America apologize for your crimes now
America apologize for your crimes now
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based mutts
Nope, 100% real.
wow he really got him in the aladeen.
he can't keep getting away with it
They didn't stop at the checkpoint, did they
Whiter than you, Muhammed.
sorry that killing is fun
The foreign propaganda caption for this picture probably reads "Evil American man poses for picture with two defenseless refugees that he murdered moments before enjoying a BBQ pork sandwich
Define "war crimes."
flag on shoulder = not a crime
we didn't do anything wrong
Murica fuck yeah!
They will not apologize. That's why we need to invade their countries and slaughter them. TAKBIR!
That caption made me hungry.
Losers do war crimes
Winners do what is necessary
Checks out
Winners write the history books, faggot.
I'd be disappointed if they weren't killing to be honest
Sorry, but not really.
nope not sorry
Is Al Franken still in the Senate?
I am very, very sorry for beating your ass so hard that you bitch and moan about us.
We're sorry for not nuking Mecca.
>enjoying a BBQ pork sandwich
And now im hungry. Time to go shart my pants to make room
i would watch the flick, cool title too desu
Smiling nigger just after non-white genocide
I see no crime. I only see a superior warrior.
Everything America does to the people in the Middle East is just God punishing shitskin Muslims for being sub-90 iq goatfuckers
americans are...morally flexible.
They demand justice and cry like a raped skank for every thing that happened tothem ( so they can revenge 1000x)
But when they do shit they are like, lol. We are so proud. Is the price of freedom.
I never trust them.
>morally flexible
You spelled morally superior wrong
Because the world is ours Spicalicious. And don't act like you haven't carved a piece of human bacon, blood butt.
Food for the Pigs.
OK. Thanks for correction.
Your people are the very reason Americans dont like foreigners
You smelly, retarded, rapebabies have done nothing but shit up our country and our culture and you're surprised when whitey just doesnt fucking like you while you eat beans and rice to celebrate your 15th brother's birthday with the other 50 people in your family
You are worse than niggers because at least niggers have the common sense not to have more than one kid with some dumb roasty, meanwhile you fuckers shit out kids and your women turn into trolls
it was the Jews
we all know it was the Jews
they are the reason for all American-middle east conflicts
they were somehow responsible for 911
you guys are the ones that are preventing the end of the world and I can prove it
>at least niggers have the common sense not to have more than one kid with some dumb roasty,
Wew lad!
>Because the world is ours
None is still buying your bullshit. Thanks to Trump the last blinded mmexicans opened their eyes and saw that U.S. is not a friend.
But I'm right though
Niggers will knock up a girl and then ditch her for some other girl to knock up and ditch
Every roasty you see with multiple children is guaranteed to have a different father for each kid
So when are all of you going back? We're not your friends so clearly you all need to get the fuck out of our house
Nah it still is, and will be for as long as we have the capability to kill everyone on it. Mexicans know we aren't their friend, we fucking hate you, and you hate us, and saying it's Trumps fault means you are either being intellectually dishonest, or you are extremely uneducated.
Don't make us march down to your capitol like last time lol.
Brits apologize first
Sorry we couldn't wipe all of you out
Mexico has a capitol?
Okay, Mr. Osama ISIS McRapefugee, who steals phones from Europe to sell them in Morocco. You are a FUCKING meme, kid.
The fucked up part is we totally could but for some reason it's inhumane to wipe out the people our kind have been fighting for a thousand years
Remind me again where your cartels:
>get supplies
>get funds
>get guns
If you guys start genociding Mestizos we will hurry up with our annexation plan. You could have a piece of the pie too you know.
hey anyone knows if this guy raped or bombed anyone yet
I never left (flag related)
But is true that there are hispanics living on south U.S. before mex-US war. By Peace treaty they are now your people.
I don't understand americans.
Dont'n like hispanics/native americans ( even in europe UK-spain had issues), but they annex territories with that demografic.
Don't like niggers. But but they brought them in masse to their country.
you are literally 14 years old
>annexation plan
No fuck off build the wall and forget about them
We already give these leeches too many gibs don't give them anymore
Seeing perfectly good land go to waste is enough to turn any Anglo into a tyrant.
That’s what we get for fighting a political war.
The wall is to keep the people out not the land. If we get rid of the people why not take their perfectly arable land as well?
>and you hate us
Sadlly... most of the people in mexico didn't hate US. Besides the history.
I never say something like
>Trumps fault
I like this guy, at least he don't talk bullshit as democrats, that kind of nice people with the same intentions is the worst.
Because the US government will NEVER openly genocide another race of humans to take their land. We did it once apparently so it would be bad PR to do it again
Oh and it's not the naturalized Mexicans who are driving wages down. Fix that issue and we can be besties again.
Annexation plan is still on the table though. You aren't getting away from it I'm afraid.
>Thanks to Trump the last blinded mmexicans opened their eyes and saw that U.S. is not a friend.
Quoting you directly. I assume you are much like me, just here to shit up the place.
That's why we get Mexico to do it, which gives us a reason to intervene in the first place.
Two birds with one stone, my friend.
As always you have to to kill the last one of us in our last bastion. We don't surrender easy as frenchs.
We annexed those lands long ago and bleached the hispanics. Unfortunately you fuckers can't even manage your own country so you leeches flee north and shit up our demographics.
looks fun
>If you guys start genociding Mestizos we will hurry up with our annexation plan
Implying that U.S. have more friends than mexico and your international perseption is better.
I think is easier to end with the junkies than the sellers.
>intervening in ANOTHER war
m8 that has NEVER worked out well for us
WHY would we intervene in a war so close to our borders?
fuck foreigners
>When a single asshole of an individual decides to pose in front of a dead corpse for a picture is proof that 330 million people need to apologize for that said individual's actions because he happened to be wearing a flag that represents said 330 million people. Even more without disclosing who this said individual's ethnicity, proper nationality, or creed is.
What crime? I see nothing wrong with pic related. Just a couple of dead desert dogs.
We don't need friends when the entire world's economy relies on us and will do whatever we tell them to do
I'm only sorry we didn't glass the entire region
Damn! I'm sorry. Only two?! I hope there's more in the back seat! We'll try harder next time, I promise!
*American poses next to dead body*
War crime! Disarm America
*Scumbag terrorist poses next to many dead americans*
not at all... I just care.
War crimes involve killing humans last time we did that was Germans in France.
U.S. cant even pay the gold of germany. Chinesse growing, Russia developing a decent army with low cost. You are goin down XD
>I just care.
about what?
You're referring to (((them))) right?
>expecting consistency from smug europoors, sandniggers and spics
LOL there is more chances that we anex US territory, there are some island in front of malibu beach that were out of secion . Can be taketo international arbitration anytime.
I know. The blood refineries here in New England nearly ran dry after all the Aryans became too mixed.
about mexican political issues. Not just talking shit.
China is only afloat because we buy all their shit and they buy all of ours
>Decent army
Slavs only battle plan is to throw bananas at a monkey and hide in Russia during winter and you want to tell me they are going to have a decent army
Muslims have been our enemy for a long time
Jews have been our enemy twice as long as the Muslims have been
What happened there? Why does the skull look melted instead of broken?
you are fooling your self burguie. Fapping about your great country.