Why the fuck aren't we drafting Women yet?

Why the fuck aren't we drafting Women yet?

Any woman who isn't pregnart should be forced to sign up for the draft.

I'll be damned if i'm being forced to fight for a country i don't even believe in; while fucking women sit on their asses dying their hair something colorful to support the lgbt community.

>tfw ywn sniff her harmpits then proceed to fuck her raw until she's mentally sane

we totally should, someone could meme this into existence as an issue of feminism :3
Make women want to be drafted, empowering, they can do everything we can right?

Wait......you don't?

someone's 12th grade English teacher just informed them on the selective service, grow up its part of the deal.

Having a Draft is an indication that the desires of a government are not in line with the desires of its constituency.

I know three feminists. A couple I have know for twenty years or more. All are under psychiatric care, take medication and therapy, and yet figure they can preach about how I and the world should be different.
Does feminism drive women crazy, attract the insane, or is it a bit of both? I don't really want to meet any more feminists to increase my sample size, though.

Women are the niggers of gender.
They'll just get pregnant/sick/sexually harassed/mentally ill when anything needs to be done.

> Selective service
> Select boys to have their mind & bones crushed in case of harsh times
> Select thots to keep thotting tho.

We've been drafting women since the dawn of time. They're called eunuchs

i predict most women desperately trying to get pregnant if such a policy came into being

though, why should there be an exception for pregnancy? fetus isn't alive, right?

Sort of unrelated, but I don't even care if the girl I'm seeing shaves or not, why do they choose this hill to die on? It seems odd to me that they always focus on this as a feminist issue when most of my right wing buddies I bring this up to don't care at all.

that meme was already part of the great meme war of 2016

How is this news? A dumb naive middle-class girl does dumb things, do we really need a thread for this shit?

gross, I always tell my girl if her hair is getting too long. She does the same for my disgusting back hair. Feminine is sexy.

They've already been drafted for the culture war, and they're losing.

It's 2018 bro

We need news for everything..

Why else do people post pictures of their food?



Girl who don't shave lose that smooth silky look that they should protect.

Only feminist who want to be Men will let their armpit/leg/arm hair grow out.

I prefer shaved, but ive been with Chinese girls who didn't and still fucked them no problem. It's doesn't bother me much anymore.

Our dicks really don't care as long as the pussy is good.

Really girls put more pressure on each other than men ever could. Same with masculinity, my wife likes that I'm bigger and stronger than her, but she constantly try to figure out who I would beat in a street fight every time we go out for dinner (that's just in my head)

That's the color she's using.

Dose them with abortificant drugs and Norplant at MEPS.

You've just solved the low birth rates issue.


Women are useless

Nah, i wouldn't say they're useless, just brainwashed by modern day bullshit.

We need to make Women great again.