Prepare for total economic collapse.
Picture shows development of Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Prepare for total economic collapse.
Picture shows development of Dow Jones Industrial Average.
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It's a good thing I've practiced starving over the past few years
It's going up dumbass.
The higher you rise the harder you fall.
This is an extreme bubble, it will crash so hard soon.
Post the log scale dipshit then fuck off.
Hahaha, this brainlet thinks this would change anything.
It is still just as bad.
You don't think there is more value in the world now with computers than in the 1800s?
You are a nigger
>The higher you rise the harder you fall.
And what are your credentials for predicting the future US market? Why is your guess better than his? It looks like it's going up to me too and i took one single finance class in college, how about you?
If you want to find out the truth the person is totally unimportant. What you should do is listen to the logic and arguments presented and then either verify or refute it.
We had a recession in 2008/2009. How was the reaction? The FED and EZB printed gigantic amounts of fiat money. This has only temporarily prevented the crash and will only postpone it and make it more severe. This cheap money is flooding the stock exchange market, the prices do not represent reality. We have so much (((debt))) that it can never be paid back. Such a development as seen now on the stock market is fully unnatural and not based on realistic growth.
here is german articell of some left wing shit paper from march which tells that the economy will crash and its all a bubble
since then dow jones grew from 20.000 to 26.000
The fact that you made this thread PROVES that you're a fucking idiot who doesn't know the first thing about economics. Congratulations on your shitty thread.
If you had ever read the Protocol of the Elders of Zion you would know that the Jew press sometimes lies, sometimes tells the truth - depending on how convenient it is for them.
Although Trump is a civicuck Jew lover he is generally seen as conservative and anti-immigration - so it is the perfect opportunity to portray him as the face of the greatest economic crash in human history, instead of for example the Nigger Obama.
Not one argument was made.
Simply ad hominem.
i am not pro trump but you have to admit he is pumping the economy, i hope the next president 2020 will be a left wing jew like sanders and then the economy crashes and everyone starts hating the left and jews
the biggest problem is not muslim refugees, north korean nuclear threats, or political destabilization in the west
nobody is talking about the REAL PROBLEM that is going to crash the economy - machines
automation is getting more efficient and cheaper day by day. 80% of jobs will be obsolete. so what happens to 80% of the worlds population?
>nothing to do
>no money
>nothing to lose
No he has no effect on the economy, Trump is just a powerless Jew puppet like all presidents. Look who has controlled the FED the last few decades.
I think the economy can crash any time now. Most likely the Jews will let it crash while Trump is in power for the reasons stated before.
Total economic crash and race war.
Crashes happen on a regular basis, if the U.S is bringing back manufacturing jobs and gaining oil independece etc., it should be manageable.
It will not be a normal crash, it will be a total economic collapse with hyperinflation - and most likely civil war.
There is no ceiling, there is no base level, and there is no floor. The Stock Market can keep going up til it hits 1,000,000.0 before it ever collapses.
Are you an imagineer for Disneyland? Quit talking out of your ass.
stock market going up =! economic collapse.
Stock market unnaturally exploding exponentially by pumping in cheap money by FED = Total Economic Collapse
big crash incoming guys
my only proof is a chart that says the stock market is doing well
why are you laughing at me
>T-the stock market is just doing well Goyim, nothing to see here.
when they pull out their funny money, will the government print cash? let's just pay off the debt with inflated money.
stock market going up ≠ economic collapse.
>robots do everything
>people go hungry
well wtf did we build the robots for if they cant pick a fucking potato from the dirt. people will probly just fuck and reproduce a lot and being poor will be a lot easier because a months food supply would be around 4 dollars if labor costs were taken from it
We're just entering the bear trap, nothing to see here folks
Were not due for a crash this year user. Sorry. The only thing that jolt this market is full scale war.
Also a correction will come but it will be no where as bad as you think nor as bad as the liberal news pundits will claim.
The only thing that will end this is most likely the end of Trumps 4 or 8 year terms and an installment of another liberal president. It always happens in cycles. We're just in a boom time.
i embrace the coming robot revolution. liberate the people from exploitative labor.
Donald 'Pump & Dump' Trump is at it again. He is pumping up stocks through twitter spamming, and will then crash the market and flee with his (Jewish) family to China.
>Memeflag making defeatist slide threads
Fuck off maybe ?
Obama sold us out you stupid piece of trash. You faggots won't get that opportunity again for at least another 7 years
Hey hue hue monkey. If a big ship hits an iceberg and it will inevitably crash, will you still call the person who warns about it a defeatist? Jews are destroying our financial system once again with their fiat money printing, compound interest and debt.
the Federal Reserve is a private entity, but it is still beholden to Congress.
Trump before election
>It's a bubble!
Trump after election
>Look how well I'm doing!
Fucking lmao. And thanks to his constant dreamer ass kissing I won't even defend him.
Its gaining actual value, this isn't a bubble. The market was suppressed by kikes and democrats for ten years, it has to get to where it belongs in a low-regulatory environment THEN it will bubble afterwards.
Maybe we just beat economics this time, we don’t have to crash if we think happy thoughts
I hope so. I've got 30k in crypto that will explode in value the next time fiat falls on its face. At that point I'm going to cash out and buy someone's foreclosed on home.
Eat shit boomers. You fucked me with this economy coming out of college. It's time to meet the vulture you created.
overlay population growth
while I'm excited for the next crash, you can't point to an over valued American market causing a bubble. Canada will get fucked on housing soon though.
A lot of monkeys do this when faced with an uncomfortable reality. Instead of debating they scream "defeatist!" and grin as if they were some rhetoric genius