye and stand your ground and use any means necessary to protect yourself.
(((They))) can lock you up but never allow them to crush your spirit.
>Implying you wouldn’t be dead in a ditch within the space of 5 minutes
Why not Norway? It is less cucked than Sweden. Politics are not dominated by feminists. Also it is not in the EU.
At the moment politcal and socially wise the most cucked western countries are: Germany, Sweden and with big distance Canada.
So much this. We NEED a new ethnostate before SHTF. Once the West collapses, I’m guessing The Pacific Northwest will become the new ethnostate. I’m moving to Utah and converting to Mormonism. Thankfully I have American citizenship.
Sorry for making fun of the country with the world's first feminist government, I don't know what I was thinking
But Sven what happened to "Jag vill leva, jag vill dö i norden."
Atleast we don't have merkel ATLEAST
You said it. Canada is going to have all of the same problems in a few years. The only silver lining to the cloud is that when living conditions decline and this place becomes akin to living in Haiti it should, in theory, re-ignite separatist movements around the country.
If you have your own printer, print and put up posters yourself. I'm gonna do it when i get a printer.
I follow Irish news and they don't seem all that cucked. I'm sure some Sup Forumssters will nitpick here and there but overall seems good
No you stay there and suck the designated quota of refugee cock, you arent supposed to spread your fucking people with that forsaken ideology to other countries.
>Atleast we don't have merkel ATLEAST
Merkel is better in redpilling masses than opposition work would ever be able to. I am really happy with Merkel because she speeds up the process of marginalizing CDU cucks.
I figured northern Finland would be fine since I imagine it's fairly isolated. Also non whites can't stand the cold.
Am I wrong or is it getting bad there too?
when do we get Swedish refugee gfs already?
If Canada ( and when Sweden) falls the very first winter will be similar to what happened in Russia during civil war in Siberia. Cannibalism and shit.
It's getting bad.
Came here to say this.
I'm ready. Bring it.
do a flip
The less cucked parts of the USA (avoid the coastal cities) or the V4 are your best bets.
if we lose this year, then we can talk about regrouping. stand up and fucking fight sven, giving up before its started makes you no better than a black pill. i know for a fact you are better than that.
Let's make our own country.
Cheer up, Europoors. You've dealt with a hell of a lot worse in the last century -- two world wars, tens of millions dead, yet you're still in existence.
You just need to do what's necessary to bring about the inevitable tipping point in your countries, which will then cleanse them of your invaders and your traitorous politicians.
But back then it was commonly known that you can't trust the kikes
Now you can't even talk about it
Did you rip it off at least?
Danmark, but I doubt we can use a runner like you.
Give back Skåne and we'll fix Sweden from there.
>it's illegal to go to war
I disagree. I grant you that has been mostly true since WWII. Nobody could even question the Holohoax, Israel, ZOG, or anything else related to the JQ without getting busted by the Kosher thought police.
But today? People are waking up at an exponential rate! On sites like this one, and even on lame sites like Twatter and Kikebook, people are talking about the JQ out loud. Everywhere you look, Jews are getting called kikes right to their ugly, treacherous faces!
While it's true that your and other European governments are trying to clamp down on thought crimes, they're failing so miserably in the long run that it's incredible. The dam is leaking and they only have so many fingers to plug in the holes. Looking at the situation through a historical perspective, and it's inevitable that this dam is going to burst.
They must pay for all the pain and misery they created
We should destroy the Holohoax by actually making it happen
Fuck off, we're full. You either fight to restore Sweden to her former glory, in which case I would gladly help you, or you neck yourself like the cowardly pussy you are.
Northern Finland is great. I just moved from Lapland to Helsinki 1 year ago. There's some vibrancy in Rovaniemi but it's because of foreign exchange students and even they are mostly white. But media is not any better, so you get the same propaganda as in Southern Finland.
And no SJW is as naive as one from northern Finland. They have mostly zero experience on niggers.
the first step in that direction is rebuilding the nation states, and diminishing their control.
you arent wrong. check out the comments. feel free to vote me up, should be obvious which one i mean.
If you're considering abandoning your homeland I would advise you to just off yourself right now. Nothing is going to get better by leaving without a fight.
Do you think this is going to stop here?
Do you think this is not going on across all civilized white nations?
If the north is lost the problem isn't going to go away, it's just going to act as a staging ramp for whatever country the target is set on next. Make no mistake, there's a reason why the countries hit the hardest by this mass immigration are the countries which were traditionally the most homogeneous white countries. This isn't going to stop if you don't fight it. Join the Nordic Resistance Movement, mine cryptocurrency for them, spread the word of them, do something other than just giving up like a spineless nigger that runs at the first sign of conflict in their own country.
Lev i Norden, dö i Norden, för Norden. Vanhedra inte deras minne.
You should come move to Canada with me
Our continent is fucked by feminists
Also op do NOT listen to
He is a kike who wants your children to be islamicized.
You can use those fake camps you left in Poland. But only if everybody agree that from now on they will be called "Jewish death camps"
Pretty much any rural or semi-rural area would be fine (probably even in your own country). If you want to live a posh, urban lifestyle anywhere in the west you're going to have to deal with the progressive hipsters associated with it. Moving abroad is dumb. Just move out to rural Sweden or even Norway if you truly want to leave your nation and you won't find very many of those types--if they even exist at all.
Why don't you just move to the countryside? Surely there are still places left without mudslime infestation.
This is the only correct option.
>You can use those fake camps YOU Left in Poland
Nice try, Poland.
There is no escape, Sven. You grew up thinking terrible evil only exists in the past and on the movies you were shown. It's a lie. The worst scum the world has ever seen is writting the script and you can't turn off their soap opera.
Move to northern Sweden if you want to live better, but it's only a matter of time..
Go to africa you cunt. No loyalty for your country. Help change it for the better. It's the year for getting SD in. Otherwise, what fucking "non-cucked" place should you go to? Why do you deserve going there? You have no pride, no loyalty.
You do not want to change anything. in fact you flee away like the coward you are. "M-Muh country doesn't des-" your ancestors died for this place. for you and yours. we've fought off the cold north and the harshness and other invasions in the past. You are not a strong man we need though, true. But you will not survive as you just want the easy way out. Go to Japan, make hapas and whine about your "cucked" country then as people like you do. Don't come back if those that stayed fix it. You do not deserve it.
Once people start seeing the Jew for what he really is, people might start thinking that maybe the Holocaust, while brutal, was justifiable in the current political environment. Once that happens, ZOG will finally be defeated and normie Germans can start feeling true pride in all of their nation's history. I've known normies in real life openly discuss Zionist control over the media simply while working on the factory floor or some shit. If this is happening in the USA of all places (that once saved the Jew from his rightful demise), imagine what will happen during the coming years in Europe.
Do us a favor and kill him if he tried. We've no use for runners either and the fucker may try to return once those that stayed manage to make things better here again.
Yea I know. Jews went full autismo with that law. I really wonder why they reacted like that. It's almost like jews have some interest to make Poland look like aggressor.
Anyway my point is if you can call camps polish because thery were build on teritory of occupied Poland
Why not call them jewish - everybody knows that only jews were killed there in number of 6 gorillions
>h-how d-do I escape this h-hellhole g-guys, h-how to run away?
fucking faggot
Wherever you move to, same thing will happen eventually precisely because of your cuckedness
Reacting to this the way they did was pretty retarded, especially considering their average IQ of 6 trillion
You deserve it fuckboy. As the left continues to rise well absolutely demolished anything you cucks care about.
Die slow like the incels you all are
>Once people start seeing the Jew for what he really is, people might start thinking that maybe the Holocaust, while brutal, was justifiable in the current political environment.
Very much this. This is one of the last redpills I had to take. I hope this time we will run the ovens FOR REAL.
Be careful man, mormons are weirder than you think. Utah is nice though. Cheap, beautiful, safe. I hope you're not much of a drinker though.
>What are some good non-cucked white countries I can move to?
That's one of the ideas that fucked you in the first place, when someone else had it and moved to Sweden. Stay where you are and work to fix it.
as a private citizen you stupid burgerfat
The state of brazilian bois
No law against removing posters
Go and tear it down right now, tell them if they got a problem they can cheek their privilage
You leaving, and you letting this attitude permeate into these demoralising posts guarantees this ship sinking. Now i know its not easy and that we are up against tremendous odds and that this burden can be overbearing, but always remember, that we are right in our cause and that there is still time to make this great nation flourish again and this flourishing isn't going to come by itself, but from the roots, and you're a possible catalyst for that. If we win, we usher in the new light we shed upon this world, if we lose, we will be known as those who stood as the last vanguard who didn't faulter in the face of this decaying world. Either way the pendulum swings, you're going to regret leaving for the rest of your life.
You have a moral obligation as a white man to fight this in your own streets. Stop fucking running.
Come to us, veli.
Hell Svea, Hell seger.
Do not be so intolerant, Sven.
Mormons are bad news man, Utah IS the state; but it's full of spics.
When you get here, come find the kingstons... we'll take care of you
Tear down the communist propaganda and put up good stickers.
Finspång is nigh.
Vi sparker ham ud i Kattegat og forbyder ham fra at gå på land igen, lad rotten drukne.
>implying racism is horrible
>leaving your country when it needs you the most
Stand your ground faggot.
>guy can't stand cucked hellholes
>hue hue come to brazil and fuck our women
>got the urge to bash in a commie skull with a baseball bat.
Take a deep breath and relax with your nazi crap unless you want another holocaust to happen do you?
You guys seriously have to do something.
Put up stickers over them. Will piss them off even worse.
>Let the marxists get eaten alive by the thirld-worlders they love so much
A 747 plane can take 400 passengers where ever they want. Including Africa, or, Brazil400x365=146000
In 7 years you can get rid of 1 million people with ease. Import 1 million white nationalists from the U.S. Problem is almost solved without even trying.
You think that's bad?