We already know that shills are the main right now the main source of Sup Forums's problems right now, we used to get a steady growth in our numbers as the newfags came in slower and were far more shills.
>However, just check the catalog (anytime past the election) and you will see countless slide threads made to demoralize, lie and cheat Sup Forums to death
A lot of these threads don't follow the rules and and should be deleted
>so why aren't they OP-Chan?
Why user? well it is simple, anyone who remembers old Sup Forums will know that the reason why old Sup Forums isn't around anymore is because the post were dumbed down due to the excess migration of reddit and tumblrfags, they slowly dumbed the board down and Sup Forums was turned into the prey that it once so ferociously hunted. This will happen to Sup Forums sooner or later and less you fags fight back against the shill threat.
>how do I fight back?
Whenever you see a slide thread, simply drop a redpill and a factoid to inform newfags what this thread is, remember to also type sage into the post so it does not bump the thread, if you continue to do this we can destroy the shill threat, or at least greatly reduce it and still have good conversation on this board.
>but shills will always be here, why try to stop em' just ignore em' OP
You cannot ignore the problem, the cancer that is the shills on this board, you are correct, they will always be here, but remember that raising awareness among newfags is key to fully red-pilling them and turning them into full time Sup Forumsacks. Remember that a lot of these newfags come from the Skeptic/Alt-lite communities on reddit/youtube, and a lot of them already hate the left, all we need to do is continue to shove redpills down their throats, and slowly but surely they will come to our side
The Final Solution to shills
>What are the behaviors/strategies of these shills?
Good question user, I have the behaviors right here
>Call slavs, Fins, and Americans sub-human, use le 56 percent meme and our other memes in bad faith
(DISCLAIMER: I do not dislike or hate the mongrel meme, even if I am American, I actually think it is really funny, but like all memes the left has utilized it to divide the people of this board)
The mongrel meme is hilarious, stemming from smug Americans laughing about how Europe was getting invaded by shitskins when only about 65 percent of the population is actually white, the problem with this meme is that a lot of shills have hijacked the meme and used it to induce rage into Americans and derail threads
>bait titles
>pol btfo
>pol will defend this
>"insert mongrel" and proud of it
>race-mixing is good
>bbc memes and pro-cuckhold threads
>he/she/it ze has a point
>communism general
These thread titles can easily be found by people being experienced with leftist shills, however coming up with a list is the best way to educate you fags.
>OP-kun who is doing the shilling?
I'll give you the short list of groups
All these groups pay shills to post this type of shit
>how are they doing these things so fast OP
Discord servers, Facebook groups, etc.
>I know lets make some discord servers to counter the shills!
That most likely will not work, due to the naturally decentralized way pol does things and the fact that posting a discord server link is likely to get leftist infiltrators to shill to the lefty servers, only way that would work is if you fags already had a well established server with at least 20-20 trusted Sup Forumsack brothers, it is possible but very hard to acomplish user.
>so OP-san, what is the best way to truly combat the shills
Do what I said before, drop a redpill and sage, make more of these threads to raise awareness and redpill newfags, make quality threads, once enough anons start to do this we can restore Sup Forums
I will also be posting shill info files to help you newfags in your war against these assholes.
agreed user.
This is pretty much a shill info dump thread
Last bump for now, I will continue to make this thread until you shills are wiped of the face of this board.