I know there are more important threads and i'm not trying to slide them. I am Just fucking pissed that I am unemployed and trying to find a decent job I keep running into pic related. I don't speak fucking Spanish and It shouldn't be a requirement for employment. Fuck these illegals and fuck these Texas employers for catering to them. Your thought Sup Forums?
This Is why I Fucking hate Texas
Other urls found in this thread:
Then dont frequent any businesses with spanish speaking employees?
i've been denied promotions because i was unable to speak spanish. both times the promotion went to spics that had less seniority than me and missed more work than me.
You think that is bad i live 30mins from the border in balls deep south texas. Not knowing Spanish here is a quick way to have your resume thrown in the trash if u are trying to get a scrub service job.
So just make everything yourself? It is a hard task for sure. That puts any restaurant out of question.
>cue SIDF in 3....2....1
wow either learn spanish or move to a place that isnt majority spanish speaking
or just lie and say you do speak spanish
I just don’t believe it should be a Requirement. I doubt Arabic is a required language in Sweden. Most euros are bilingual but there jobs don’t force them to learn English. It’s just frustrating and I wish there was something I can do about it.
So what? I literally was studying with english tests today, because I have to have B1 level to get the job what I want.
And it's not being a big fan of language, honestly, I don't even listen a lot of anglomusic yet.
We have this problem in eastern Canada with french, and quite a few jobs in the federal government, that's why I decided to move to the west after I graduated from university.
At least you don't get told by every shitty job you apply to that you're not qualified, while they either decide to hire Shamal or still keep up all their "we're hiring" posters everywhere. The latter is probably the most depressing.
Tell me why it's problem for you to speak another, not your native, language in 2018
I speak English, Polish, and native Russian.
you should have took Spanish in highschool
It's because England raped half the globe while you we're cross breeding with Mongols and sucking Lenin's cock, and as such English became the defacto international language.
Because learning a new language after the age of 17 is a full-time job unless you're a polyglot and no one has the fucking time for that. The only reason Europeans know more than 1 language is that we grow up with English as a 2nd language that's used literally everywhere in our daily lives.
One i'm too old to pick up another language. Also It not that i have a problem with the language. It's just having to learn it due to illegal immigrants not wanting to assimilate.
Isn't French only the thing which makes your culture 100% separated from the american one?
Also your Trideau supports facist regime in Ukraine, where Ukrainian is only the state language with the Russian-speaking majority.
So why shouldn't be the same in Canada? With French.
B1? What's the job? Sweeping the hallways?
Not politics
I would frequent places that obviously do not employ illegals.
Maybe keep ICE on speed dial.
Austin is slowly cucking the rest of Texas.
Get your shit in gear because I couldn't handle Texas going Democrat.
I say this as a Californian who looked up to Texas.
youre not wrong about that. but shouldn't they teach us Spanish as second language like they teach Mexicans English on our tax dollar.
dude learning any other language than english is a waste of time. english is the foremost language of everything. any interest you have, any work you do (the most lucrative work, at least) is all done in english.
you non-native speakers don't get it. yes it's easy for you to learn english; it's fucking everywhere and it's useful and interesting for both fun and profit. but other languages? a waste of time, it's literally reinventing the wheel. the best you could hope for from learning a non-english language is to be able to speak with an 85 iq-let who is unable to learn how to speak english.
because quebec will btfo them if they try something
Spanish isn't hard to learn, if it required any effort then beaners wouldn't speak it.
Free market, faggot. Adapt or starve.
Depends on how far a language away from your native. I dout that it's a real problem to learn Danish or Netherlands for an English native speaker
i feel your pain. This particular job paid 40k and was an easy office gig. No doubt going to a DACA Dreamer i'm sure.
Then stop speaking fucking English so we can understand your nigger self
The same thing is happening in South Mississippi. Most schools will only hire elementary and secondary teachers who speak English and Spanish.
what was that paco?
fucking libertarians gas yourselves
potomu chto tebe ne nuzhno uchit' anglijskij yajzk chtoby rabotat' v rossii.
amerika - angliiskaya strana. tol'ko meksicantsy govorit po-ispanski, tak pervenstvo tol'ko nanimayut inostrantsev vmesto tovo chtoby nanyet' sograzhdanev.
If their employees can't speak to the Hispanics then they lose out on business. Called open border free markets... suck it up butter cup. Hablo espanol racist punto
they don't even learn English when they go to school here just get passed through
But it's not. I'd started in the first grade and I doubt that my posts don't look broken.
French is more easier for us, at least it's more easy to understand what are you hearing.
I meant if Quebec will dominate the anglo Canada. This is what Trideau supports in Ukraine.
It's very indecent of employers to force Americans to learn spanish. The whole reason this is, is because even legal immigrants refuse to learn the language. They refuse to assimilate to the culture here and they expect everything to fit to their standards.
So to all the lefties reading this who agree with employers making it necessary to be bilingual should realize that these immigrants left home. Nobody forced them to. Nobody even wanted them to. Now that they're here, they have to conform to our culture. If they want a fiesta every night in their own home with sombreros on every chair, they most certainly can. Outside of their own home is a culture that has already been established.
Maybe if you wern't so worthless you would have a job while those you think are beneath you are gainfully employed.
>dude learning any other language than english is a waste of time. english is the foremost language of everything. any interest you have, any work you do (the most lucrative work, at least) is all done in english.
>you non-native speakers don't get it. yes it's easy for you to learn english; it's fucking everywhere and it's useful and interesting for both fun and profit. but other languages? a waste of time, it's literally reinventing the wheel. the best you could hope for from learning a non-english language is to be able to speak with an 85 iq-let who is unable to learn how to speak english.
not really, it gives you a more intuitive sense of language. it helps you write and think better.
Spanish is a waste unless you're looking for middle management and wanting to be the lord of the beaners. that's why i chose german in high school. i've recently taken up Russian.
Shouldn't it be learn English or starve? Not speak Spanish get gibs?
why do you have to be such a corporate bootliking fag? this shit pushes down the natives and lifts the mexicans just because they can speak Spanglish.
>tfw landed an internship in texas for speaking both english and spanish
Feels bien hombre
How is being bilingual in a job market where two languages are frequently used "gibs?"
Maybe get a job that beaners aren't smart enough to do. Why is there 20 "Texas going blue" threads yesterday and "Texas hate" threads today. Don't you faggot Yankee kikes have something better to do?
Lmao no we want to turn aztlan into mexican land which half of us currently in america ran away from, and the other half that weren't born there but had parents that were would never want to live there but yeah we want to ruin america
ayy caramba and such
Learning another language if fine, everyone should do it.
Being forced to learn another language because of a beaner invasion is not fine.
yeah hope you enjoy it.
good points, i like to think that i think better due to language use. if nothing else, it gave me the experience to know not to spend too much time learning languages (i know several fluently, but i get less utils with each one)
>But it's not.
why not?
i dont really hate texas. i'm just pissed about Spanish language requirements in jobs.
>what's the problem with learning the language of invading shitskins
absolutely cucked
The people they are hiring can speak both. You can only speak one. Therefor the people they hire are better than you and you should either improve yourself, seek employment elsewhere or kill yourself you whiny entitled faggot. The world doesn't revolve around you.
Why should they even assimilate if Texas, New Mexico, California were a parts if their's ethnical lands?
People don't learn languages only for a practial goals. It may be a part of self-identity, or just for estetical pleasure.
I think West Europe and maybe Russia will go into regionalism and interest for regional languages will growth. I may be wrong, but it can be. Also as the answer for multiculturalism. For example, I wrote it yet, Germans really can become right again, on their own's lands, only going into regional identity - dialects, languages.
We have a same movement here, people are singing in rare russian languages (we have ~68 official languages on the regional level) and etc.
hope your family gets fucked by the cartels you absolute fucking cuck
>be a pizza slave
>phone rings
>ayy you speaka espaniol?
>*rolls eyes*
>*finds our token mexican to take the order*
We need a new program for "encouraging" newcomers to learn english
it's like that in NY... except you have to know chinese and russian too. fml
basically this
Same which is why I'm going to college for STEMS and learning a bit of Spanish where I can. Man up.
Have you been to texas?
Its called telling them no and hanging up
true ish for americans because you never go anywhere, but not true if you live in europe, because flights are so cheap here. I can get to any european country for a week for like £150 if I stay with friends over there.
So it helps to have at least some basic language understanding of places you want to go. e.g. France and Germany you should really learn the basics if you go there, but they're pretty lame places to go.
I speak russian, japanese, french and english and I know latin. I just enjoy languages. Russian is the best because it lets you go to ukraine/belarus/russia where all the women are gorgeous, whenever I go on business I get to play with some perfect popkas.
In Japan only young kids speak english and only cursory, and it's one of the more relatively useful languages for cultural stuff. Also lots of randos know japanese so you can actually use it as like a kind of universal communication method between nerds, if you try a few times eventually you'll find someone who speaks it.
In Korea no one speaks English, no one. Taxi drivers won't even take you if you're English. I went to korea only knowing how to say gamsahamnida and jwoesonghandeyo, and it was fucking bad, I felt super disrespectful, luckily it was fine because I was with a bunch of people on business and the people running the conference who are my mates spoke korean so we were just openly really terrible tourists, but if you were on your own you'd be screwed.
You'd basically be screwed outside of the anglosphere, especially outside of big cities practically no one speaks english, and the ones that do barely do.
>Why should they even assimilate if Texas, New Mexico, California were a parts if their's ethnical lands?
because they're not. that's the biggest meme. the people who are coming from mexico? their ancestors never lived anywhere near those areas of TX, NM and CA.
You have to learn how pronounce every word and etc.
Russian should be hard to learn too, because it's a myth that our orthography is 100% fonetical, because it's not. And right stress is very important. For example, Poles on russian TV have fluent grammar, but sometimes have problems with stress.
The papa frowns on such behavior. Luckily I have moved on.
Move from your home and family so others that are not from there can have it
We hang up on them at my job, I live around Muslims mostly though and funny enough they actually make an effort to speak English.
>don't force them to learn English
Good luck getting a decent job without knowing English.
I think its great to learn a lot of languages and travel the world being respectful of the native culture. I doubt in Korea, the natives can't land jobs because they need to be fluent in both english and korean.
Who would want to talk to Mexicans
you would not be screwed. i've been in the same situations you've described. i'm also german and grew up there. yes, german's useful in many instances. but observing people who only use english (bongs, asians and the like), they get along just fine.
the part i agree with you most about is the taxi cab thing. i've had the same experience in china. however, if you're staying at a nice hotel, you can always call the front desk and they will order an english-speaking cab for you. in that case, knowing the local language saves you a few bucks and minutes, but that's about it.
Zips probably focus on learning other regional asian languages first.
Chinese is a good bet.
Well, get rid of the illegals and the Cali beaners and it would be fine. Tejanos are usually based.
yeah I know, I don't disagree, I already replied to the russians:
I said:
>because you don't need to learn english to work in russia. America is an english country. Only mexicans speak spanish. So the government only hire foreigners instead of natives.
>[untranslatable expletive]
I just noticed actually I said pervenstvo instead of pravitel'stvo because I'm dumb
>muh based Tejanos
South Koreans speak English a lot of times because they recognize how important English is to be successful in the modern world. Learning Spanish is fucking stupid because it's not an important language. Most places that speak Spanish are poverty ridden shit holes. Spanish is a worthless language. Learning Chinese or Russian would be a lot more useful than spic tongue.
"I speak spanish racist point"
You sure about that?
>Why should they even assimilate if Texas, New Mexico, California were a parts if their's ethnical lands?
There were less than 100,000 Mexicans living in the land when America took it. 99% of Mexicans never had any interest in this land until whites turned it into something worthwhile.
>pic related
US demographics in 1940
>We have this problem in eastern Canada with french, and quite a few jobs in the federal government, that's why I decided to move to the west after I graduated from university.
But in near future you will have to learn Chinese to work in Vancouver.
У нac ceйчac oчeнь мнoгo тpyдoвых мигpaнтoв из Cpeднeй Aзии
people who learn lots of languages (myself included) are clearly very invested and tend to have a warped view of the usefulness of their endeavors.
i'm just trying to share my thoughts. i know many languages, but to be honest, the usefulness is very low, even though i travel frequently.
getting really good at one or two extra languages is nice, but remember there are other intellectual pursuits to be had as well that very well may be much more worth your (hundreds, possibly thousands) of hours of time.
Chinese is much more useful than fucking Spanish though. At least they would be learning an important language.
I'd love to speak all kind of languages. At this point in my life though, it would be really time consuming.
More languages=more customers=more sales
I learned a little bit of Arabic and wow now I make more sales.
Should’ve known about your company’s culture, and realized after the first time you were denied. It’s not hard to learn Spanish
To be honest, isn't it just boring to listen songs only in one language?
I mean, estonian pop can be the next step after witch-house in your native language or English.
Yes. It's pop, but it sounds exotic.
da, no vashi raboty ne trebuyut chtoby ty znat' kak skazat' po-Tatarskij, pravda? OP zloi potomu chto on amerikanyets no emu nuzhno uchit' ispanskij yazyk dlya osnovnoj raboty
Japanese for Animu, Tokyo Olympics, Japanese GF & work in Japanese Companies
songs in different languages are more interesting, definitely
Spanish language and Mexican culture is dogshit
Do you even know what a tejano is?
Not only in languages, in dialects too.
but user private sectors in a capitalistic economy need to pander to it's costumers.
Are you implying that a bilingual is less qualified than a monolingual? Why didn't you learn spanish? Competition is core to capitalism
Are you guys by chance dirty commies?
>Spanish and It shouldn't be a requirement for employment. Fuck these illegals and fuck these Texas employers for catering to them. Your thought Sup Forums?
55% of Texas is non-white spanish speaking.
45% of Texas is white american.
You do the math, you are a minority, enjoy your Mexcrement mafia state and 3rd world life.
Дo нeдaвнeгo вpeмeни тaтapcкий был oбязaтeлeн в шкoлaх pecпyблики Taтapcтaн (этo нaциoнaльнaя aвтoнoмия внyтpи Poccии).
Oтмeнили бyквaльнo пapy мecяцeв нaзaд.
>Look to the right
>See girl completely engrossed in you to the point she's not even eating her ice cream which is now melting
>Drop spaghetti
I wish that was me.
Shut the fuck up you stupid spic.
The customers need to learn the native language. Just like in every country in the world. Europeans know English only because its sort of like the Common Tongue and their education programs are not dog shit like the US where languages are not important.
it was for a lead position in a warehouse - a notch below supervisor; not as a fucking UN interpreter. your view of aliens over citizens is part of what is wrong with our nation
da, no ne v sibiri :P . Texas kak sibir v Amerike.
hotya by oni mogli ponimat' Tatarka lol
why? it's the shop that needs their money. also it's nice to hear your native language and that might push you to spend more.
Like 80% of the personnel is Hispanic.
You go to other countries and attempt to learn their language. Again you go to other countries... i commend you for doing this, for I have as well. Thing is, when I go to a store and all they speak is Spanish and I live in America, it irritates me. I can speak enough Spanish to have conversations but I don't freaking want to. I wouldn't go to another place and haven't and expected them to know English. Knowing Russian is nice though. Definitely best looking women